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[PLUGIN, PARTS][0.17] EPS - Electric Power Standards 0.3 (12.09.27)


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This mod is freaking awesome. Solid modeling, accessible, and a pretty sweet idea to start with. The latest version is, as far as I can tell, completely functional and I have not observed any bugs.

The power nodes don't seem to work, though, which isn't all that surprising given their experimental status. I would like to see them in action, though.

Clarification: The power nodes don't seem to fuel liquid engines that are attached to them directly.

Double edit: My bad. I misunderstood: I did not realize that a liquid engine on a power node consumes both fuel AND power.

Edited by Lead_poisoning
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Hi Everyone!

I have updated the OP with assembly instructions on the PowerNodes.

Please let me know if you have any problems with them!


@sal_vager: Thanks for the help, it's much appreciated!

@Crimson_Pride14: There are, but i have to check if they are updated.

The ones used in 0.16 don't work so well now, i will put a link to folding panels in

OP when they will be available for current version.

@Lead_poisoning: Every part should behave exactly like normal, except they drain power reserves and deactivate when unpowered :wink:

@Subcidal: Did you put the parts to be controlled on the Nodes themselves? They only drain power if they have a part to control. Please check OP for the new assembly guide!

Thanks for the questions, have fun!


Edited by l00
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eps still does not work for me. if i use some kind of batery, the part gets on its place, but clicking sound does not stop and the part gets not placed well because i see its symbol is not right in place. also after this i cant select my command module anymore well. starting the ship is impossible at all. pleas help me, i need eps working again.

used the latest mod-release and modmanager to load it without all other mods, bug still remains.

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Noticed a bug with the nodes today. The nodes I have placed behind liquid engines are not stiff enough and whenever the engines are firing the get pushed up into the fuel tank. Hasn't caused a failure yet, but can cause some pogo style oscillations on a first stage. Not sure if it's collision detection or what.

First shot is at no throttle, second is at about 1/3, last is at full.

Edit: Scratch that, reverse it.

Edited by Crimson_Pride14
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This might seem like an obvious thing to say but the Power Nodes require the EPS plugin dll file to be in the plugins folder.

Thought I'd say that for those that are not mod savvy.

The small power nodes aren't strong enough to support lander legs - though the power feature does work.

A word to the wary, anything attached to a power node drains power all the time - even when not used. A parachute attached to a power node will always draw power - not just when it is deployed. Joyously, I discovered the power node can be 'disconnected' when not used. This stops the drain. :) Of course, the component can't be used until the power is reconnected. It does provide for some neat micromanagement of the power supply though. :)

This is a great step forward! :)

Edited by togfox
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@nacoleptic: That's strange. Please check if there is an EPS.cfg in the Resources folder in your KSP directory!

If not, you can add it from the EPS_0.3.zip file. If you do have the resource and it still doesn't work, i'd like to ask

that you provide the 'output_log.txt' from the 'KSP_Data' folder. Just try to use EPS, and after it fails, quit KSP and

attach the output log to a post!

@Crimson_Pride14: I'm looking into making the nodes more solid, they will be updated soon!

@togfox: Yepp, power is constantly drained if the node isn't manually powered down. I'm not sure how to

get around that for now, as there is no general parameter i could read to tell if something on the ship

is on or not...

Thanks all for your support,

Stay tuned! :wink:

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  l00 said:
@nacoleptic: That's strange. Please check if there is an EPS.cfg in the Resources folder in your KSP directory!

If not, you can add it from the EPS_0.3.zip file. If you do have the resource and it still doesn't work, i'd like to ask

that you provide the 'output_log.txt' from the 'KSP_Data' folder. Just try to use EPS, and after it fails, quit KSP and

attach the output log to a post!

thank you so much, it worked. now im back in game... eps is so great. by the way, it came out modmanager doesnt like ressources... found some more :) perfect.

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  l00 said:

@togfox: Yepp, power is constantly drained if the node isn't manually powered down. I'm not sure how to

get around that for now, as there is no general parameter i could read to tell if something on the ship

is on or not...

Thanks all for your support,

Stay tuned! :wink:

Im not sure that is something i want fixed. :). The right click works so focus on other things for now (like stronger nodes)?

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I'm working with the power nodes. It makes missions a LOT harder - which I'm enjoying. I'm having mixed success with the remote tech dishes. Some work - some don't. I've got the following config:

parachute (XL)


remote tech command thingy


Command module

heat shield (packledhostage)

I can turn them on and off okay but the parachute acts a bit funny and I suspect the parachute fails completely most times (difficult to get high/fast enough to test). It might be a conflict with the heat shield which destroys the chute under some circumstances. I'll do more debugging but I might have to separate those two parts.

I've also got Zoxygene and when the tanks run out, my parts switch off (which is scarey when it happens!) but my guys don't suffocate any more (I think).

