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[Mod Suggestion] Alarm for when you are about to loose connection

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Hi guys!! hope everyone's doing great!

Quick one over here: would it be too hard to create a simple mod that sounds an alarm when you are about to loose connection to the KSC or any other tracking stations? I am playing in RSS/RO with Remote Tech and I think this would be an useful thing to have :)

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It depends on the scope.  If you were to analyze only the active craft for upcoming obstructions, I'm betting that would be simple (relatively speaking of course).  On the other hand if you were to analyze the connection 5 satellites deep back to Kerbin, to find out if the one in the 4th hop is about the be obstructed, that might be harder to accomplish.  I still think it is possible, I just don't know how much computer it would tie up.

In most cases, at least for skilled RT users, the first option is the one you will run up against the most.

Edited by Alshain
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RT devs have in the past stated that predictive analysis of the comm network would be too much work for real time use in the game. Personally I use KSP Trajectory Analysis Tool to plot orbits and know precisely when I will have any connection loss from range or occlusion 

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yeah it's not such an indispensable feature, I was thinking in @alshain's first scenario related to your active vessel.

it happened to me yesterday that I was finalizing a docking manoeuvre and I extended the docking port's bumper on my active vessel, made contact with the other vessel's docking port and when I was about to retract the bumper I lost connection! so frustrating to have the 2 crafts next to each other but not docked due to this! 

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