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Project Intrepid (Chapter 61 - The Sirens Of Moho)

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EDIT: Accidentally posted the next chapter before I was done, darn enter button. Ignore this post.

Thing is, I can't just copy and paste from google drive to here as the formatting will be messed up and I'll have to recopy all of the images from imgur as they will be the wrong size. So, I generally try to do everything in the forum editor and then copy to google drive as a backup, but sometimes that happens.

Edited by Ultimate Steve
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Chapter notes. Jool Expedition One was the second major flotilla mission I ever did, back in March 2016, predating Project Intrepid by a few months. If I remember right, it was my first time on Pol, Bop, Laythe, and maybe Tylo, I don't remember if I attempted Tylo on that mission. The Vall lander did not have enough fuel. This was to be followed by Jool Expedition 2, which I designed most of the ships for, but as usual, I lost interest and never flew it. I've probably said this before, but the Creativity's mission is very much a spiritual successor to the never flown Jool Expedition 2. I've decided to make Jool Expedition 1 soft canon, and it will be referenced throughout. Not exactly sure where in the timeline it belongs. If it wasn't confirmed that nobody had been to the Jool system before the Octavius mission, I'd say it was the last major thing the space program did before the Space Station Epic V disaster, which would explain why there was no Jool Expedition 2 (at least not immediately).


Chapter 59 - Life On Laythe


“Ahh, Moho!”


“Did you just lose a solar panel?” Podpont asked.

“One of the small ones, but yeah,” Bobwig said.

“No big deal,” Gemna said while doodling in the sand. “I think the RTG was doing more for us than all of those panels combined, to be honest.”


“Okay, I think I have the big ones installed, we can’t drive with them, at least not safely, but they should be great while stationary. I'll run some tests on rates.”
Some time passed as the drills worked their magic.

"Okay," said Bobwig. "We can make propellant almost twice as fast as we could previously... Not as big of an improvement as we thought, but we also don't have the submarine's RTG on our side... Not amazing... If we could figure out how to get back to that area with 11% ore, we could go like 3 times as fast as we are going right now, more or less."

"Tempting, but are we really going to be flying the planes that much?" Podpont asked. "We can fill the plane once every 7 days or so if that math holds up, more with the RTG. We're gonna be here for two years, that's many more sorties than we are likely to fly. I'm gonna tentatively say that our current rate is probably gonna be okay."

"Good point," Angie said. "Next order of business: Get this submarine off of here!"


There was a clunk as the submarine detached and tumbled off of the side of the Laythe Aeronaut III.

"Wonderful!" Angie said. "Now I can go flying!"

"Not so fast," Gemna said. "The centers of lift and mass are misaligned again, swapping the elevons should fix it."

"How does she do that?" Bobwig asked as he grabbed his wrench and went to work on the Aeronaut once more.


"You know," Bobwig said as he put the finishing touches on the last elevon, "Laythe Aeronaut III is a bit of a mouthful. How about we call it the leaf?"

"Leaf? Good one!" Angie laughed. "That thing is decidedly un leaflike... It's more of a twig than a leaf."

"Well, let's call it the Twig!" Mojorie said. "If it flies like one!"

"Twig it is... Alright, stand back, y'all about to see this Twig fly."


Angie put on her coolest pair of sunglasses, opened the throttles, and lifted off of the surface in the Twig.

"You know what?" Angie said. "This flies significantly better than it did when it had a submarine strapped to the top, who would have thought?"

"Oh, so it is like a leaf!" Mojorie said.

"Significantly better than the average leaf, but I think I like the name Twig too much to let it go like that," Angie said.


Angie flew around, assessing the Twig's performance.

"Yeah, she flies like a dream!" Angie said. "All it took to fix her was stealing the bow planes, making the wheel base wider, and not carrying a heavy, draggy brick on top."

"I bet it also helps not having Miteny shouting in your ear every 5 minutes," Podpont said.

"Oh yeah," Angie said. "I get he's concerned, but the way he's gotten all negative recently, you'd think it was the end of the world or something!"

"Well, uh, it is the end of the world," Mojorie said.

"Oh, right. It is, isn't it?" Angie said.

"So are we good to go into the tests straight away?" Podpont asked.

"We are, indeed!" Angie said. "Commencing range test. I'm gonna fly north until I reach about half fuel, then turn back home."

A few minutes passed.


"So, uh... I don't mean to freak you guys out," Angie began, "But, like... I'm not the only one seeing the green, glowing clouds, right?"

"I was wondering when someone would bring that up," Gemna said.

"Oh good, I'm not crazy!" Podpont said.

"I had just kinda assumed that it was residual aurora from the supernova," Mojorie theorized. "Maybe Jool's magnetic field captured a bunch of stuff."

"I'm just glad it isn't cataracts, I'm too young for that," Bobwig said. "Not that they're gonna kick me out of the astronaut program or anything. What are they gonna do, send me home?"

"While the aurora theory is cool, aurorae don't generally look like that," Gemna said. "I've done the math here, they probably wouldn't last that long. The only thing I can think of is bioluminescent algae."

"But that would mean - "

"Yes! Confirmed extraterrestrial life! I was wondering why nobody else was freaking out!" Gemna proclaimed. "Like, we flew through an alien layer and nobody talked about anything! The ITV-015 is basically dooming themselves for the chance to confirm that Eeloo has life! Here we are, we just kinda stumbled into it!"

"In my defense, those screens aren't the highest resolution. Stupid SSTO and its lack of windows," Podpont said.

"Well, if I have the fuel, I'll try to scoop up a sample," Angie said.


The minutes ticked by as Angie played with throttle settings in an effort to maximize range while maintaining operator sanity.


Angie grinned as Jool began to rise above the horizon.

"Why couldn't we have landed somewhere where Jool is visible?" she asked.

"We landed on the place with the best ore, but then had to leave for a bad place with significantly less ore," said Bobwig. "It seemed like a good idea at the time, but we could have, knowing what we know now."


"Alright, the northern ice cap is in view, I still have a bit over half of the fuel left... I'm gonna try to get the nauseometer measurements out of the way."
"Roger that, Angie!" Podpont said.


"Who made the wheel covers transparent?"
"Wasn't me!"


"Coming in, the pole is somewhere here... And, touch - AAAHHH!"


"Hahaha, it does fly like a twig after all"! Bobwig proclaimed. "Or at least, it lands like one!"

"Very funny." Angie used hack gravity her own pure strength to right the Twig. "Looks like the brake slider was waaaayyyyy too high on the front wheel."

"Sure, sure," Podpont said.


"I can tell Jool is on the high half of its orbit around Kerbol, inclination wise," Angie observed. "The north pole is completely dark, the south pole should be lit up, though. We will have to check it out sometime."


"The navigational computer says that the pole is right here, but I don't see anything," Angie said. "The nauseometer is still reading a flat zero."

"Weird. Maybe it is broken. Try getting closer?" Mojorie said.

"I'll try." Angie took a few steps forward. "Two meters, one and a half... One... Half a meter - "




In an instant, Angie snapped back to reality and fell to her knees.

"Angie, are you okay?" Podpont asked over the radio.

Angie opened her helmet and threw up onto the polar surface. After she was finished, she responded. "Well, that was deeply unpleasant, but I'm okay, and the nauseometer appears to have recorded a maximum value of twelve.

Looks like the affect is extremely localized here, and significantly weaker than on Duna or Eve. Kind of like Kerbin's poles."

"Are you alright to fly back?"

"Yeah. Just give me a few minutes."


Shortly later, Angie was back in the air, as Vall rose over the horizon.


"Alright, I'm beginning my climb to sampling altitude," Angie said. The Twig flew through the twinkling green cloud layer, but kept going.

"Angie, you know you're all the way through those clouds, right?"

"Yeah, Podpont, but look at these aurorae!"


"They're so beautiful! I wish I could fly higher... If we have the spare fuel, we should fly the SSTO here, through the aurorae, that would look cool!"

"If it had windows," Podpont sighed.


Some time later, as Angie was returning south, she came across an oddly linear series of islands.


And proceeded to once again tip over on landing, proceeding to right the Twig through purely legitimate means.

"This series of four islands kind of looks like an arm holding a torch... So I'll call them arm island, thumb island, torch island, and flame island!" Angie proclaimed.

"You know that all these places have been named already, right?" Mojorie asked. "I'm pretty sure that Jool Expedition One landed there. I can look up their names - "

"Nah, don't," Angie said. "My names are better."

