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(Updated) New and definitely better stackable Safer parachute and Safer gadgets


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  rdfox said:

...is that an escape tower *above* the parachute cap I see? And a Soyuz-style parachute-mounted braking rocket? MUST HAVE!

Just wait to KSP 0.9 make it possible and ... uhm ... safe enought for crew, to release this thing.

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Hey, Safer, a couple ideas for the next version, to make your LES even more realistic...

First off, while Mercury didn't, Apollo and Orion both were designed to use a 'Boost Protective Cover' that went over the capsule to protect it from the vague possibility of hitting a bird or something, and, more importantly, the exhaust of the escape rocket. This'd be pretty simple, it'd basically be a small shroud nose cone that's big enough to fit over the capsule and parachute pack, set up as a decoupler like Nova's jettisonable nose cones. (Not that useful now, but once we have a proper abort sequencer, it'd let us jettison the escape rocket during a normal flight.)

Second, since the escape rocket was jettisoned once the spacecraft was high and fast enough to be able to abort on its on-board engines instead of needing a tower, maybe we could also add a jettison motor? The real Apollo and Orion LESes both have one, a small solid-fuel rocket firing obliquely above the escape motor that, once the BPC is jettisoned, will pull it and the tower off the stack and cause it to tumble off to the side, so that the capsule doesn't plow into it again. It could probably be something similar to the radial-mount solid booster in thrust configuration, and otherwise pretty similar to the performance of the radial-mount ullage motors, since it doesn't need the full thrust of the tower, and was also used to make certain that the tower and BPC were well and truly clear of the spacecraft when they were jettisoned in an abort scenario...

Just a couple ideas to throw out there!

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