What this really needs - above all else, is a fold out panel that shows all the 'sub systems' that have power nodes and which are connected and which are not. You can go one step further and enable/disable from this fold out window. And FURTHER still by showing net energy gain/loss. I'm pushing this mod to the max. I have EVERYTHING on powernodes and on launch I have to go round to every component and turn them all off one by one, then right-click my tank to see if I have zero energy loss. If so, I then turn on launch-essesntial systems only. I'm talking micro-power management of course. :)

Eventually, I'd like a cfg edit to adjust consumption rates for different mods. :)

Loving it - this will be a staple for me. I'm currently powering:

- parachute

- remote tech command component

- mech jeb

- two remote tech antenna's (the third type doesn't work)

- one OA light

- Zoxygene

Off two panels and three EPS Big Side Mounted Battery's. I think I need more panels. My batteries are charging too slowly. :)

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Hi, this is just a quick post before bed. I'm trying to get the KOSMOS panels working however they seem to be quite strange. They generate power ever when not deployed (if they are re-packed after deployment) heres my config:

// --- general parameters ---

name = Kosmos_Common_XLong_Panel

module = SolarPanels_PowerTech

author = Kosmos Team

// --- asset parameters ---

mesh = model.mu

// --- node definitions ---

// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y,

node_attach = -0.0433247631, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0

node_stack_panelmount = 0.0, 0, 0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0

sound_servomotor.wav = extend, retract

// --- editor parameters ---

cost = 240

category = 3

subcategory = 0

title = Kosmos Solar Panel (Extra Long)

manufacturer = Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau

description = This super long accordian-style solar panel is desiged to be portable, so that an EVA may relocate it to another section of the station if need be.

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach,


attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0

// --- standard part parameters ---

mass = 0.1

dragModelType = default

maximum_drag = 2

minimum_drag = 0.2

angularDrag = 2

crashTolerance = 12

maxTemp = 2900

// --- PoweTech panels --------

FoldAnimationName = Extend

FoldDefState = 0

rotRoot1 = Kosmos_Xlong_Panel/Object02

doubleSidedPanels = false

panelInitRot = 0

//ejectionForce = 10

phase1 = 1

phase2 = 80

//panelRotateRate = 2

//maxTorque, Kp, Kd (float) - attitude control gyroscope parameters (equivalent to SAS module's)

NightGlide = true

ShowIndicators = false

// --- EPS_SPanel ---




IndMsg = Solar Power

MaxPwrGain = 0.01

//This determines if the part begins as active on the pad (value = 1), or activated by staging (value = 0)

ActivatePrelaunch = 0

//This determines if the part jumps to the end of staging in editor (value = 1), or not (value = 0)

EditorJumpDown = 0

//This is for partmakers. Based on the size of the panel, a correction value may be needed if the

//position value of the panel is very close to the connection to the panel's parent part.

//some parts need positive, some negative values. 4.5 is typically good for

//most panels.

//If you are a user, leave the value be...

PanelCenter = 4.5

//This is to help set the PanelCenter value. If the value is 1, the EPS

//will draw the raycast that is used to detect the Sun.

ShowLines = 0


Also, is there a way of making the Deep space mission packs batteries capable of using eps power? The engine can use eps power however eps power wont fill the built in battery in the engine, nor any other dsm batteries? Just curious. Thanks :)

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@togfox: Thx for the testing! :)

The parachutes don't work atm, i'll look into that!

I am also working on something to integrate PowerNode control and Vessel power info :wink:

@crimsonknight3: The panels need to use the module "SolarPanels_adv_PowerTech", the one you

show is using "SolarPanels_PowerTech". You may be able to simply change the module, you can give it a try! :)

If it doesn't work, please use a panel using the "SolarPanels_adv_PowerTech" module!


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In case it helps:

you can turn off the protractor mod with a power node and it 'clears' the protractor screen but doesn't close the window. It also kills the mechjeb mod even if MJ is powered. Still haven't worked out the interation with the remote tech antena's. Some weird stuff happening there. The remote tech remote pod thingy seems to work - I can enable/disable that with a node. I'll leave the parachutes alone for the moment. :)

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Might I make a suggestion? To me seems like the capacity of the batteries is way lower than it should be. I increased their capacity by about 125% and the large battery still can't provide power to a single comm satellite for the duration of the eclipse time. I only have a remote tech command pod and three antennas connected, so the large battery should be able to handle that easily. I think the consumption rate is good, just that the capacity is to low. I also ended up increasing the collection amount of the solar panels to about .1 because they couldn't even power the things I had running, not to mention charge batteries in the process. Same goes for the nuclear battery, it's recharge rate isn't near enough to recharge batteries while running everything. I may go back and increase the battery amount even more to get it where I like.

I love this mod, don't get me wrong, I think it's really well done. I just think the balance could be better cause right now you'd have to add tons of batteries if you run everything off batteries that would normally use electricity. Adds more frustration than realism.

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