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Wheel sending me to the moon


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Been working with rovers today and any wheel or track that I add to the rover blows up and seriously sends me into space. One launch even sent me out of the universe. I tried the default rover wheels that come with the game and they just pop. Is this a bug or what am i doing wrong

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Hi there @Pistashio! First welcome to the forums! Sadly its not you or your fault. Not sure how long you have had the game, so just in case, ksp recently saw an upgrade in engine to unity 5. The engine itself has issues with wheels, squad put out a temporary duct tape "fix" for wheels while they attempt to address it. 

Edited by AlamoVampire
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1 hour ago, Pistashio said:

Been working with rovers today and any wheel or track that I add to the rover blows up and seriously sends me into space. One launch even sent me out of the universe. I tried the default rover wheels that come with the game and they just pop. Is this a bug or what am i doing wrong

I've built two rovers since 1.1.2 was released that worked just fine, so while there are some issues with wheels currently it's not impossible to build functioning rovers right now.

It will be difficult to provide much help unless you provide more specific information about what you've built (pictures would be especially helpful).

Edited by nathan1
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