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Launch Pad Crash - KSP Runtime Error - Pure Virtual Function Call

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Hm, ran into a similar problem after a SOI change from Kerbin to Kerbol. I also repeatedly had an issue where crashed debris just kept floating upwards at a displayed 1m/s (though the actual speed was definitely different).

After a closer look at the vessel after SOI change (but before loading, I just looked from the tracking station), I get a mass of "NaN tons". Something definitely ruined some calculations there, and since it's the first vessel where I've actually used the EVA handrails, chances are that's it. Looks like I'll have to try editing the save to remove the handrails from that vessel and then loading (first with the mod still installed, if that doesn't prevent the bug, without it).

[edit] Okay, I tried making that SOI change from the space center, and didn't run into the NaN mass bug that way. Everything just worked fine afterwards. I might still try the savegame-edit to get rid of the handrails and test whether they (or that mod) were the cause in my case, but chances are I'll bee too lazy, sorry :wink:

[edit 2] Grmph, still not done... Loading the vessel after an "unloaded SOI change" worked perfectly fine, but unloading it afterwards resultet in the same mass: NaN bug. I took a peek at the corrupted savegame, compared it with a correct one from before the SOI change, and found exactly two... interesting entries, both Electric Charge - amount = NaN ones on two different vessels - the 'known bugged one' and a satellite that turned out to have the same issue. Changing the NaN entry to a sensible integer didn't help though :( No idea how to fix this, I'll try to stay with the main "problem vessel" until it's landed again to at least save my Kerbals (the bugged satellite is expendable anyways).

Hm, thinking of it, pretty much  the only thing these two vessels have in common - and only those two - is a DMagic telescope, though both are undeployed (according to the savegame) and one is a 'regular' version, the other a UniversalStorage one ;.;

Edited by Phelan
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  • 5 months later...
  On 9/14/2016 at 2:38 PM, Phelan said:

 I get a mass of "NaN tons". Something definitely ruined some calculations there,


Hi, I know this is quite an old topic now but just wanted to say that also I'm currently facing a similar problem. I've got a vessel launched, circularized, escaped and corrected fine without a error in one session. Days later when loading the save, I can see a "Mass = NaN" in the tracking station and loading the vessel unleashes the kraken with errors, empty screen and a crash if I try to go back to space center with "pure virtual function call" error message.

If you got already a clue what's up with this please, please, please let me know :). I already relaunched the same vessel to earth orbit - then save game - copy the vessel into previouse savegame with keeping the previouse orbit data, but still the same outcome with NaN and so on... :(

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  On 3/6/2017 at 7:12 PM, itsaps said:

Hi, I know this is quite an old topic now but just wanted to say that also I'm currently facing a similar problem. I've got a vessel launched, circularized, escaped and corrected fine without a error in one session. Days later when loading the save, I can see a "Mass = NaN" in the tracking station and loading the vessel unleashes the kraken with errors, empty screen and a crash if I try to go back to space center with "pure virtual function call" error message.

If you got already a clue what's up with this please, please, please let me know :). I already relaunched the same vessel to earth orbit - then save game - copy the vessel into previouse savegame with keeping the previouse orbit data, but still the same outcome with NaN and so on... :(


In my case, it seems to have been anissue with EVA Handrails, I stopped having those issues when I stopped using them on my vessel(s) (and in the end uninstalled that mod). I haven't tried it again since then, so I can't even say whether it still causes any issues, and of course if you're not using it, this is no help at all for you, sorry :/

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  On 3/6/2017 at 7:12 PM, itsaps said:

Hi, I know this is quite an old topic now but just wanted to say that also I'm currently facing a similar problem. I've got a vessel launched, circularized, escaped and corrected fine without a error in one session. Days later when loading the save, I can see a "Mass = NaN" in the tracking station and loading the vessel unleashes the kraken with errors, empty screen and a crash if I try to go back to space center with "pure virtual function call" error message.

If you got already a clue what's up with this please, please, please let me know :). I already relaunched the same vessel to earth orbit - then save game - copy the vessel into previouse savegame with keeping the previouse orbit data, but still the same outcome with NaN and so on... :(


Yeah, EVA handrails was the one that crashed my game too. Send us a list of mods you are using and I'll try to help you figure out the problem.

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Hm althougth I own a huge amount of mods, EVA handrails seems to be none of them... Guess I will either have to check it part by part or I take a big step forward and upgrade to KSP 1.2, start up clean with testing each mod seperatly.
I'm just sad about the hours to spend on design and launch a venus orbiter with extreme realism style and now I can't travel there ;.;.


