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What is the death rate if your Space Program?


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In a save of 1.04 ive got somewhere on a flash drive..

Its quite simply horrible .

While 4429 is the pride of the fleet.. Her sistertrains lay scattered throughout the landscape


Making hybrid fuel wagons with passenger pods was a very bad idea . Just as it would be in real life


It was a way to quickly jump out and repair a wheel .then get back in and underway


Like most ideas ... It only worked once or twice.. The rest of the time it was a meatgrinder

In the many unclassed unregistered 40 class and 44s.  Every derailment ment usually only the locomotive crew survived in the reenforced cab

Anyone else in the train was subjected to the orangle glow of failure.. Where thier own death ashes were consumed to nothingness..thier last moments lost in the intense explosions and fireball that became the all too common unofficial anthem of the KTP


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On 5/18/2016 at 3:13 PM, teag2 said:

What is the death rate of your favorite, or most played save? By that I mean, how many of your Kerbals are dead out of how many you've had. I have had 13 kerbals (original 4, 3 rescued, and 5 hired) and 3 of them dead (rip Kerbin Kerman ;.;). This means I have a death rate of 23%. 

So what is your death rate? Hope it's not as big as mine.

Hmmmm, it's been a few years since I made an error that killed (or even stranded) a Kerbal.  The Kraken still occasionally eats one, however.  Sometimes ships just vanish for no reason, sometimes Kerbals explode for no reason, etc.  In my last serious game, however, I had 3 Kerbals die to various plot devices in the story I was telling.  And even for those, because they became zombies, they were technically still alive right up to the end of the game when I terminated them in the tracking center so they'd show up as dead on the roster.  So 3 out of 13 for 23% mortality in that game.


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So far in my lightly modded career,  have had one loss: Jeb. He was so desperate to make orbit that he tried to push the capsule into orbit. Unfortunately, by the time he started pushing he had reentrered the atmosphere and was unable to get into the capsule. He burned up on reentry.

25% death rate.

Edited by Andem
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Most of the fatalities in my game are due to either my aircraft exploding in mid-air upon quickloading because I f'ed up a landing on hilly terrain, only to watch the remains of my now partly wingless craft dive further and further towards the ground (in the process taking screenshots, so that the memory lasts :sealed:). Or because I have been so stupid to quicksave during re-entry, something goes horribly wrong and only to find out that quickloading again just gives me another go at screenshotting the hell out of another spaceplane mishap. However, to make up for this I always fly to the scene of the crash and plant a flag on the remains. Because I'm nice like that.

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I'm a cautious player, but sometimes I make stupid mistakes. In my current playthrough I've lost a Kerbal on reentry because the craft he flew wasn't designed to come back with a heavy fuel load (I forgot a science intrument, so decided to return the vehicle to KSC). The extra fuel meant that CoM was in the wrong place, and the vehicle consequently couldn't maintain a high angle-of-attack to scrub off speed at high altitude.

Watching the vehicle plough into the thick lower atmosphere carrying far too much velocity, and the inevitable consequences was heartbreaking.

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On 19.5.2016 at 2:28 PM, egoego said:

Current career without quicksave and replay: 2 active Kerbals remaining, 4 Kerbonauts KIA, 2 lost Tourists.

I had to cancel that game because at some point all my pilots, scientist and engineers where dead and I couldn't afford to hire more.

Actually career: 1 lost tourist so far. 6 kerbonauts safed and recruited from Kerbin and Mün orbits.

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6 available/assigned, 5 lost. So apparently, my death rate is 45%. That's worrying. Someone should probably take the keys away from me.

Although in fairness, one of those was killed due to a bug in a mod, so if you discount him that brings it down to 36%. Which is uh... much better?

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  • 1 month later...

The funny thing is, the orange suits come back anyway.

The one loss I had on my program was a rescue which went very wrong.  Since then my rescue craft have been much improved, they no longer ride in the duct tape section, and there's short-range, long-range, and multi-passenger versions.

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I started a new career game recently and have unlocked all tech until 300 tech level ( i think ).
I lost valery by an accident. I was testing my basic airplane in start of a new career, and had some issues with instabilty when landing due to the "wheel bug"  ( i guess ) and she died when the plane started shaking and one wheel collapsed.

( very good soft landing by the way ).

And I have rescued 4 kerbals from orbit ( missions ). 3 from kerbin and 1 from minmus.

+ I have jeb and the other kerbals that are present in a new career game ( bill, bob ect ).

- Bad thing is I now only have 1 pilot = jeb, rest is engineers and scientists.

In general I almost never loose any kerbals. I typical have 3 different rockets  small/medium/heavy that i resuse all the time, since I know the design work and they fly well. I just change the payload.
Also i over engineer my ships just to be safe. I also send propes ahead of my kerbals to get some kind of idea how long it take to slow down a prope that way x tons.

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