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My list of additions

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  1. Integrate Kerbal Engineer into stock
  2. Add colonization to the game/long term bases
  3. Add a special set of parts for rovers
  4. 3.75 command pod!
  5. 5 meter and 7.5 meter parts
  6. add interstage engine adapters like in SpaceY
  7. Create a Mk4 system
  8. Add another type of mk3 cockpit that is not a shuttle.
  9. Bigger, better and more diverse probe cores
  10. Expand the number of station parts in the game
  11. Add a 3.75 meter docking port
  12. Make it easier for modders to mod by making PartTools less finicky (It took me one hour to get my parts into the game, and i know Unity well.)
  13. Let kerbals take off their helmet
  14. Make kerbals outfit change based on their: profession (Engineer, scientist and Pilot) and their rank.
  15. Do all of these suggestions.
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I agree, but there's already a MK-4 system mod. Make it stock. And make SpaceY and Expanded ones stock (5M an 7,5M parts), and Nerve's Stockalike Station Parts mod has the station parts already, so, SQUAD, stock SSPE mod plz??


EDIT - decorative lights for HitchHiker and Lab

Edited by OrbitalBuzzsaw
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