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[HOW TO] - Create a Cannon - [HOW TO]

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Genius jeb strikes again,

I will be explaining how to create a cannon, that is capable of launching you home from the 2 celestial bodies orbiting kerban.


Getting off of kerban is 1 thing.

Here is a current screenshot of a probe that I created:


Yes yes, I know, hands up,

Though this kind of design and heavy to not use mech-jeb,

it\'s amazingly hard to control,

to be honest,

even mech-jeb failed.



Here are the explainations step by step:

How to create a cannon on kerbal space program:

1. Open your 'KSP_win' Folder in the directory you put it in.

2. Go to 'Parts' folder.

3. Look for a decent decoupler (I use the hollowed out 1.75 by novapunch because with an adapter it looks like a real cannon, also

if you value your decoupler, I\'d make a backup of the one you\'re editing.)

4. Now, Open the 'part.cfg' file with 'Notepad' or any other word editing program.

5. Scroll down to the very, very end.

6. Look for where it says 'EJECTION FORCE = *random number*, here is an actual representation:


//--- Stage Separator parameters ---

ejectionForce = 15



Change that number to what you want to do, Please realize, I have not tested all of these,

and infact, mostly they\'re wrong. I just calculated from my 10 minute expiraments.




[td]100,000 = From Kerban Orbit to An Apoasis reaching the moon.

88,000 = From the Mun back to kerban.

25,000 = Escaping The Min and coming back to kerban.

49,000 = A tradjectory from the mun to the min.

600,000 to 800,000 = Atmosphere from kerban.[/td]




Ok guys, give me some feedback, results, I haven\'t done much expirementing with it, thought it was a good life saver for stranded capsules etc.

So thanks guys,


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