"Most likely," Podpont said. "It's not hard to improve on the original names, the pilot of Laythe Expedition 1 just named everything after his crushes. And besides, the original flags will have long since washed away. on an island that shallow."


"And this one's gonna be bean island! Because it kinda looks like a bean if you squint."



"And that kinda looks like a dead fish, so fish island!"


"Alright, coming in for a landing... Results. This thing can probably go like 60-70 percent of the way around the planet, but only one way. So while we can access everywhere on the planet, practically, we're limited to this hemisphere unless there's something worth getting stranded for."


"Don't tip it over this time, Angie!" Podpont teased.

"That was just two times!" Angie snapped.


Angie safely landed the Twig and Bobwig moved into position, beginning the long process of refueling, the first Laythian Air Mission being complete.





Bill Kerman (the one from a parallel universe) entered Low Kerbin Orbit with the to be reassigned space fighter. Its load of oxidizer meant that it had to use aerobraking.


It ended up in a slightly elliptical orbit with very little fuel left (although in a pinch, the missile fuel could be used), awaiting Sergeant T's next orders.


Meanwhile, on Eve, the ESREP prepared for its next flight. Despite Gene's significantly not great health condition, he basically demanded to be on this mission - With what little vision he had at the moment, he wished to see Eve's north pole with his own eyes.

This would be an incredibly ambitious mission for the ESREP, taking many hops to reach the pole - potentially as many as six each way. This would be a long mission.


The ESREP fired up her engines, taking off northward, but the forward gear had not been lowered! The crew braced themselves for the worst as the ESREP refused to take off, but eventually she hit a ridge.


And took off into the great purple sky!




Those two exposed nodes really hurt the craft's performance, but she managed a decent hop of 185 kilometers.



Despite stalling and smashing into the surface at a 30 degree angle, the sturdy (but very heavy) landing gear absorbed the force of the impact.

Unfortunately, the ESREP landed in a zone of extremely poor ore, which we could not have foreseen as the clouds obscured the ore readout (Visual mods not letting the overlay show), I am searching for a better solution.


The next flight will thus be weeks away, unless a nearby higher ore site can be found that can be hopped to with a partially full fuel tank.

Planetary Airlines Flight 001 - KSC, Kerbin ---> Minmus City, Minmus. Duration 1 week.
Planetary Airlines Flight 002 - Minmus City, Minmus ---> Undeveloped Airfield, Eve. Duration several months (clock fixture has broken and I don't want to ask the others).
Planetary Airlines Flight 003 - Undeveloped Airfield, Eve --> Peregrine Point, Eve. Duration 10 minutes. Taxi from Peregrine Point to nearby Mount Peregrine.
Planetary Airlines Flight 004 - Mount Peregrine, Eve --> Delta Basin, Eve. Duration 12 minutes.
Planetary Airlines Flight 005 - Delta Basin, Eve → Prospector’s Folley, Eve. Range 185 kilometers.





“Alright, Gemna, are you ready?” Mojorie asked.

“I’ve been waiting for this for so long!”

“We’re gonna see the deepest part of Laythe!”

“Well, uh, no. Unfortunately.”

“What do you mean?”

“According to our charts, the deepest part of Eve is on the exact opposite side of the planet, and the sub isn’t even attached to the plane any more, so we couldn’t go there if we wanted to without a lot of creativity.”


“A fact that Miteny would doubtless have a field day with... So we’re just gonna go as deep as we can here.”


Mojorie and Gemna boarded the Laythe Subnaut and descended down into the lifeless Laythian oceans.


"So, this terraforming stuff," Mojorie asked. "We've got a map, right? And what's our plan?"

"Right! So, ammonia is flammable. I believe you can even use it as a rocket fuel in Human Space Program," Gemna explained. "However, it is at a low enough concentration that you can't just strike a match, or even a bolt of lightning, and have the entire atmosphere go up in flames."

"That would be very bad!"

"It would be. However, that little tiny bit of Ammonia is practically the only thing preventing Laythe from being habitable. As far as terraforming goes, it barely counts. So we made a fleet of vehicles that would rove around to high wind areas and use high temperature combustion, with the help of a catalyst, to artificially force the ammonia to burn completely into nitrogen and water, although you can't have perfect combustion, so some of it ended up as nasty stuff like nitrous oxide... But I digress."

"That's still, like, a planet's worth of ammonia, though!" Mojorie said.

"Yeah, about 1 gigaton."


"That's a huge number!"

"Well, you have, say, a plant that can burn 1000 tons of ammonia a day. That's not very much, that's like, what, the consumption of approximately one thud engine running constantly? Counting the oxidizer. A year is 426 years, and they've been running for, say, 55 years nonstop, a bit more because they started before the war, a bit less because of downtime, and each plant alone will have removed 2.3 megatons of ammonia. That's like 40 plants. "

"That's a much less huge number!"

"The problem is, those plants are mobile, we don't know where they are. The rest of the crew up in orbit are trying to locate them. We know more or less what islands they are supposed to be on, but imaging the whole planet is going to take a while... The other problem, well, with terraforming, is that ammonia is water soluble. It is pretty slow, but ammonia does leach out of the ocean, so constant upkeep is needed... I seem to recall that there was an underwater base dedicated to studying this phenomenon, I think it was built by the USKN, though, so details are sketchy."

"Speaking of underwater, uh, the mission?"

"Oh, right, yeah! The mission! Ah. That's a problem."


"Well, good news first. We made it to a depth of 2,278 meters. About 500 meters short of the deepest point, although it is half a world away."


"And the bad news?"

"The bad news is that, well, there's nothing down here. You've been running the samples, right?"


"Nothing that exciting, and we only made it a few kilometers, before, well... The really bad news, look at the fuel gauge!"

"Oh no!"

"Yup, we've got about a third of the tank left. We can ditch the ore and float to the surface for reduced resistance, but there's no guarantee we won't have to swim back! I do indeed get distracted sometimes..."

"Ok, I'm done with the experiments, you can dump the ore... I'd hate to abandon the sub and its valuable RTG after only one mission!"


"Ore has been jettisoned, ascending now!"


Some time later, the duo surfaced, and lit up the jet engine to try to reach home, having also attempted to "glide" on the water on the way up (this ended up using up a lot of fuel and was not worth it).


"Thirty meters per second, 5 kilometers, and 3.3 units of fuel at 0.05 per second!" Mojorie reported.

"That's only enough for 2 kilometers," Gemna calculated. "I don't think we're going to make it! Gah, I get distracted so easily!"

"Is there anything we can do to reduce resistance?"

"We're at the best angle for that already, unless we go ludicrously slow, and I don't think that will be enough!" Gemna reported.

"She looks so close to taking off!" Mojorie said.

"If only we hadn't taken the bow planes off, we could probably just take her up into the sky!"

"Wait... WAIT! Hold on, I have an idea! Hold onto something, Gemna!"

"Mojorie, what are you - "



"How did I not think of that?"

"We're flying!"

"Hold on, we're not out of the woods  yet," Gemna said.


Running on the slightest of fumes, the Subnaut, which could now also be classified as an Aeronaut, soared towards the Solar Sands Base, the distance ticking down as the fuel ticked down.


Everyone held their breath as the Submarine touched down near the shore and motored the last few hundred meters.


"Phew!" Gemna said as the submarine became beached.

"And with a whole half unit of fuel to spare!" Mojorie cheered.

"Good thinking there, I was thinking we'd have to swim!"




A few days later, after the Twig had been refueled, Angie took it out on another mission. The purpose of the mission was threefold: Scout out Laythe's tallest mountain (which was pretty nearby, on the same island chain), to see if it might be possible to get the rover there (although such a feat would involve crossing the ocean and would require some creativity), do more aerial exploration, and check out a contact that the orbiting assets had picked up on the surface.


It was discovered that Jool was present on this same island chain. A shame, as we could have had cool views and not have gone too far away!


Laythe's tallest point is over 6 kilometers up, and given the Twig's earlier performance at four kilometers, landing was deemed impossible, which is why the rover was being considered.


Despite protests, Angie found that the modifications to the Twig had made it a formidable flying machine, and went in for a landing anyway.


Much to the chagrin of Bobwig, She neither crashed, nor tipped over!

"Think of it this way, Bobwig, this embarrassment is much less than the embarrassment of getting the mining rover stuck halfway across the ocean!"


Ignoring whatever previous name the mountain may have had, Angie christened it "Mount Dull," due to how not sharp it was.