Here is my small GameData list:

12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          000_Toolbar
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          000_USITools
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          AJE
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          AsteroidDay
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          AtmosphereAutopilot
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          AtmosphericSoundEnhancement
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          AviationLights
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings
10.12.2016  15:42            28 672 BackgroundProcessing_V0.4.4.0.dll
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          BDAnimationModules
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          BetterBurnTime
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          BTAProceduralPartsTextures
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          CactEye
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          CommunityResourcePack
26.12.2016  22:47    <DIR>          CommunityTechTree
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          ConnectedLivingSpace
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          Constellations
19.12.2016  02:00    <DIR>          ContractConfigurator
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          ContractPacks
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          CTTP
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          CustomBarnKit
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          DeadlyReentry
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          Diazo
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          DistantObject
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          DMagicOrbitalScience
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          DMagicScienceAnimate
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          EasyVesselSwitch
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          EngineGroupController
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          EngineLight
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          EvaFuel
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          ExperimentTracker
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          FerramAerospaceResearch
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          FieldExperience
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          Firespitter
26.12.2016  23:23    <DIR>          FogOfTech
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          ForgottenRealEngines
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          FP_DPSoundFX
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          FShangarExtender
26.12.2016  23:10    <DIR>          HideEmptyTechTreeNodes
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          HotSpot
24.02.2017  22:19    <DIR>          HullCameraVDS
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          Impact
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          JSI
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KAS
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KAX
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KDS
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KeepFit
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KerbalConstructionTime
06.03.2017  17:41    <DIR>          KerbalEngineer
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KerbalFlightData
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KerbalFlightIndicators
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KerbalHacks
12.12.2016  20:24    <DIR>          Kerbalism
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KerbalJointReinforcement
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KerbalKrashSystem
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          Kerbaltek
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KerbQuake
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KipEng
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          KIS
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          Kopernicus
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          kOS
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          kPM
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          KRASH
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          KSCSwitcher
06.03.2017  17:41    <DIR>          KSP-AVC
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          KWRocketry
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          LightsOut
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          MagiCore
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          MagicSmokeIndustries
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          MainSailor
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          MechJeb2
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          ModsByTal
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          ModularFlightIntegrator
05.12.2016  19:53            62 464 ModuleManager.2.6.25.dll
09.02.2017  11:57    <DIR>          MyConfigs
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          NavyFish
28.02.2017  22:09    <DIR>          OLDD
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          PersistentRotation
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          PersistentThrust
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          PlanetShine
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          PluginData
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          ProceduralFairings
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          ProceduralFairings-ForEverything
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          ProceduralParts
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RCSBuildAid
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RcsSounds
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RealChute
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RealFuels
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RealHeat
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RealismOverhaul
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RealPlume
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RealSolarSystem
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          ReentryParticleEffect
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RemoteTech
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          REPOSoftTech
19.12.2016  11:15    <DIR>          ResearchBodies
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RN_Skylab
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RN_Solar_Panels
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RN_US_Probes
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RoverScience
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RP-0
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RSS-Textures
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RSSDateTime
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RW Saturatable
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          SCANsat
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          scatterer
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          ShipEffects
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          ShipManifest
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          Sigma
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          SiliskoIndustries
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          SmokeScreen
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          Solar Science
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          SolarSailNavigator
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          SolverEngines
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          spacetux
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          StageRecovery
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          StationScience
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          StockVisualEnhancements
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          SurfaceExperimentPackage
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          SurfaceLights
08.02.2017  20:47    <DIR>          SVEKopernicus
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          SwitchVessel
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          SXT
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          Taerobee
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          TakeCommand
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          TextureReplacer
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          ThunderAerospace
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          Trajectories
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          TriggerTech
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          TweakScale
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          UmbraSpaceIndustries
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          UniversalStorage
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          VenStockRevamp
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          VesselView
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          WaypointManager
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          WheelSounds
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          WhitecatIndustries

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  On 3/6/2017 at 7:47 PM, itsaps said:

Hm althougth I own a huge amount of mods, EVA handrails seems to be none of them... Guess I will either have to check it part by part or I take a big step forward and upgrade to KSP 1.2, start up clean with testing each mod seperatly.
I'm just sad about the hours to spend on design and launch a venus orbiter with extreme realism style and now I can't travel there ;.;.


Here is my small GameData list:

