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[1.2.2] TWSA's Payload Adapters!

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Hello! so i made a small little mod today. it adds 1 part to the game. and that part is a payload adapter!, the payload adapter is what the Payload on a rocket sits on on its ride to space, before separating from the rocket! :)


heres some screenshots.




What's in development now:


Different designs

White adapters

Different length adapters



Download on my spacedock here

Team Members:

Tristonwilson12- Lead Developer, Modeling, Texturing, unity

XxhansonmaxX- Modeling, Texturing, unity

License info:


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.



Edited by Tristonwilson12
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  On 5/31/2016 at 6:48 AM, politas said:

Now, what I'd really like to see is these done as a service bay, so you can put a probe core and a battery inside, with a decoupler at the top.


I don't quite understand what you mean... Do you mean something like this?? Cause they already act as a decoupler, and its hollow so you can place things in side itAriane_5_fairing_and_contents_incl_Sylda

Edited by Tristonwilson12
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  On 5/31/2016 at 9:53 AM, Tristonwilson12 said:

I don't quite understand what you mean... Do you mean something like this?? Cause they already act as a decoupler, and its hollow so you can place things in side it


Didn't realise they were already working as decouplers; that's great. Hollow is great; does it have an internal skin and a door? 

                                      /   ==============   \
                                     /    |   Probe    |    \
                                    /     |   Core     |     \
                                   /      ==============      \
                                  /       |  Battery   |       \
                                 /        |            |        \
                                /         ==============         \
                               |         Fairing                  |
                               |         Adapter                  |

That's what I'd like to do, basically. Without having to do any clipping.

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  On 5/31/2016 at 2:22 PM, politas said:

Didn't realise they were already working as decouplers; that's great. Hollow is great; does it have an internal skin and a door? 

                                      /   ==============   \
                                     /    |   Probe    |    \
                                    /     |   Core     |     \
                                   /      ==============      \
                                  /       |  Battery   |       \
                                 /        |            |        \
                                /         ==============         \
                               |         Fairing                  |
                               |         Adapter                  |

That's what I'd like to do, basically. Without having to do any clipping.


no but i can add that if you guys want

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Good work so far. Maybe go for a more generic and original look whilst keeping them at stock sizes. People already have and/or are working on real launch vehicles which will include all the respective PAFs for each launch vehicle. Rather than simply copying real-world PAFs, it would be a lot cooler for people who don't use or make real launch vehicles to have PAFs that fit better with, and has the same aesthetic as stock parts and parts packs meant to compliment the stock parts.

I'd suggest going the route of KW Rocketry, B9 Aerospace, SpaceY and SSTU. Those parts are all original work and fit extremely well with stock, stockalike parts and other parts packs. Instead of making a payload adapter that looks identical to ones used on Atlas V, or SYLDA/SPELTRA for Ariane, why don't you make them look more original and make them more versitile in terms of how people can use them? I'm sure people would love to have a SYLDA-looking thing that can be made longer by simply adding sections to it before capping it off with a payload adapter on top. Think of it how we build the fairings from KW Rocketry.

Make some PAFs with a conical shape, some with a cylindrical shape, some with a low profile, some with a high profile and add TweakScale support. Maybe also make a couple small ones (less than 1.25m) which could be perfect for use with Kartoffelkuchens Solid Kickers pack. That will be far more useful for people compared to if you simply made ones that are identical to real-world ones. No one likes 1-use-only parts. The more mods they can be used with, the better.


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