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Cool ship-building sandbox RPG coming out, Lightspeed Frontier


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Sure there are similarities, but overall it's a compeltely different experience. For one building is competely different and a lot more intuitive, not to mention that you can do it seamlessly while flying too. SE focuses more on the person, giving you control over an astronaut and flying ships is secondary. Here however it's all about the ship itself and that requires a different building system too. I'd say it's more simmilar to say, TerraTech or Avorion rather then SE. They've also been developing it since 2013 with a lot larger team, compared to mostly just me for the past year or so for LSF. You can expect a lot more content in a few months already.

Btw, there will likely be significant graphical improvements in the future and mining is planned to be added very soon.


Edited by MoffKalast
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  • 3 weeks later...

So we've had some huge updates since the last time we posted, I'll post a few gifs so you can see:

Battle updates (UI, explosions, aiming, controls)


Asteroid destruction (Just a first implementation.... but here it is!)




Last, we are launching a Steam Greenlight campaign on Tuesday, as well as a Kickstarter to help raise funds for tools and other stretch goals (should we reach the goal).  Our goal is as much to build a dedicated community who can be a part of development as it is for tools, so even if you can't pledge please check us out!  If you can pledge, we have some (we think...) really cool pledge levels. I will post an update on Tuesday.  In the meantime, we have brand new forums for people to post feedback and ideas on, so please check it out!  




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8 hours ago, carolapple282 said:

Hey individuals I've actually joined up with the dev group since I completed my activity Dropping Celebrities, so important note there.  I'll proceed to upgrade this line since I had some individuals from this community that were interested!

Having a bit of difficulty parsing this, are you saying you're part of the development team for this game?

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"Black hole" you say?
Perhaps we could help one another out. I made this a while back and have been waiting for some time to stick it in a KSP mod. But perhaps you would have a use for it as well:


Edited by parameciumkid
Have I mentioned how much the new post editor fails? Like hardcore bruh.
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4 hours ago, Red Iron Crown said:

Having a bit of difficulty parsing this, are you saying you're part of the development team for this game?

Disregard that guy, appears to be a random troll.

1 hour ago, parameciumkid said:

"Black hole" you say?
Perhaps we could help one another out. I made this a while back and have been waiting for some time to stick it in a KSP mod. But perhaps you would have a use for it as well:

Nice photo! I actually have a filter that would be able to do that, but it currently has the problem of not checking what's in front and behind of the black hole. So everything in front of it gets curved as well, including ships. We'll get that thing working one day, but until then we have the interstellarish black holes.

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