Then, she explored the eastern edge of that island, finding terrifyingly steep cliffs that absolutely screamed "Don't mess with me!"


After some more time in the air, she came across the contact that had been picked up from orbit.

"Hold on... Is that... Is that a - "


There was a loud crunch as Angie once more managed to tip over the aircraft.

"Leaning on the nose, that's 20 points to me!" Bobwig proclaimed in triumph.

"Oh don't worry, I'll catch up!" Mojorie joked.

"Are you guys seriously betting on my landings? While there's a literal skeleton? That's two forms of life on Laythe in one week, after looking for decades!"


After the Twig was righted and taxied over to the anomaly, Angie did some closer investigation.

"I'm no biologist, but It's definitely a whale, and a Kerbin whale at that," Angie observed. "If there was a big enough food chain here to support a Laythean whale, we would have seen it."

"Sad," Podpoint radioed in. "I guess we are the alien invaders here."


"And there's a bowl of petunias here?" Angie said, thoroughly confused. "Is this some sort of reference I don't get?"

"You've never read the Munhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?" Mojorie said, astonished.

"Someone doing this as a joke doesn't explain how they got a whale skeleton here," Angie said.

"There's a perfectly reasonable explanation," Gemna said. "There used to be a Laythean traveling circus back in the day, they somehow managed to fly an entire live whale all the way out here and she was part of their at. Kinda weird. I guess she must have died at some point."

"They flew a WHALE to LAYTHE???" Podpoint said, shocked.

"You spent two years on a spaceship to get here, and you didn't even bother reading the history of the moon?" Gemna asked, equally shocked.

"Okay, so the whale is irrelevant," Angie said. "But these petunias... They are fresh. And completely not native to Laythe."

"So someone's definitely alive and well," Bobwig posited. "Any footprints?"

"The wind here is high enough that they are all gone... But I'll stay here for a few days and see if anyone comes back."

"Good idea," Gemna said. "In the meantime, we're going to take those samples of those glowing clouds up to the Creativity for further analysis. Bobwig is closer to a biologist than Mojorie is, and there's a full on scientific lab up there, all we have down here are tents."

"Except Bobwig," Podpont said. "He gets to lounge in the rover all day."

"This chair is indeed really comfy," Bobwig teased.

"Alright, then. Let me know if anything changes, I'm going to set up camp for the night," Angie said.





Meanwhile, back on Kerbin, the news of all the goings-on on Laythe had permeated through the Kerbal Space Center's exploration division, who were all immanently about to be reassigned within the next few weeks. Given the lack of a proper visit (or even more, the lack of feasibility of a visit) to Laythe's deepest point, and the shortcomings of the equipment that had been sent out with the Creativity, and the fact that a number of ships were bound to depart for Jool in the coming months, they decided to, completely unprompted, prepare a number of upgraded vehicles for the third wave of Intrepid era Laythe exploration.


The Laythe Aeronaut V, or Laythe SSTO 2, depending on who you ask, was a significantly larger Laythe SSTO designed to fix the shortcomings of the previous design. It had ten seats instead of six (of which only four were usable without modifications), RCS for docking, and, most importantly, windows!


Apart from a slight shortfall of liquid fuel, the SSTO was successfully able to complete a mission to Low Kerbin Orbit and back.


On re-entry, the crew noticed a strange, levitating piece of debris from one of the Flat Kerbin Society's launches, and added it to the list of things to explore at some point.


The vessel, however, did overshoot the space center significantly. 


It just barely made it to the island airport, practically stalling onto the runway's threshold.

Nevertheless, the design was deemed successful, and 100 extra liquid fuel was added.


The next vessel to be tested was the Laythe Circumnavigator, or Laythe Aeronaut VI. Its aim was to allow access to everywhere on Laythe with seats for 3 to assist with exploration, rescue, and access to the land nearest to the deepest part of the Laythean ocean.

It was tested by circumnavigating Kerbin, and did so with flying colors, landing with over a quarter tank of fuel remaining!



The pilot of this mission arrived back to an unusual scene at the space center. For in the hours since she had left, talk about logistics had progressed. This vehicle could get a crew to the other side of Laythe, but was incapable of water landing (the equipment for which would likely hamper its range significantly). For access to the submarine, which would likely be as part of a floating base landed in place, if the chatter was to be believed, a different aircraft was needed.

...Or, a method was required to land this aircraft near the submarine without the use of draggy pontoons.


The prototype aircraft was wheeled onto the Interplanetary Aircraft Carrier (IAC)-01 Gunkly for testing.


The circumnavigator's width left much to be desired in terms of landing tolerance, but takeoff testing proceeded regardless.


Needless to say, a narrower aircraft was needed.

The logical thing would have been to drop the carrier idea and instead build a medium range seaplane, but what is this, Project Lame? No! This is Project Intrepid!


The new aircraft, the Laythe Aeronaut VII, exposed a flaw in the carrier design, namely that there wasn't enough buoyancy.


Nevertheless, the vessel could successfully take off from the carrier.


And while the landing was very sketchy, the aircraft could land as well! Due to a weird flight rule that means surface vessels can't move unless within 350 meters of a flying vessel, landing is very difficult, as the aircraft must circle the carrier, wait for it to accelerate, and keep pace with it, before landing. The good news is that after a while you don't have to circle, as the carrier's top speed, on Kerbin, at least, is higher than the aircraft's stall speed.


Two more prototype carriers, the IAC-02 Skrunkle and the IAC-03 Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich were constructed with various improvements, including ramps (front and back), and better floatation. After an embarrassing number of Laythe Aeronaut VII crashes, a successful landing was performed by Roduki Kerman on the IAC-03.


The crew celebrated (amongst the floating wreckage of several more Laythe Aeronaut VIIs) the achievement and stowed the aircraft using a Klaw for cruise.


After landing, cruise tests were undertaken. After a brief moment where the Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich nearly crashed into the island airfield's island, the course was corrected, and the carrier was piloted about halfway back to the space center.



There was then a successful takeoff... There was then an unsuccessful landing attempt. A number of changes to both the carrier and the aircraft were ordered, and testing concluded with the IAC-04.


The main change was the addition of a robotic ramp to rescue splashed down aircraft, and also potentially small submarines if the infrastructure worked out that day.

"But how on Kerbin will we land this on Laythe?" one Kerbal asked.

"You know, that gigantic flight deck is kinda like a giant wing, and - "



Ground crews strapped wings to the IAC-04 and it was test flown using her onboard jet engines.


She performed significantly better than one would expect from a flying aircraft carrier.


After a mostly successful landing (the canards were destroyed, no big deal), the wings were jettisoned and the test campaign was declared a success.

Jebediah Kerman yawned as he woke up to the sunrise, having had a much needed rest (though at his desk) after several days straight of preparations for the upcoming Jool window. He walked outside.

"Oh hey there, Mel, what have you guys been up to while I was asleep?" There was a flash of light and a rumble, and Jebediah turned to face the runway.


"Oh, that's what you've been up to."

"You aren't mad, right?"

"I'm just mad I'm not on board!"


The IAC-04 thundered upwards to orbit, at the steady hands of captain Haymon Kerman.


Stage separation progressed without a hitch, and the two second stage Rhino engines successfully started up.


"But how do we classify this?" Jebediah asked Mel. "It can't be part of the ITV series," he said.

"Why not?" Mel asked.

"It's an aircraft carrier, not a space mothership!"

"Well, let's see... It is a large vessel that carries other smaller vessels, and goes to other planets, for the purpose of exploring places and testing new concepts. That screams Intrepid Test Vehicle to me."

"That seems wrong," Jebediah said.

"Well, it's more of an Intrepid Test Vehicle than whatever we were thinking when we built the ITV-021 Triplets," Mel said.

"Fair," Jebediah conceded.


And with that, the IAC-04/ITV-029 entered orbit, and was named the Celestia.


The Story Of Project Intrepid Will Continue...



Edited by Ultimate Steve
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  • 2 months later...

Chapter 60 - Even More Space Piracy



As expected, the space pirates Tomfurt, Milvy, and Carol Kerman set out for Jool in the recently commandeered ITV-016 Explorer.


Due to the sheer mass of the asteroid, it required a lot of breaks to refuel. Fortunately, even without dipping into the magic reserves, the proto magic boulder proved more than up to the task of providing the needed fuel.


Their arrival in the Jool system was set for about 1.75 years from now.


"And I, for one, will not stand for this!" proclaimed Gerdock.

