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Hello Dev Team,

I hope I haven't overlooked a similar request, if so please close this thread and place a link to the original thread.

I love playing career mode, yet I'm missing a bit the element of "story-telling" or "campaign", if you will. You already did a magnificent job with 1.0.5 introducing contextual contracts, such as "expand your base on Minmus" or "shift satellite's orbit". What I'd wish for now is that you take this one step further: Personell shifting on space stations and outposts.

Let's say contract 1 goes like: "Build a space station in orbit of Mun. Have a Lab on it." That's in the game. Contract 2 now says: "Expand the station, add room for 4 Kerbals." That's in the game, too.

Wouldn't it be great if contract 3 would say: "Ferry 3 external scientists to the station." With contract 4 saying: "Return the 3 external scientists back to Kerbin" (Splitting the Return of the scientists into a fourth contract would be an option, because otherwise this contract would block a slot for 6+ months. Then again, other contracts are pretty long-termed, too)

Allow me to clearify why this would be both great and easy to make happen:

  • All necessary technology is available. This would be a new type of the existing contextual contracts. The external personell could use the same models and restrictions as tourists (icon, 3d model, no EVA, etc.)
  • Such contracts would bring life to the stations and outpost. Just look at the ISS and how there's a constant shift of personell.
  • There would be more interaction with "the world outside".
  • "Biological payload" could take a more important role. After all you went at some lengths to implement the tourists, how about adding some serious customers?

I hope you find this interesting. Since I'm a software developer myself, I'm quite willing to contribute to the design of this idea, if you find it worthwhile.

I'm looking forward to replies and feedback!



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i like that idea a lot. always feels wrong to build all sorts of orbital stations and surface outposts and to expand previously built stuff and then leave them empty. and it feels just as wrong to randomly put some resuced kerbals in there without any purpose just so the station doesn't feel like the pointless emtpy husk it really is.

contracts to get civilian personnell up there (and back) would make the whole base building business a lot more believable.

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