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64-bit linux fatal error - RESOLVED, workaround found

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SOLUTION:  This is a Unity 5 issue, they are wrongly assuming that everyone uses pulseaudio.  There's a link further down in this thread to the KSP bug tracker, where someone posted a 'pulsenomore' tool as a workaround.  This tells Unity to stop looking for pulseaudio, and stops the segfaults on launch.  Audio works, the game launches, and everything runs great.  

I also ran into the 'empty menus' issue, I've set my resolution to 1363x768 instead of 1366 as another workaround.  Other resolutions lead to terrible font rendering - you can use the AnyRes mod to quickly figure out a resolution that works for you.

KSP x64 on Linux crashes way less often than it does on Windows.  Thanks to Sal_Vager for helping to resolve this!

Original post -

64-bit Arch Linux, KSP 1.1.2, build id 01260.  Clean installation, no Steam.

All I get upon launch is a black screen, and then nothing - crash to desktop.

32-bit KSP launches and loads, but there is no sound (as expected with 32-bit) and menus are empty.

Here is the output when running "LC_ALL=C KSP.x86_64" from a terminal
http://hastebin.com/a helohulac.sql

Here is my Player.log; no KSP.log is created when running the 64-bit executable; this is the most useful of the logs


Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries used by your application.
	FMOD failed to get number of drivers ... An error occured that wasn't supposed to. Contact support.
	The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!
	(Filename: Line: 1649)
	The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!
	(Filename: Line: 1649)
	The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!
	(Filename: Line: 1649)
	...etc ad nauseum... 


Edited by carbohydrates
found a good workaround, thanks Sal_Vager!
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I just downloaded 1.0.5 to test, and 64-bit works fine with no changes needed on my part.  Seems like it's definitely a new KSP problem.

I'd be happy to send Squad the coredump, time to go hunting for an email address!  Or is there anyone I could PM on the forums?

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16 hours ago, carbohydrates said:

32-bit KSP launches and loads, but there is no sound (as expected with 32-bit)

Wait, what? Why should it be expected? Except because 1.1 is broken and sigterms on me immediately.

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This is actually a bug in Unity, they compiled FMOD with the wrong flags or something and I hear it's fixed in later versions of Unity.

See here for a workaround.

Basically you either need to have Pulseaudio running correctly, have it completely removed from your system or use pulsenomore to fool Unity into working.

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Fantastic!  The pulsenomore script on that page makes it run - audio and all, even with ALSA.  No more segfaults on launch.

Now to try to figure out the empty menu bug...I can run the game now, but still can't play :'(

edit: Setting fullscreen to 'True' and changing the resolution from 1366x768 to 1366x767 makes menus visible - but text almost hurts to look at, it's rendered very poorly.  Full resolution is crisp and clear - this is not.  Time for more tweaking...

edit edit: One 'official' resolution below the full one (1280x768) looks much better, and menus are visible - but they overrun the boundaries of their windows, menu content that you would normally have to scroll to see is placed in the foreground above other screen content.

But it works!  And text is readable!  

edit edit edit:  A resolution of 1363x768 looks even better, the AnyRes mod made this very easy to figure out.

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WHAT? That damned Lennartware is now required? That would explain why 32bit ksp sigterms or why steam is unable to start ksp at all. But it begs a question, why is 64bit ksp binary working well, sound included? :-)

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