"I think this may be the first time I've ever agreed with you, Gerdock," said Doodard. "Though probably for different reasons."

"We've got to bring the space pirates to justice!" Gerdock said.

"We probably stand a better chance at Jool than on Kerbin. I trust Jeb to get us those hibernation kits more than I trust the program to evacuate Kerbin."

"I just want our ship back," Kathlenna said. "It was so much better than this one."

"And I for one am not going to return to Kerbin in disgrace!" signed Kazu.

"So hold on. You guys are suggesting piracy," Kathlenna said. "The Program prohibited us from going after them."

"Is it really piracy if we're stealing back?" Gerdock said.

"Yes," Doodard said, right at the same time as Kathlenna said "No."

"Well, what can we do? It isn't like we can mine the asteroid for fuel," Doodard said.


"We barely have enough fuel to get home as is," Kazu signed. "The primary reason the KSP didn't want us to do this was that they probably couldn't hyperbolically rescue us at Jool... But there's more ways of increasing Delta-V than increasing propellant."

"We can lighten the ship with that fancy EVA construction tool!" Kathlenna said.

"We really only need 1 nuclear engine and we have 36. That's, what, 105 tons of mass we can shed? We can probably take apart the ring, too!" Doodard proposed.

"I'll go and try it," Kathlenna said, suiting up.


"That's weird... I thought it was a mass based system," Kathlenna said. "Theoretically we should be able to take anything apart."

"Maybe it is a rounding error? We can come out to help."


"Nope, no dice," Kathlenna said.

"I checked the manual, apparently there are some parts so complicated that we just can't ever take them apart in situ," Doodard revealed.

"That tracks," Kazu signed over a video link (you cannot easily use sign language in mitten like EVA suit gloves). "Disconnecting a nuclear engine in space is not exactly the greatest idea."

"We have an entire boulder full of magic, surely we could use that to separate the nukes?" Doodard asked.

"That would require a highly trained magician," Kathlenna said. "The best we could do is make a small explosion."

"I have a very bad idea," Gerdock announced.

"How bad?" Kathlenna asked.


"We could make a small explosion to separate a nuclear engine from the ship."

"We would need a way to reattach it," Kathlenna said.

"Those rings are connected by pairs of docking ports," Doodard mused. "I'll go grab one."

"Okay, you guys are oddly enthusiastic with the idea of me blowing up the ship with magic I don't understand."

"You are the most qualified with how much Dungeons and Dragons you play," Kazu signed.

"So nobody has a problem with blowing up the ship?" There was silence. "Alright, I guess." Gerdock scooped up a very small amount of the magical material from the boulder. "Woah... This is weird..."


"Alright, stand back everybody! ABRACADABRA!" Gerdock made some fancy hand motions, but nothing happened.

"Okay, so that didn't work," Doodard said.

"Oh wait hold on I forgot to uh... ABRACADABRA!"


"There we go!"

"Alright, let's get that docking port on one of the engines!"

"They are both flying out really far," Kathlenna said. "This might take a while."


About half an hour later, Kathlenna had tracked down the docking port and a nuclear engine and had managed to attach them. She was now pushing them back to the ship.

"Better idea," Kazu signed. "Let's do this the other way around. We will come to you."

"Hold on, I'm gonna grab a lot more of that material," Gerdock said. "We unfortunately must abandon the boulder here, but this magical stuff could come in handy."


After the material was collected, the crew piloted the ITV-019 Homecoming to the lone engine.


"So, let me get this straight. The plan now is to blow up the rest of the engines and reattach just this one?" Doodard said.

"It was, but I think I have a better idea," Kathlenna said. "That would require like 2 more explosions, and wouldn't get us that much extra Delta-V. That only gave us 300m/s as is. What if we pumped all of the fuel forward, split the ship in half, and then kept that one engine with a nearly full fuel tank?"

"You want me to split the ship in half?" Gerdock said.

"Come to think of it, it is a bigger target and one less explosion, so it would be safer," Kazu mused.


"Alright, I'll stow the engine so it is with us," Kathlenna said.


"Huh, weird. That was pretty easy actually. I thought that would take an hour of shoving it around."

"Let's hope that the next one is just as easy!" Doodard said.

"Alright, stand back again!" Gerdock said.


"Last chance, are you sure? Like, we are blowing up a very expensive ship here."

"I am sure," Kazu affirmed.

"Alright, here goes... ABRACADABRA!"



"Well, no going back from that!" Doodard said.

"Theoretically we could pilfer more of the docking ports," Kathlenna mused. "But yeah for the most part, that's it."


"Alright, I bet I can beat your time to shove the engine into place!" Doodard said.

"Bet," Kathlenna said.


"Hmm, this is significantly more difficult than I thought it would be."


"Come on, just get into place, STOP SPINNING!"

"Doodard, it has been like six minutes, let me do it," Kathlenna said.




"There, just like that!"

"How did you do that so easily?"

"For some people, magic comes easily, for others, it is nudging nuclear engines into place with the EVA jetpack."


"And look at THAT! 5.6 kilometers per second of Delta-V!" Kazu proclaimed. "Great job, everyone! Now, let's follow those space pirates!"


"Looks like the Homecoming won't be coming home," Gerdock remarked.

"Maybe we should rename her, then," Kathlenna mused.

"Well, the opposite of Homecoming is Outgoing!" Doodard proposed.

"It is settled, then! The ITV-019A Outgoing!" Kazu proclaimed.



And thus the newly commandeered ship, with 1.7 kilometers per second of Delta-V remaining, shot out of the Dres system towards Jool.

"Weird," Doodard thought to himself. "This may be the last time anyone sees Dres this close... Like, ever..."






"Alright, test flight number 1 of the new 208 passenger LKO SSTO," proclaimed Sandra Kerman. "You are go for takeoff!"


The brand new spaceplane, boasting four Experimental Engineering Division scaled up Rapiers, started up and began thundering down the runway.


"Okay, so not the greatest takeoff distance, but that doesn't matter."


While the design was originally envisioned to use just three engines, after a lot of work it was determined that, unfortunately, four were required.


While this particular mission carried no cargo, it moved to dock with the ITV-028 Deliverance as a test.


Powering through extreme L.A.G. levels, the crew managed to approach the ship for docking... Only to realize that the docking ports had been removed in an in vain effort to reduce L.A.G.


Only slightly daunted, the crew left their only docking port their to facilitate future dockings, and departed.


Re-entry went surprisingly smoothly for not having the shielded docking port as protection.


Landing, however...


"No! Do you have any idea how long those engines take to make!"


"Oh... Oh no!"



"Well, at least one of the engines survived."

"Alright, the design is sound, for the most part. Just need to work on tuning the landing gear parameters. Back to work, get the next one ready as soon as possible!"




Hi there, it is me, the universe here! What an adventure this has been! But - Oh no! A Bug! I'm scared of Bugs!


As you can see, that cargo bay is clearly closed! But our friends Gemna and Mojorie and everything else in the cargo bay is clearly producing drag!


Going back to the hangar, the craft file that hasn't been touched since, what, 2016? And launching it again, we can clearly see that it works for some reason.


A soft reset and a hard reset of the universe both don't fix this issue, and this spaceplane is clearly capable of reaching orbit without the massive drag of six Kerbals and a bajillion other things. It turns out that craft with a cargo bay as a root part like to randomly break sometimes!  So I'm gonna do a sneaky trick and just reroot it, plop it down, and swap the other one out. They will never notice the difference!


I'll just place the old one a few kilometers away for posterity.





"And, to orbit we go!" Gemna cheered.

"HEY!" shouted Bobwig.


"You almost took my head off!"

"Sorry!" Mojorie said.

"Let's get this thing to space!" Gemna shouted.


Due to the Mk2 and short nature of the aircraft, and the blunt nose, it was significantly slower and more sluggish than expected, but made orbit with no issues, and even had enough fuel to rendezvous despite nobody having paid attention to inclination.


"And... Docked!" Gemna said.

"We really should add some RCS to this," Mojorie said.

"Nonsense, I can dock this just fine!"

"Well, you won't always be the one doing it," Mojorie chuckled.

"Welcome back to the ship!" Stabel said.

"Glad to see you again, Stabel! Say, we aren't using the RCS on the Tylo Army support pallet anymore, are we?"

"Say no more!" Stabel said, going EVA.


"That's very rough, but it can be fixed on the ground where there's less L.A.G."

"Say, didn't we move the seats so they could all be used?" said Mojorie.

