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What hobbies do you have besides KSP


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On ‎03‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 5:04 AM, EVA_Reentry/Strangelove II said:

Flying my restored P-51D, writing, drawing

Photos needed!


Unsurprisingly quite a few pilots on here.  I got up to about 8 hours solo in gliders many years ago (er...holy crap, that was about 23 years ago!) but stopped at university due to lack of time and money.  Keep being tempted to get back in to it.

Thinking about it my list of former hobbies is a lot longer than my list of current ones; karate, jui-jitsu, fencing, gliding, diving, shooting, riding...  makes my aforementioned list of motorbikes, beer and running seem a bit dull.  I guess that's the combined effect of a job, mortgage and wife :D

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Kerbal Space program is an obvious one, but outside of that... I do like other games too. Adventure/RPG/open world type stuff (like Zelda, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, GTA, Assassins Creed, etc), Simulation and sandbox type stuff (like Farming Simulator, Infinifactory, Little Big Planet). Mostly those. If I have a chance to play a pinball machine, I'll hit that up too.

Outside of video games, I do electronics as a hobby. That breaks down into a few main areas. I like vintage tech, and collecting things like old computers and calculators. I have over 100 calculators in my collection, some of them from the 1960s and 1970s! I've restored a few machines, such as my old Sony Sobax ICC-600W, which is an old nixie tube calculator


I also like to build robots. None of my robots (yet) have used computers, CPUs, or microcontrollers of any kind. They use neural networks and nervous networks. All rather simple, but they work! I'd love to get back into working with robotics, but have not had time lately. My largest robot controller is 16 "neurons" (4 neuron central pattern generator and 4 branched chains). It has a logic based signal conditioner that prevents the robot from burning out the motor drivers if the network "seizes" (it happens sometimes... Poor, poor robot... :(). It's frame is made from brass wire and brass plate salvaged from old water and steam meters salvaged out of an old meat processing plant that was torn down in my home town (I salvaged a lot of random stuff there... at night... :sticktongue:). The cables that connect the leg motors are plain wires fed through medical oxygen tubing.


I also happen to enjoy documentaries and science shows... I don't have cable, so basically, half of everything I watch airs on PBS! XD I suppose, when not tinkering or watching TV though, I enjoy reading. I read both science things (like stuff about electronics, neural networks, biology, nature, etc), as well as the occasional fiction. I'm an MLP fan too, and a long time one at that, since season 1.

Finally, I've most recently been considering my computer. In recent years, I decided to move up from stock standard computer cases into custom work. I started out with a 1939 Philco radio cabinet, and modified it to contain my i7 quad 3.5 GHz, 32 GB RAM, 23 TB (1.24 TB SSD), 16 fanned beast of a Hackintosh (Mac OS run on standard PC hardware)! I even built a custom hardware fan controller that reads the voltage or PWM from the motherboard headers and drives power drivers to run all 16 fans at the motherboard derived speeds. It has a nixie tube clock int he front, and since the radio control panel was long gone when I found the cabinet, I made a replacement for the opening using a pair of brass art deco-ish mail/post box doors.


After that, I decided I needed a keyboard that was as custom as the computer, so I made a custom 75% + 1 keyboard. It uses a 75% layout, with one extra column added to the right side, to allow standard key caps to be used with it, unlike a traditional 75% layout. The key caps are a custom doubleshot set called "Danger Zone", inspired by the movie Top Gun, and made to follow an "aviation" theme. The switches are Gateron blues, and the top housings were disassembled, dyed blue, and the internals lubed and the switches reassembled. The plate is blue anodized aluminum. The trim and the wrist rest are wood (keyboard and rest trim is oak, wrist rest is cherry). The rest trim was painted to follow the key color style, with the yellow being exactly 3 keys wide, just like the arrows and WASD clusters. The keys are "under-lit" with amber LEDs, meant to evoke the glow of an instrument panel. On the right side of the keyboard, is a MagSafe style magnetic connector. This is for magnetically attaching an optional (and sadly, not yet built) number pad.


Building an input device was pretty crazy! Construction, on and off, took half a year, thanks to me having to wait for parts to be made! :0.0:
In the meanwhile though, I have also been working on another side project. This time, I'm bringing my electronics hobby right back into Kerbal Space Program, by building a controller for KSP. I already have most of the meters, but I have to make the housing, cut the notch out of my desk, assemble and wire it... and then figure out the programming... :confused:

It's a work in progress, but here's an idea of what to expect out of this project...

Edited by richfiles
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ancient history, also 20th century American politics - especially the Nixon era.

Writing science fiction stories.

Reading scifi

Cycling (when there is time - I used to be very fit, now only moderately so :( )

Other things flit in and out, but those are the mainstays.


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  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Workouts
  • Historical Medieval Battle (I was part of our country´s national team on last two world championships in this sport and we didnt do that bad. 16th/17th place this year out of over 50 teams)
  • Hard SF literature
  • W40K literature
  • Arma 2 CO with ACE
  • Defence shooting with my Glock 19 (my instructor is good and the shooting range well equipped)
  • KSP
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Making fictional nations

Making languages for said nations.

Putting said nations on Kerbin

Playing chess

Playing WT and KSP

Making planes for said nations

Sometimes I do coding. I'm a tad bit rusty

Also making polandball characters for those nations


Making constant and unnecessary Hichhiker's Guide To The Galaxy references

Getting frustrated at the fact that my father's overpriced gaming computer performs worse than my mom's 10 year old computer

Killing the hoardes of ants that constantly try to invade my desk

Waiting for 10 minutes for KSP to start up and watch as it crashes on loading half of the time

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