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Can we have a serious discussion about heat?

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Drills have a small bug in that if they are run at the same time as a converter, they run extra fast, yes. They produce ore at half the speed that the converter uses it up, no matter how pitiful their ore supply is. I know about that perfectly well. However, the numbers do not support your claim, and the drills do not overheat.


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Drills don't overheat because they take extra coolant away from isru, so they get way more than they need, while isru doesn't get enough. Also i can make a setup where isru will work just fine, while drills will overheat, but it's dumb and impractical.

Numbers support my claim perfectly with 100% accuracy. I can calculate the exact amount of extra retractible(or fixed, if they are all attached to the same part) radiators i need to run everything without overheating, because i know how the bug works. Can you?

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On 2016-07-09 at 10:27 AM, Leftotian said:

And you are wrong. Not enough testing, no understanding of mechanics and a random guess on which part is bugged, based on converter overheating.

As i said already, drills are bugged. But that drill bug in practice makes radiators not work properly, which in turn overheats a converter.

Converter is not bugged, converter will not overheat if it has overabundance of cooling, converter will not overheat even when it has the exact amount of cooling. The problem is that it does not get this amount because of a drill bug, drills will consume up to 500%(actually up to infinity, if you provide that, but in practice it doesn't matter after 500%, at that point you will have enough coolant to feed every part in the game even with the bug) of their normal amount, taking away from a converter and overheating it. Dividing radiators in drill only and converter only by using surface radiators prevents drills from starving converter.

It's an old bug, it was here since at least 1.0.4. Actually in 1.0.4. and 1.0.5. converter was also buged in a same way, but it was fixed in 1.1.0. Drills were not.

What is this bug you keep talking about, exactly?

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The small ISRU will overheat by design!

It is basically the only disadvantage the small ISRU has. It can't run continuously. It needs 100kW of cooling, but the maximum of cooling it accepts is 50kW. Hence it wont ever reach a thermal equilibrium and will shut down after a while.

There is no bug here at all. This behaviour has been talked about a lot when the small ISRU was implemented. Roverdude himself explained this.

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  • 3 years later...
23 hours ago, James M said:

Can we do something about this in 1.8?

Feel free to make the suggestion-- though I'd suggest posting a thread over in the suggestions forum, instead. ;)

This thread is three years old, and is a gameplay question that has long since been answered, so presumably everyone involved has long since moved on.  Accordingly, locking the thread to prevent further confusion.  Anyone with related questions is free to spin up a new thread.

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