"Yeah, I swear I remember that happening," Gemna said. "And the solar panels look to be in slightly different places."

"Ehh, whatever. Might have been breathing whatever's in Laythe's atmosphere," Stabel said.

"Right, now, the reason we are here!" said Mojorie. "Have we found life on Laythe?" She grabbed the sample container and jetpacked over to the science lab.


"Hello, Miteny!"


"I've got the goods! Have you set up the lab in biology configuration?"


"Hey, is something wrong?"

"Oh, he's always grumpy!" Angie said.


"She's right," Miteny said. "Maybe this will cheer me up a little."

"How long is this going to take, you think?" Podpont asked.

"Oh, we'll know if it is life very soon, but exactly what it is, that could take days or maybe even weeks," Miteny mused.

"In that case, we can send an expedition to Vall or maybe Bop or Pol in the meantime," Podpont said.

"Oh, that's fun!" Gemna said. "I'd love to help if there's room!"

"Since those moons are so light, we could probably EVA construct the landers to have four seats instead of two," Angie mused.

"Good idea! I'll start work on a mission plan now," Said Stabel.


The Story of Project Intrepid Will Continue...



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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 61 - The Sirens Of Moho



After many simulated iterations, a new Laythe Submarine had been constructed and was getting tested. It was called the LAUNDRY, which stood for LAythe UNderwater DRivable Yacht. It could hold three people, could support limited seabed extravehicular activities, and could in theory be reused, as its mechanism of buoyancy took advantage of pumps and stuff, which is a fancy way of saying that parts inside of service bays have their buoyancies removed when the bay is closed, but not their mass.


It is shown here conducting trials with the KSP's Carrier 05 "Test Carrier, Please Ignore." The primary objective of the tests was to ensure that the LAUNDRY could be recovered using the folding recovery ramp on the back of the carrier. Simulations suggest Laythe provides more buoyancy, so this maneuver will be more difficult on Laythe, but it might still be possible. It was pretty difficult on Kerbin so there's no guarantee that the LAUNDRY can be brought back on board during the mission. That's pretty okay though as it could also be dragged behind using the forward klaw, and the prospect of landing an airplane on a carrier that already has something on the deck is very daunting.

That maneuver is referred to as "Folding the Laundry."


After the marginally successful tests, the LAUNDRY was shipped up to the Celestia.



The pilot of the submarine remarked: "This is a really, really weird sentence, but I have just successfully landed a nuclear powered submarine on an interplanetary aircraft carrier, I would be surprised if this program can get much crazier."


Haymon and Roduki Kerman, and possibly one other, if the long range plane is sent with the carrier, will fly to Laythe inside the carrier. It isn't very roomy but they will also be testing out long term hibernation technology.


Speaking of hibernation technology, the team working on the hibernation kits had experienced several breakthroughs in rapid succession that allowed them to have the conversion kits ready for Jool about 90 days before the transfer window.


Thus, they were promptly shipped up to the ITV-009 Intrepid.


There were five kits, intended for the ITV-009 Intrepid, the ITV-011 Creativity, the ITV-021 Ice Cream, the ITV-016 Explorer (assuming it was recovered), and one extra, just in case the ITV-027 Dragon Parade couldn't make it. Considerations were made for the ITV-019A Outgoing, but given that it was half of a ship at best, and that it had no docking port, it will likely not be a course of action that is taken. Each kit could seat sixteen Kerbals and was powered by two redundant Americium 241 radioisotope thermoelectric generators, which had a half life of roughly 1480 Kerbal years. While it was not known how long the journey to the Homeworld would be, chances are that every ship system would fail before the RTGs even came close to dying out. For this reason, the colony landers, when they came, would be as simple as possible.

It was planned for the crew of the ITVs to later be picked up by other colony ships closer to the Homeworld, as they likely couldn't land on their own.


Simulations showed that the arrangement of that many wiggly modules together made the whole thing tend to freak out, so the stack was split between two docking ports. Three on one side, two on another.


It would have been made symmetric, but the RCS tug was not given nearly enough monopropellant and had to steal some from the Intrepid's limited supply just to be able to move two kits to the other port. Thus, moving the Duna lander and moving one of the kits to the central port would have to wait for a future refueling flight.

As of right now it was planned for the Intrepid to also carry one or both of the Laythe aircraft and possibly a Laythe ISRU setup.


Next up, the ITV-026 Flamedancer performed a very large burn. Due to the impending end of the world, the original mission plan had to be somewhat modified. The previous mission would have been gradual perihelion lowering over several Kerbol orbits. This maneuver would lower the apoapsis significantly while also lowering the periapsis, allowing for several low Kerbol passes before the orbits aligned for a Kerbin return.


The last of the fuel in the nuclear stage was burned, and a lot of the xenon in the xenon tanks was burned (expelled? consumed?) as well.


Is that periapsis too low? Only time will tell.




"Well?" S.A.M. asked.

"Further results are in," said Linus with dark circles under his eyes. "It has not been very good from a science communication perspective to say "Oh no! The Kerbol system is getting eaten by a black hole!" It gets the message across but it isn't accurate."

"So what will actually happen?"

"Krion-B was a pretty large star before it became a black hole, and Krion-A, its binary companion, is even larger. The actual diameter of the black hole is pretty low compared to a star. Nonetheless, Kerbol and Kerbin are expected to both fall into the black hole directly. Well, Kerbol is large enough that it will get torn apart and not all of it will fall into the black hole. Probably. Maybe. This field of science is pretty new. Event Horizon Plasmo-astrodynamics or something. Stuff gets weird. Moho will probably miss the black hole, but Moho and Eve are expected to be torn apart by tidal forces or otherwise destroyed through interactions with the giant cloud of hot gas that is dispersed when Kerbol is destroyed. There are some simulations suggesting that Eve survives to be a gas giant or brown dwarf, possibly captured into orbit of the Krion system, though if that happens, it is likely to crash into Krion A or B, after accumulating a lot of mass from Kerbol, but who knows, that's very unlikely."

"Interesting... Keep going on those orbital simulations. If that happens, maybe we could use Eve as a lifeboat."

"We would be trapped there and it wouldn't be suitable for life. Look at how much hassle the JAVELIN is. Launching from this hypothetical Eve-bol would be significantly worse in all actuality, there wouldn't be a solid surface, and if there was, the pressure may not be survivable, it might have to be in balloon cities capable of surviving the temperatures inside a star, which don't exist, and if we did get to orbit, well, the Oberth effect of an actual black hole is tempting, but the Delta-V to get anywhere else would be insurmountable."


"Hey, wait a minute... The Oberth effect of a black hole... If Kerbin's on a direct collision course, the Delta-V to escape and dodge the black hole by some amount would be fairly minimal, and we could likely target any reasonable homeworld ejection angle."

"Interesting concept."

"Anyway, Duna and Dres likely get ejected or burned up in Krion-A, and Jool will almost certainly fall right into Krion-A. Eeloo's trajectory is very sensitive to many factors so we can't do much better than a guess. But hey you know how Eve might become a brown dwarf? This isn't going to happen, the models that suggested it might failed to properly account for new observations of Krion-A's post Krion-B supernova characteristics. Turns out it changed a lot after the kaboom in the past nearly 200 years that we skipped... But lots of gas from Kerbol is gonna get flung everywhere. Jool is a decent nucleation site, and it is possible that it could have turned into a red dwarf under the right circumstances. Who knows if the moons would survive, though. And again this won't happen, Jool's gonna get eaten."

"Intriguing, sad that it won't happen, that would be really cool... What about the planets of the Krion system?"

"We haven't modeled anything yet, but anything there is likely to be turbulent... The entire system was a victim of a supernova. If anything is still recognizable it would have been in Krion-A's shadow. Even Krion-A took quite a beating."

"Thank you for the update, Linus, keep up the good work. I'll let the rest of the Division know and we will pursue our options accordingly."




"Hold on," one Kerbal said, reading the KSP's latest trajectories report. "That doesn't make sense..."

"What, bro?"

"Until today, the KSP was like "Oh yeah, Jool's gonna become a star." Amateur observations confirmed that fact. It is indisputable! We've been studying the Krion system for centuries! Now they are all like "Nope, it's gonna get devoured." Don't you see what this means?!?!?"

"No, I really don't," said the other Kerbal munching on a snack and kind of weirded out but mostly used to the other Kerbal's antics.

