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VAB or SPH in 1.1.2

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In the old ship builder I could rotate ghosted parts (before attach them to the ship).

Do you know how can I do it now? Because it doesn't seems to work anymore...

And if not possible... WHY?


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If you mean using the rotate gizmo on ghost parts, that is a feature that apparently no longer works but which even massively experienced players generally never even knew existed...

You can still rotate before placing with WASD/QE and shift-WASD/QE.

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40 minutes ago, Plusck said:

If you mean using the rotate gizmo on ghost parts, that is a feature that apparently no longer works but which even massively experienced players generally never even knew existed...

You can still rotate before placing with WASD/QE and shift-WASD/QE.

Yes, that was the case. Funny how could people never noticed that. It was a good feature though, taking it off was a mistake.... Actually, there should be even more ways to interact with ghosted parts since sometimes it requires a LOT of imagination to go around some issues with complex builds and strange attaching points... :P

1 hour ago, Streetwind said:

...This works fine for me o_O I used it yesterday while building something.

Maybe try backing up your save and reinstalling the client?

Thanks, I'll try that too.

Edited by Jaeleth
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Previously, parts rotated while attached to the vessel would lose their rotations when pulled off and replaced. The ability to rotate a ghosted part with the gizmo was disabled becaused it conflicted with removing rotated parts from the ship. Since parts can be rotated with WASDQE before placing, and rotated with the gizmo after attached, this is the resulting setup.


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3 hours ago, Streetwind said:

Wait what? Rotate gizmo? On un-placed parts? ...Does that even have a use case? :confused:

(Clearly I am not as massively experienced as I'd like to pretend!)

I never knew about it either. Though I managed to go through about a thousand hours in the game before discovering that subassemblies existed so I'm not really a good point of reference.  

17 minutes ago, Claw said:

Previously, parts rotated while attached to the vessel would lose their rotations when pulled off and replaced. The ability to rotate a ghosted part with the gizmo was disabled becaused it conflicted with removing rotated parts from the ship. Since parts can be rotated with WASDQE before placing, and rotated with the gizmo after attached, this is the resulting setup.


Good to know the reason. :up:

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20 hours ago, Claw said:

Previously, parts rotated while attached to the vessel would lose their rotations when pulled off and replaced. The ability to rotate a ghosted part with the gizmo was disabled becaused it conflicted with removing rotated parts from the ship. Since parts can be rotated with WASDQE before placing, and rotated with the gizmo after attached, this is the resulting setup.


Yes, I was well aware of that "issue", but I always dealt with it with no problems...

A uselfull thing to include in future versions would be an angle measurer or a way to input a precise rotation angle into a part (atrached or not). I once had to find a "creative" way to stick heavy shielding under a series of Mammoth engines and this feature would have been well appreciated :)





23 hours ago, Streetwind said:

Wait what? Rotate gizmo? On un-placed parts? ...Does that even have a use case? :confused:

(Clearly I am not as massively experienced as I'd like to pretend!)

Lol :) it does have a use yes :)

It is not "mandatory" but it does makes things more... Intuitive. I never used WASDEQ except for flying, that is. I am a "graphical interface person" :)


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