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June 2016 Delta IV Heavy Launch


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Just now, Kryten said:

I'm pretty sure they're just trying to keep it simple and non-controversial after the NROL-39 patch kerfuffle. If you've not seen it; 

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:DDDDD That's actually funny.

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On June 11, 2016 at 3:11 PM, Kryten said:

I'm pretty sure they're just trying to keep it simple and non-controversial after the NROL-39 patch kerfuffle. If you've not seen it; 

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Wow is that an actual patch?! Or just a joke

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On ‎12‎.‎06‎.‎2016 at 0:11 AM, Kryten said:

I'm pretty sure they're just trying to keep it simple and non-controversial after the NROL-39 patch kerfuffle. If you've not seen it;


Why would it be controversial? It's brutally honest, anyone willing to look it up would hardly be surprised.

It has also been photoshopped by the SCANSAT team, so we have it in-game.

Edited by DDE
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There are some very strange patches out there, here some exemples:



From NROL - 10:


And from NROL - 32:




EDIT: Some patches have a very cool looking, but , from one of the links:



Although it isn’t possible to know exact meaning of the symbols found in these mission patches, they still provide a rare insider’s look at the philosophy, the mind state and the background of the organizations creating them. Sorcerers controlling the earth, vipers surrounding the earth, angry dragons clutching the earth … this is how they perceive themselves and their work. My question is: Should we maybe be a little concerned? One could argue that these patches are meant to be menacing to America’s enemies. This could be true, but most satellites launched by the NRO are meant to spy on North America, hence the emphasis on the continent in many of these patches.

One thing is certain, mission patches are the most honest descriptions we have of these secret missions. Since most of the patches were not intended for mass exposure, they are devoid of public relations sugar-coating. The patches do not talk about “bringing democracy and the light of freedom to the world”… they show the world in chains and in flames, controlled by dragons and sorcerers, and their words threaten death and destruction.


Edited by VaPaL
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Just as NASA creates specially designed patches for each mission into space, NRO follows that tradition for its spy satellite launches. But while NASA patches tend to feature space ships and American flags, NRO prefers wizards, Vikings, teddy bears and the all-seeing eye. With these outlandish designs, a civilian would be justified in wondering if NRO is trolling.


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I believe that it's a mixture of trolling, cool visuals and a bunch of self esteem. Some are obvious trolls, as the teddy bear, some you can see a pourpose, the octopus for instance (as well as self esteem). But this one is not that clear were it fits:



Just to let this clear, I don't believe in secret societies, conspiracy theories or anything like that. But maybe there is more to these patches. (Could be an internal joke or something realated to the mission itself)

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