"The KSP launches what turns out to be a useless hulk of metal into orbit with the Deliverance and immediately crashes their third transport spaceplane prototype. And what to they do? Hint: It isn't fix their colonization stuff. They launch more Laythe ships. Test more Laythe ships. Order all of their spacebound ships to Jool. The space pirates, to Jool, because they found out with their ransomware. The program wanted to kill Kazu because she's problematic, but she found out, and stole a ship to escape to Jool... They're thinking of sending a space force to Jool... They struggled with hibernation for years and now suddenly have 80 kits ready to go to Jool months early??? And they're like "Nope, Jool is getting eaten." And immediately at the same time they plan a new mission to Vall despite literally just having found life on Laythe."

"I'm... not following you."

"Don't you see??? It's all a conspiracy! The KSP knows they can't evacuate all of us, not even to the Jool system. They know full well that Jool's gonna turn into a red dwarf and ejected from the Krion system. Laythe might get eaten, it might not, but, say it doesn't. The entire Jool system becomes a mini star system! Laythe becomes, well, maybe a bit toasty, but maybe still doable because of the red dwarf. The ice on Vall melts and it becomes an ocean world. Vall and Tylo both pick up tons of elements, including hydrogen and oxygen, from flying through a supernova remnant, and can be coaxed into breathable atmospheres and water oceans."

"Don't you think that's a bit of a stretch?"

"The Jool system is gonna become a paradise with three habitable planets. But they know they can't get everyone there, much less to another star. So they are quietly sending their best people there and colonization equipment. With fake "hibernation kits" that are probably just cardboard. Likely story. Trying to keep us from panicking. All of the evidence fits, don't you see?"

"No, I really don't."

"Well I'll tell you what. I'm gonna get myself to Jool or die trying. That's the only way out of this star system, and they don't want me to know... I'll show them."

"Dude, isn't this just a bunch of conspiracy talk?" said the other Kerbal, munching on some chips. "You do love your conspiracy talk."

"Oh come on! The space program is inherently conspiratorial and evil!"

"Oh really?"

"Well, let's see. Firstly, you know exactly what Wernher Von Kerman did before he joined the space program... And then they caused a supervolcanic eruption after a long series of "coincidences" that just so happened to coincide with the governments finally starting to regulate the casino industry... So they put the planet into a state where only a massive Cloneus bailout could save the planet, and then Cloneus does just that besides the fact that hundreds of thousands of people died in the famine, no doubt bribing people to keep him in power... And then he goes on and saves the space program. Twice. Coincidence? I think not! And then when the USKN got rightfully concerned about a gambling empire ruling the stars, Cloneus and his pawn he calls the "independent" Kerbal Space Program, responded by militarizing the whole Kerbol system and nuking the whole Bopping planet. Cloneus escapes to a decadent bunker complete with his no longer flying palace to wait out the radiation in luxury, escaping regulation and arrest by destroying every single system capable of taking him down, right after taking every cent they had to pay for "just in case" fallout shelters. Then there's the Experimental Engineering Division. Who knows what they are doing? Probably mutations, Kerbal experimentation, and doubtless even bigger bombs. And time travel. They've had time travel for years now, you know, and they could have undid all of our problems. But no, they keep it how it is. And then there's Jebediah, the hotshot self obsessed pilot who spent most of his post Octavius years flying extravagantly designed aircraft on Cloneus' dime. S.A.M. probably experiments on others and keeps the best bits to augment himself, Mortimer, the slimy finance guy, he sees the writing on the wall and he's going to Jool, Elon Kerman is involved with the whole thing, to the surprise of absolutely nobody! And Gene Kerman, probably the least corrupt out of all of them, they tried to kill him in an "accident" and blamed it on the Flat Kerbin Society! Then there's the new space force they are putting together, and - "

"Okay dude, I get it, you don't like the space program."

"Gambling is a tool to keep the poor and stupid down and the entire space program is built upon their suffering! A war criminal, a self obsessed easily bought fanatic, a cyborg who builds planet killing bombs, and so many other despicable faces, all under the thumb of a psychopathic narcissistic hypercapitalist who has twice, arguably thrice, caused a global disaster to protect himself and his power and his money. So yes. The space program is inherently conspiratorial and evil. And I'm going to Jool. They can't fool me for one more second."

"Bro you need to chill."

"And you need to stop being such a sheep."





"Wouldn't you know it, we're going the wrong way around Moho," sighed Stelella Kerman, captain of the ITV-025 Heart of Courage.

"And each drop of fuel is precious," groaned Piper. "I mean, we're not in danger of not returning, but if it keeps going like this, we may not be able to return the ITV-013 Magician to Kerbin."

"Why are you so obsessed with the Magician? asked Stelella.

"Oh, no reason," Piper said. The truth was that she really wanted to be captain of her own ship, and she would be the captain of the Magician if it was successfully recovered. But it felt a little rude to say it out loud.

"It is a secondary mission anyway. Having a Minmus capable ISRU ship is nice and all but of limited utility. Maybe with a refit, at best, she can be one of the fifty Minmus shuttles the KSC is talking about, but that's 2 percent of what we need. It is no big deal if she doesn't come back with us."

Piper turned away, slightly annoyed.


After the ship's direction had been corrected, she began the very long Moho orbit insertion burn, which was completed without incident.


"Well," Stelella began, "This orbit is such that we are not gonna get there early - "

"Yes, captain?" Urlie Kerman asked.

"No, not you, I just wish we would get there Sooner - "

"Yes, captain?" Suner Kerman asked.

"Dude, chill - "

"Son of Dood," Doodson Kerman replied.

"Look, all I'm trying to say is, we're barely too late to - "

"Yes, captain?" Barely Kerman replied.

"Look, I'm done with this, I just want to go home and have a big meal at a - "

"Diner?" Diner Kerman asked.

"Look - "

"Is this the part where you make a joke about my name?" Mating Kerman asked.

"I swear, they put all of these guys one one ship on purpose," Stelella said, shaking her head.

"Are you sure these are all normal names assigned at birth?" Piper asked.

"Trust me, I've quadruple checked."


Several orbits later, after the crew had calmed down a little, the vessel approached the ITV-013 Magician, in what was only the second ever instance of Intrepid class ships conducting proximity operations.


"Hello, beautiful," Piper Kerman said, looking out the window.

"Hold on, Piper," Stelella said. "That burn we had to do, it has left our fuel lower than expected... Wait, hold on!"


"We've been carrying around 25 tons of oxidizer this whole time???"


"Well we will have to figure out some way of dealing with that... That could be the difference between us getting home with the Magician or without... Doing the math, the margin is close enough that I want to conduct our surface mission before we do anything with the Magician. Maybe we will think of something in the meantime. Who knows, maybe we can go to Gilly from here and refuel there."

"Roger that... So, surface mission? Do you think I'll get to lead that?" Piper asked, trying to be inconspicuous.

"No, I want some peace and quiet here, I think we should send the whole goofy name squad."

"I concur."


"Attention Moho Hopper 1, many decades ago, our first and only successful polar mapping satellite was launched. A terrain anomaly was located directly at the north pole. This was originally written off as a measurement error, but with the recent goings on at the poles of the Mun and Duna, among other places, your goal is to take nauseometric measurements. Don't do anything that would use up a lot of fuel, these ships are only barely capable of reaching the poles and back from an equatorial orbit. Diner, you're in charge."

"Roger that, captain." The Moho Hopper 1 reversed away from its docking port and soon began a massive plane change burn.



"Descending to the anomaly," said Diner. "We're on our own now, out of radio range of the mothership. I expect you all to be on your top behavior, and no joke!"

"Oh, I'm sure we'll mess up sooner or later."

"What?" Suner said.

"We made it five seconds!" Mating protested.

"It is very hard to tell with the lighting conditions, but there's the pole," said Doodson looking out one of the windows. "I can't tell if it is just a shadowed valley, though."

"Uhh, problem! Diner said, panicking.


"What?" the rest of the crew shouted.

"We've underestimated Moho's gravity, we're gonna - AAAHHH!"

The Moho Hopper 1 plunged towards the surface at a few hundred meters per second. The entire crew screamed as the ship appeared as if it was to crash.

"What happened?" Urlie asked.

"I... I must be hallucinating," Diner said. "We're clearly still several kilometers up," she said. "I am going to start the burn sooner - "

"What?" Suner asked.


"I didn't even say anything!" Doodson said.



"And, touch down - AAAH WE ARE TIPPING!" Diner shouted as she fired the engines back up.


