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Phantom Pain-style staff management

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Just some thought that crossed my mind while playing MGSV. Not really a serious suggestion, just something that I want to share.

What if KSP uses a staff management style similar to MGSV? MGSV deals with having to manage a large a number of staff despite not being a management simulation game, and I think KSP can use it as a model for its staff management aspect of the gameplay.

Each kerbal have an innate skill in Construction, Research, Charisma, and Observation, in addition to their default roles as Pilot, Engineer, and Scientist.

  • Construction skill determines the the capabilities of rocket building. The more high-skilled kerbals you have, the bigger the rocket you can build (until you hit a roadblock and have to upgrade the facility). Can be assigned to VAB/SPH.
  • Research skill determines the capabilities of R&D. To research certain tech nodes and/or parts, your space program's accumulative Research skill must reach a certain point (provided you have enough Science). Certain parts need high enough cumulative Construction or Observation skills to be researched. Can be assigned to R&D Facility. 
  • Observation skill determines the information you can gather and process from planetary bodies. Better observation skills means you can unlock better maneuver node planning similar to MechJeb, and unlocks more science experiments for you to do. Can be assigned to Tracking Station.
  • Charisma skill determines the reputation gains of your space program, and helps unlocking new contracts. More kerbals with higher charisma means better contracts, bigger reputation bonuses, and attracting better kerbals. Can be assigned to Mission Control.


You start with the first 4 kerbonauts (Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Val) plus the non-kerbonaut ones (Wernher, Gene, Walt, and Gus), which all have a high stat in certain skills. You don't have any other staff, so you have to assign them to build, research, and observe themselves. As you complete contracts and gain reputation, low-skilled kerbals will come to work for you, and you can assign them to various facilities. You might want to assign kerbals to facilities that best suits their skills, or maybe you want to focus on a specific facility, so you assign more kerbals to that facility. Some of the staff may have high enough Pilot/Engineer/Scientist level that you can consider sending them on a mission instead of working at a facility.

As you gain reputation, more high-skilled kerbals will come to your space program. Your space program has a limit, so at a certain point you have to fire the low-skilled kerbals, or upgrade the facilities to give them more place to work. Occasionally, you will have an opportunity to hire an exceptionally-skilled kerbal, and it's up to you whether to go for it or not. Some special parts may even need you to hire a specific kerbal (an expert in making that part?) to enable you to unlock it.


What do you think?

Edited by Algiark
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No replies? I thought the Phantom Pain system is the Arkham Combat of management - it's simple yet versatile, proven to work (at least in my experience), and perhaps easy to copy. I know I might not see this kind of gameplay mechanic in a near future update, or ever, but I think at least this can make a good discussion...

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I think the lack of replies has more to do with a lack of crossover between players who play KSP and who also play MGS.

I do like the idea, especially having non astronaut Kerbals to manage like workers and such.

My lack of actually having played the game you are referencing limits my ability to discuss the idea and it's merits in more details though.

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I'm actually quite keen on this idea! It reminds me of similar systems in XCOM: Enemy Unknown and XCOM 2.

The only aspect I have mixed feeling about is the following:

  On 4/26/2016 at 2:39 AM, Algiark said:

Some special parts may even need you to hire a specific kerbal (an expert in making that part?) to enable you to unlock it.


In-universe, parts aren't "made" at the KSC, but are instead manufactured elsewhere and delivered to the space center for final assembly, so I'm not keen on locking parts availability behind "rare" Kerbals.

(I'm aware that in real life, it's possible that NASA hires contractors to help integrate third-party components into their spacecraft, but the idea of each manufacturer, stock or mod, requiring their respective Kerbal representative(s) to be unlocked in order for players to use their parts may be a bit much.)

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  On 4/27/2016 at 7:50 PM, Rocket In My Pocket said:

I think the lack of replies has more to do with a lack of crossover between players who play KSP and who also play MGS.


...How could I have not seen this.


Anyway, the game's great, you should look it up. If you have a PSP, you could also try MGS: Peace Walker, which has similar staff management. 


Here's a video introducing how the whole system works (just replace "Mother Base" with "Kerbal Space Center" and you get the idea.)



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