12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          000_Toolbar
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          000_USITools
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          AJE
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          AsteroidDay
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          AtmosphereAutopilot
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          AtmosphericSoundEnhancement
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          AviationLights
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings
10.12.2016  15:42            28 672 BackgroundProcessing_V0.4.4.0.dll
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          BDAnimationModules
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          BetterBurnTime
12.12.2016  19:47    <DIR>          BTAProceduralPartsTextures
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          CactEye
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          CommunityResourcePack
26.12.2016  22:47    <DIR>          CommunityTechTree
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          ConnectedLivingSpace
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          Constellations
19.12.2016  02:00    <DIR>          ContractConfigurator
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          ContractPacks
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          CTTP
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          CustomBarnKit
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          DeadlyReentry
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          Diazo
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          DistantObject
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          DMagicOrbitalScience
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          DMagicScienceAnimate
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          EasyVesselSwitch
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          EngineGroupController
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          EngineLight
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          EvaFuel
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          ExperimentTracker
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          FerramAerospaceResearch
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          FieldExperience
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          Firespitter
26.12.2016  23:23    <DIR>          FogOfTech
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          ForgottenRealEngines
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          FP_DPSoundFX
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          FShangarExtender
26.12.2016  23:10    <DIR>          HideEmptyTechTreeNodes
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          HotSpot
24.02.2017  22:19    <DIR>          HullCameraVDS
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          Impact
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          JSI
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KAS
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KAX
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KDS
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KeepFit
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KerbalConstructionTime
06.03.2017  17:41    <DIR>          KerbalEngineer
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KerbalFlightData
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KerbalFlightIndicators
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KerbalHacks
12.12.2016  20:24    <DIR>          Kerbalism
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KerbalJointReinforcement
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KerbalKrashSystem
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          Kerbaltek
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KerbQuake
12.12.2016  19:48    <DIR>          KipEng
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          KIS
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          Kopernicus
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          kOS
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          kPM
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          KRASH
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          KSCSwitcher
06.03.2017  17:41    <DIR>          KSP-AVC
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          KWRocketry
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          LightsOut
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          MagiCore
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          MagicSmokeIndustries
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          MainSailor
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          MechJeb2
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          ModsByTal
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          ModularFlightIntegrator
05.12.2016  19:53            62 464 ModuleManager.2.6.25.dll
09.02.2017  11:57    <DIR>          MyConfigs
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          NavyFish
28.02.2017  22:09    <DIR>          OLDD
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          PersistentRotation
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          PersistentThrust
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          PlanetShine
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          PluginData
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          ProceduralFairings
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          ProceduralFairings-ForEverything
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          ProceduralParts
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RCSBuildAid
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RcsSounds
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RealChute
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RealFuels
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RealHeat
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RealismOverhaul
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RealPlume
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RealSolarSystem
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          ReentryParticleEffect
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RemoteTech
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          REPOSoftTech
19.12.2016  11:15    <DIR>          ResearchBodies
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RN_Skylab
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RN_Solar_Panels
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RN_US_Probes
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RoverScience
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RP-0
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RSS-Textures
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RSSDateTime
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          RW Saturatable
12.12.2016  19:49    <DIR>          SCANsat
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          scatterer
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          ShipEffects
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          ShipManifest
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          Sigma
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          SiliskoIndustries
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          SmokeScreen
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          Solar Science
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          SolarSailNavigator
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          SolverEngines
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          spacetux
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          StageRecovery
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          StationScience
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          StockVisualEnhancements
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          SurfaceExperimentPackage
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          SurfaceLights
08.02.2017  20:47    <DIR>          SVEKopernicus
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          SwitchVessel
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          SXT
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          Taerobee
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          TakeCommand
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          TextureReplacer
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          ThunderAerospace
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          Trajectories
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          TriggerTech
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          TweakScale
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          UmbraSpaceIndustries
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          UniversalStorage
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          VenStockRevamp
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          VesselView
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          WaypointManager
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          WheelSounds
12.12.2016  19:50    <DIR>          WhitecatIndustries


I'm guessing its a parts mods. Try building a new small craft using parts from each mod one at a time. If the game crashes, then you know that mod is at fault. I hope you get what I mean. :)

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  • 1 month later...

hey reserecting this post because I have started getting this error. 

I am playing RSS with reccomended mods + a few others, in KSP 1.1.3 and I get this error when I leave Earths SOI. The crafts were built with stock parts included in RP-0. I have tried 2 different crafts.

I think there was a craft that left the SOI a while before, but it didn't have any effect.

I am not exactly sure of the timeline for the mods I have installed, but most were installed with ckan.

KSP: 1.1.3 (Win64) - Unity: 5.2.4f1 - OS: Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
Toolbar - 1.7.12
USI Tools - 0.7.4
Advanced Jet Engine - 2.7.2
B9 Animation Modules - 1.0.3
B9 Part Switch - 1.4.3
B9 Aerospace - 6.1.2
B9 Aerospace - 6.1.2
B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts - 0.40.7
Community Resource Pack - 0.5.4
Connected Living Space - 1.2.3
Contract Configurator - 1.19
CustomBarnKit - 1.1.9
Deadly Reentry - 7.4.7
Easy Vessel Switch - 1.0.3
Ferram Aerospace Research -
Firespitter - 7.3
RasterPropMonitor - 0.27.1
KAS - 0.5.9
Kerbal Construction Time - 1.3.4
Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.1.1
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.2
KIS - 1.2.12
KSP-AVC Plugin -
MagiCore - 1.1.2
ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.1.6
Procedural Parts - 1.2.5
RCS Build Aid - 0.8.1
RealChute -
RealismOverhaul - 11.3.2
RealSolarSystem - 11.4
ReentryParticleEffect - 1.1
RemoteTech - 1.7.2
SCANsat -
Ship Manifest -
SolverEngines - 2.3
TestFlight - 1.7.1
TextureReplacer - 2.4.13
TAC Life Support - 0.12.4
Transfer Window Planner - 1.5.1
USI Core - 0.2.4
Kolonization Core - 0.2.4
Konstruction - 0.1
UKS - 0.40.4
VenStockRevamp - 1.9.5


Kinda new to modding, but I have really been enjoying the rp0 playtru so far :P would hate to have to end it now :(

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