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STOCK craft appearing in the Jool Odyssey Zwischenspiel! Flying Strudel, KE-262, K-86 and W-2 Missile!

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Just completed a very fun bit of backstory explaining how Wernher von Kerman came to be a part of the Kerbal Space Program--paralleling the real world Project Paperclip that brought Wernher von Braun to the United States. Along the way we explained some of the lingering mysteries of KSP... or did we? The craft I used were loads of fun to build and fly, and so I'm sharing!

First up, here's Der Fliegenstrudel, the saucer-like craft Wernher used to escape the evil mirror planet Kerbulus and journey to Kerbin. It features a single LV-N engine, a parachute, and landing gear.

Disclaimers/ Restrictions:

  • There is a lot of fuel, but no fuel lines--manual transfer required.
  • The pilot can exit the craft, but he won't be able to get back in. Boarding is allowed only in the VAB.
  • The LV-N does not typically survive re-entry.
  • Launch system not included. However I have it on good authority that you can get it to space on top of a slightly modified W-2 missile (coming soon!)
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I am now working on Der Fliegenstreudel Marke Zwei. Well suited for deep space travel with a cupola cabin and a number of docking ports. Also a bit bigger but with less clipping. Based off of the original frame but with major changes.

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And here's the W-2 Vengeance missile that Wernher used to prolong the World War on Kerbulus, giving rise to what we now know as the Kerbulan Empire. Pretty simple V-2 replica: there's a probe core and reaction wheels under the fairing.


ETA: Whoops, that particular craft file does not have reaction wheels. But you can put as many as you want in there yourself! Or leave them out, and use the historically accurate "run out of fuel and hope it hits something" guidance system! It's up to you!

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Next here's the KE-262 Stormbird, a Messerschmidt ME-262 replica operated by the evil Kerbulan Empire (note pilot's evil beard and vaguely authoritarian uniform!)


Here's the page showing it in action. It's underpowered, topping out at about 150 m/s in level flight, but it handles well and is faster than the piston-engined fighter planes of the Alliance. Or it would be, if I had bothered to downloaded a propeller mod and built said aircraft. Weapons and diabolical laughter not included.


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And finally, the K-86 Sabber operated by the Air Service of the Kerbal Sea Program in the years before Year Zero. These were deployed on aircraft carriers such as KSS Enterprise (KV-6). Majer Gene Kerman was a notable K-86 pilot involved in the "Paperclip Incident" that brought Wernher von Kerman to Kerbin, and began what we now know as the Kerbal Space Program.

It's really not a bad little plane, fun to fly and just subsonic in level flight. Action group '0' toggles thrust reverse. Theoretically you could use that to try to land on the carrier. No, I have never successfully landed it on the carrier. And sorry, you can't have the carrier yet, I'm still using it :)

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