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1.1.2 claw can't be set as free pivot

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Now in 1.1.2 I can use the claw with 64bit ksp, partly.

When I click the button FREE PIVOT, the button was changed to LOCK PIVOT, but the status is still LOCKED, and nothing really happened. Then I switch to the 32bit version, it does't work as well.


Then I created&launched a totally new vehicle to test it, but still doesn't work. 9a504fc2d5628535cccdb0af97ef76c6a7ef630a


windows 10 10586, x64&x86, steam

Edited by ln93
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I don't remember what the "status" is supposed to indicate. As you say, when you have something in the klaw, it always says "locked". Maybe the fact that it says that is a bug.

But the "Free Pivot" itself is working just fine for me. I free the pivot, and I can rotate my ship (wasd), and the klaw angle changes -- without releasing the klawed object. Then I hit "Lock Pivot" and the angle stops changing.


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6 hours ago, bewing said:

I don't remember what the "status" is supposed to indicate. As you say, when you have something in the klaw, it always says "locked". Maybe the fact that it says that is a bug.

But the "Free Pivot" itself is working just fine for me. I free the pivot, and I can rotate my ship (wasd), and the klaw angle changes -- without releasing the klawed object. Then I hit "Lock Pivot" and the angle stops changing.


In fact, I can't aim my ship to the center of an asteroid now, so i submitted it. Maybe i should reinstall KSP, delete the FAR and try again :(


After reinstalling the game,the old save still have the same problem, but a new save works well :(


A newly designed vehicle in the old save works too :)

Edited by ln93
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Well, there is an additional issue there. Usually people use the "CoM indicator" to aim their ships at the center of asteroids. But now, when you klaw an asteroid, the CoM includes your ship. So the CoM moves as you wiggle your ship around -- if your klaw pivot actually works.

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