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Feature "disable/enable plugins" in CKAN


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Hi All!

If I have some bug in KSP with plugins, but I don't know which plugin causes it, then I:

  1. uninstall all plugins in CKAN;
  2. check "vanilla" KSP (without any plugins) for lack of the bug;
  3. search and install plugins in CKAN one by one and check KSP for the bug.

Very uncomfortable. Has anyone some ideas for good sequence of actions?

It will be nice if I don't have to uninstall all my plugins in CKAN but just disable all of them and enable one by one? Is it possible now in current version of CKAN or is it possible for new CKAN's releases?


Edited by gal20040
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I can't speak for anything CKAN, but you might be able to pull off a reasonably easy disable/enable all mods process with AutoPruner, given a few minutes of manual setup.

You'll need to set up three prunelists:
- One that prunes your entire GameData folder
- One that un-prunes your entire GameData folder
- One that un-prunes your Squad folder inside GameData

Then, to disable all mods, you run the "prune all" list, followed by the "un-prune Squad folder" list. You can have this set up as a batch file, so that all you need to do is doubleclick a single file. Bam, stock installation.

To re-enable all mods, simply use the "un-prune all" list. Probably also best as a batch file, even though it is just a singular command, because it saves you the trouble of manually typing it into the command line.


However, keep in mind that just disabling all your mods doesn't guarantee an unblemished stock experience. For that, regardless of how you handle your mod disable, you'll also want to delete your Physics.cfg and PartDatabase.cfg files in the KSP root directory, so that starting up KSP will regenerate them with default values. If you don't do that, then there may be remnants of mod info left inside those files, and if they're responsible for your bug, you'll believe it is a stock problem when it is in fact not.

(You could of course include the deletion of these files in the disabling batch file...)


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