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Suspension Issue - very springy

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So I had a rover out in the paddock for testing. Sent a crew member out for reasons and something curious happened when he let go. 

Kerbal a few metres in the air, rover 10 of metres in the air.

Tried again and same result.

De-installed all mods tried again.

Sure it seems to be random who will go higher the Kerbal or the rover but it's rare for neither to go flying.

Rover is mk2 inline cockpit with some rovermax model 1 wheels.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a somewhat humorous bug?

Photos or it didn't happen so here is a couple of "Flights".



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I think what you're experiencing is an after effect of the new gear suspension. I've had some problems too. For example I was testing a shuttle design by taking it off like an airplane to test cross range capability, and when I was accelerating the whole thing spun out. I'm not kiddin, it spun out about two or so times. So we're all having issues. I think the wheels might be clipping in some way. Try launching it from clamps.

Edited by Christian Michael
I looked closer at the photos and what you said.
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When you say "let go" I assume that you mean: you do an EVA on the kerbonaut, and then hit Space?

I suspect that this actually has to do with the process called "clipping". I think the kerbonaut's foot is stuck in your wheel suspension. In the SPH, if you move the wheels down, does this effect go away?

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