"Finding a flat ish spot, and... Touchdown, again."


"I'd say something profound, but we are sliding towards the valley at a decent speed. Not sliding much, just barely - "

"What?" Barely asked.

"I swear to Bop, I'm gonna - "

"Who's idea was it to put ball bearings on the landing gear pads again?"

"No clue, but let's tip the craft over so there's less friction."


"TIIIMMMBEERRRRR!" enthusiastically cried Diner.


"There, not slipping."

"Why don't we just make the landing gear out of what we make the rest of the ship out of?" mused Urlie.

"So, this anomaly," Mating said. "Do you have a visual?"

"No, it is all shadow from this angle," Diner said. "I'll try to get closer. It is probably just a shallow valley. Maybe there's ice at the bottom! That would be cool!" Diner walked towards the valley.


"Uh - Suner?"


"Can you check the nauseometer readings?"

"Sure, it's uh... negative 0.23? This is embarrassing, I must have not calibrated it correctly."


"No, this can't be right... I'm going to turn on visor light boost."




"That's a big hole."

"Diner, are you... Okay?" Suner asked.

"I... It feels so nice."


"I don't know. Being here. I'm gonna get a closer look."

"Don't you think we should return to the mothership?" Barely asked. "This seems a bit beyond us."

"We're kerbonauts, this is literally our job!" Diner said, jumping into the pit.


"Alright, I've reached 100 meters per second and I'm going to brake!" Diner said giddily.

"Diner, are you okay?" Suner asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"You're unusually chipper."

"What are you talking about? Also, the jetpack is like, super not good here," Diner reported. "Like I'm about to crash into the - WHEEEE!!!!"



"AAAHHH!" shouted Diner.

"What the Bop was that?" Barely yelped.

"Hallucinations, that's gotta be it!" Diner said.

"No, remember what happened to Jebediah on the Octavius mission?" Suner said. "All those nightmares and then the logs basically go blank!"

"Are they hiding something from us?" Urlie said.

"But the whole crew remembers..." Diner mused. "Okay, we're going in again, we've got to get to the bottom of this. If the KSC is hiding things from us, we've got to know."


"AAAHHH!" Barely shouted.

"You're not really good at flying this thing," Mating said.

"This thing was designed badly, it needs more thrust!" Diner protested.


"There. We're here." Diner suited up and grabbed the portable nauseometer.

"Shouldn't we save the flight log?" Suner asked.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Diner said, before exiting the craft.


Nauseometer negative 0.4, negative 0.6, negative - Wow, this feels... Awesome."

"Diner, the data."

"Right... Negative one, negative two, negative  - aaaaaaAaaAaAAAAAAA!" she squealed as she passed the pole.


"Peak at negative thirty seven," Diner reported. "I wasn't directly over the pole... I'm gonna turn around, and - "

"No, land at the other side first," Mating said.

"You're no fun!" Diner protested.


"Alright it looks like the pit, or whatever it is - "

"Mohole," Doodson said.

"That is a wonderful name, Doodson! How did you think of it?"

"Well, like, I was thinking, when we were about to crash back there, "HOLY MOHO!" but then like you know how we always get our names confused for words? Hole-ey Moho! Mohole! It's genius!"


"Indeed... The Mohole appears to be about 1.7 kilometers across. I'm coming back now!" Diner jumped off the edge again.


"WOW! Nauseometer peaked at negative 47 that time!" Diner said, passing the pole.

"Okay, something is wrong, she isn't usually that carefree," Doodson observed.

"Maybe it is the gravity, or being on a planet in general," said Mating. "Space might cause people to go a bit stir crazy."

"I'm going back in, maybe lower down produces higher readings!" said Diner, entering the airlock and refilling her suit.

"Stay here for now, something doesn't sit right with me about this," Doodson said as he exited the airlock.


"Guys... Don't freak out... But do you see that?" Doodson said.

"It's the offset tool!" Suner exclaimed.

"In space."


"Woah, I can move it around and everything!" Suner reported.


"And when I get close to it, it stays the same size!"

"That is... exceedingly odd," Mating said. "Perhaps... It is offsetting us in four dimensions instead of three? And is sending us backwards through time when we die?"

"That's a stupid idea," Doodson said. "But the best one we have. Suner, don't touch it, if it is indeed saving our lives, we don't want to break it!"

"Alright, I'll go in the hole then," Suner said. "See why Diner is freaking out about it."


Suner sprinted off of the side of the hole, hoping to accumulate slightly less downwards velocity that way.


"Okay, fifty meters per second, descending, wow, the jetpack really is terrible here. Nauseometer reading is negative four... five... Definitely higher than it was at the heights Diner was at."


"aaAAAAA!" Suner screamed as she passed the pole.

"Suner!" shouted Urlie. "Are you okay?"

"Okay???" Suner yelled. "OKAY?!?!?!?? I'M AMAZING!"

"What was the peak reading?"

"What does it matter, I've got to go deeper!"

"Suner, no!" Doodson said. "Look at your fuel, you've got to get back up from there!"

"Just a few more seconds - "

"NO. That is a direct order!"


"Aww." Suner attempted to exit the Mohole. "This is bad," she said. "I... I'm running out of fuel."

"Try to put yourself on a trajectory that will get you over the side!" Doodson said. "Diner, what are you doing?" he asked as Diner exited the airlock. "Are you going to rescue Suner?"

"No, idiot, I'm going back in the hole!"

"Why is the captain calling me an idiot?" Doodson said, angry.

"Because you are one!" cheerfully said Suner.


"Almost... Almost...!"


"AHH!" said Suner as she bounced off of the side of the wall just before the edge, bouncing back down the Mohole.

"SUNER!" shouted Doodson. "Quick, fire up the engines, we've got to - "

"I get to go back in the hole!" cheered Suner.


"SUNER!" Doodson shouted as Diner was about to slam into the wall at several tens of meters per second.

"We're back!" said Doodson as the universe once again reset.

"I'M GOING IN AGAIN!" shouted Suner.

"Okay, if what I experienced was that great and Suner's jumping into a death pit, and we have a time loop..." said Diner, thinking hard.


"I'm approaching the bottom!" Suner reported. "Nauseometer at negative - Aaahahhhhhh - Two hundred!"


"Woah - AaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

Suner impacted the sides of the Mohole and slid down to the very bottom, her radio now silent.



"...Suner?" called Urlie over the radio. "SUNER?"

"We've got to get her out of there!" shouted Doodson.

"I, uh, I can hack EVA jetpacks," Mating said.

"WHAT? That is... We can't tell the KSC about that, but, well, alright."

Mating opened a computer program. "Don't be mad, it was originally to create an army of EVA suit zombies for when everyone else was asleep, but - "

"Actually that sounds kind of fun fun, but right now we need to rescue her!"

Mating Kerman remotely locked Suner Kerman out of her own suit controls and began piloting her out of the hole.


"AAaaa.... NO! PUT ME BACK IN THE HOLE!" protested Suner. Her cries continued all the way back up.


"Are we going to have enough fuel?" said Doodson.

"I hope so," said Mating.

"I have a hypothesis," Diner said. "If positive nauseometer readings cause intense discomfort, perhaps negative nauseometer readings cause intense comfort."

"I'd say that's a pretty good hypothesis, and that means we need to get out of here before this spirals into something absurd," Doodson said.


"Don't you want to feel what it feels like? At least a little? Diner poked.


"Come on, in and out, just a few seconds over the poles," Diner said.

"Diner, Suner is a babbling mess, we need to get out of here, and now."


"PUT ME BACK!" Suner said.

"No," Doodson said. "We're getting you back to the ship and back to the medical bay." Mating forcibly set her down on the hatch to the lander can.

"WE ARE GOING BACK!" Suner said, entering the lander can with Diner and slamming shut the door between the two modules, propping it shut with a piece of pipe she had yanked off of the wall with her bare hands.


"SUNER NO!" shouted Doodson. "Mating, hack her!"

"I can't!" Mating said, "I can only control her jetpack, not her! That would be weird!"


"Critical solar panel damage!" shouted Barely. "I... I'm almost okay with it, strangely enough," he said as the craft tumbled off of the edge and into the hole.


"Diner, you're in the cockpit with her, do something!"

"What harm will it do to go in one more time?" Diner said, nonchalantly.


"No, we need to... need to... What was I saying, again?" Barely said.

"Something about going in the hole," Mating said.

