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wings are for the birds

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After struggling for way too long to build a spaceplane capable of a round trip to Mun or Minmus, I finally achieved my goal. This is not that craft. Afterwards, I went back to my very first craft in 0.15, the Ivy class air-breathing booster. Believe it or not, this little lady can put a Cart on the Mun (or Minmus) with less than half the mass of my most-successful-ever spaceplane design.

The mk 1 version is (probably) forward compatible with future versions, because it uses a jet fuel tank. The mk 3 version is a little more ambitious; it uses the rocket fuel tank for the turbojets, which allows attachment of the toroidal aerospike engine. The mk 2 was skipped, due to 'casual friday'. ::)

Just follow your usual ascent trajectory. Be sure the turbojets are shut down before staging, or they\'ll chase after you with hilarious disastrous results.

Note: requires Tosh\'s Cart mod.

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