"Fools!" said Doodson. "We need to get out of here now!" He broke a hole in the window which let out a huge burst of air, trying to push the craft into the wall and trigger a time offset, but Suner just compensated.


"I... I... Hole," said Doodson, relaxing. "I like this hole." He could scarcely muster another thought as the nauseometer sank lower into the negative hundreds, then the negative thousands, and then lower still. "I really like this hole."


The craft came to a rest at a slant.


"MORE MORE MORE!" shouted Suner, retracting the gear, and gleefully pressing the "save mission log" button.


































"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" shouted Doodson, snapping to his senses. With all of his might he slammed the door between compartments open and slammed the throttle to full, knocked out Suner and Diner with two expertly placed punches, rammed closed the bottom compartment, and knocked himself out.


Much to the protest of its conscious inhabitants, the craft ascended out of the hole.


Doodson and Diner rapidly regained consciousness.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING????" Diner shouted.

"IF WE GO BACK DOWN THERE AGAIN WE ARE NEVER COMING BACK OUT!" Doodson shouted back, fighting a thousand joys to keep the craft pointed upwards.

"GIVE ME THAT!" Diner shouted, taking the control stick from Doodson and shoving him out of the way, tilting the craft sideways.


"aaAAAAAHAHHH! BACK IN THE HOLE IT IS THEN!" Shouted Doodson, grasping the stick and trying to tilt it even further down.

"NO!" shouted Diner. "TO ORBIT!"


"Oh Bop, everything hurts," Doodson said. "Every cell, every... gaaaAAAAAAHHHHHH!"

"We can't turn back," said Diner.

"We've got to turn back," said Doodson.

"No, we... We've got to turn back," said Diner, pulling the stick in her direction.

"NO! Suner said, having woken up. "BE STRONG!" She also put her shaking hand onto the stick. The trio intermittently fought about the direction, but in the end, after perhaps the greatest mental struggle ever to befall any Kerbal, they ended up in orbit.


"I... I... I want to go back," Suner said.

"We can't," Doodson said.

"It hurts."

"I know," Doodson said with a pained cry.

"What the hell happened back there?" asked Barely Kerman. "We barely made it out - Oh come on!"

"I think," said Doodson between pained breaths, "We... We were in that hole until we died and the offset tool or whatever it was reset us."

"That felt like years," said Suner. "But that's impossible, we would have starved or ran out of oxygen!"

"I think it kept us alive somehow," said Urlie. "Like how positive nauseometer values produce intense mental and physical discomfort, maybe negative nauseometer values an provide for physical needs somehow in addition to emotional needs?"

"Then it felt like years because it was years," Doodson said. "Did anyone else notice the heat getting really high towards the end?"

"Yeah, I think so," coughed Barely.

"That was Moho getting destroyed in the Krion system," Doodson said. "I think. We were all killed and the world reset to earlier..."

"That wouldn't have been so bad," said Urlie. "A time loop of near infinite pleasure."

"Do you recall the fighting for the bottom of the hole?" Doodson asked.

"Oh... Yeah I do."

"The mind, it adapts... It adjusts... The difference between one meter up and two meters up is probably enough to trigger withdrawal more intense than anything known to Kerbalkind... After centuries it would be torture, needing to be the lowermost one to just feel okay... I don't know if this would have come to pass... I don't even know why we are resetting... I just know one thing with absolute certainty: Nobody should ever go there, ever again. And we should probably never go in a spacecraft alone ever again."





The south pole passed without incident. No anomaly was visible from orbit. If there was an anomaly there, the crew may have never made it home.


The ship, having burned way too much fuel in its horrifying expedition into the Mohole, did not have the propellant to reach the mothership.


The mothership would send out the other lander on a rescue mission in the coming days.




"This is a message for S.A.M. Kerman over encrypted channels... This is Mating Kerman. I've attached the sparse nauseometric data we were able to gather from the expedition to Moho's north pole... Don't let it get public. The Order of the Two Poles will be very interested in it, but don't let it get into their hands either. We had to tell the rest of the crew, they could tell something was up... But nobody else should know... The KSC central command doesn't know, they bought the cover story about us hovering around to find the non existent anomaly and wasting fuel, hook, line, and sinker. I'm not even supposed to tell you... But that offset tool thing... I know you guys have been working on temporal manipulation, and that data could be very useful, so I've attached all we could gather... S.A.M., we are all in pain. The worst withdrawal one could imagine. Half of me wants to jetpack back to the hole and half of me wants to go out of the airlock without a helmet, anything to make the pain just end... Please let something positive come from our pain. I'm going to try to get some sleep. It gets a little better each morning... I hope it goes away fully... But I fear we may never be the same..."





"Alright, it is Vall time!" said Stabel. "First thing's first, move two seats from one of these Tylo Army core stages to the one next to it."

"While you're doing that, I'll refuel them," Patfrey said. "Fortunately, the spaceplane has a lot of oxidizer left over, so we should be able to refuel them indefinitely if we are patient enough to do a lot of refueling trips from the surface."

"See you, Miteny!" Mojorie said. "Good luck with those samples!"

"How are those coming by the way?" Patfrey asked.

"Just like the last time you asked seven minutes ago, I know they are alive, but I've thus far been unable to determine if it is Kerbin life or not... But come on, really? Several missions to Laythe and colonization and terraforming efforts, if this was native Laythe life, we would have noticed."

"Are you sure you're gonna be alright on your own up here for a few weeks?"

"Oh yeah. The quiet will probably help me focus."

"Alright then! Have a wonderful time! Keep in touch with us and with the Laythe base crew!" Gemna waved goodbye and exited the Creativity.


The Tylo Army core stage broke away from the mothership.

"Oh, come to think of it," Gemna said, "Stabel, would you care to offset the TASC docking port forwards a bit? It might be a bit cramped with our helmets."

"Sure, no problem!" Stabel replied.

"Remind me what TASC stands for?" said Mojorie.

"Tylo Army Support Craft," said Gemna. "Tanks with docking ports, to extend the range of the Tylo landers."




"Alright then, coming in for docking, and... Docked! Undocking!"


"Alright, it worked! Don't let go anyone! Wouldn't want to fall off and get lost in space!"

"What a disturbing possibility," Patfrey said.

"What, are you scared now?" Mojorie teased.

"No, of course not. To Vall!"

"To Vall!" The rest of the crew cheered in unison.


And thus, the ship and its crew of four left for Vall, leaving Miteny Kerman as the sole occupant of the ship.

"I don't get why he's so grumpy all of the time," mused Patfrey.

"Yeah, I really wish I could do something to help him," said Stabel.






Hi there. It is your father again. I've wrote to you a lot, but if all goes well, you shouldn't see this until you are old enough to understand it... If you see this at all, it is probably because I'm either dead or late. You'll be on the Homeworld, living a life of joy.

I didn't know your mom was pregnant with you until we couldn't turn around, had I known, I would have dropped the whole explorer thing and finally proposed right then and there. Until recently it was causing me a lot of stress, but a manageable amount... I knew it would be over eventually. We would all come back to Kerbin and I could finally meet you. But with the whole Krion situation... I remain unconvinced I'm ever going to see you. And to be honest, I'm losing it. I'm out here living what I thought would be my dream. Exploring the system's moons, uncovering the mysteries of the solar system, I've even got the whole ship to myself now... But I would give it all for just a chance to give you a proper childhood.

I know better than to steal the ship and fly home, of course... But I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it.

I wish the launch had failed. I'd have come to my senses and stayed behind... But now I'm up here. Surrounded by the finest technology money can buy, surrounded by the finest people the program could hire... And none of that helps me get what I want.

Logically, I don't believe for a second that this whole thing will work out... That we'll actually evacuate Kerbin in two years and change... But emotionally I have to believe it because the alternative is so much worse... Because I love you so much. I'm a scientist, a man of logic and reason, but if losing any hope of getting a chance to know you is the cost of logic and reason, then, well...

I will see you someday on the Homeworld.

Love, Miteny.


The Story of Project Intrepid Will Continue...



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12 hours ago, Ultimate Steve said:

"We've been carrying around 25 tons of oxidizer this whole time???"

Felt. My Odin launch vehicle from my career I found to have a roughly 45-50 ton capacity, but then it was only after like its second to last flight (well, it's not truly retired but its lost a lot of its niche to various competing rockets and such) that I discovered that its purely hydrolox upper stage had LF in some of its tanks and I was missing out on a lot of payload capactiy - it can actually do 56 tons to low orbit and with way better high-C3 performance than it already had

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