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Sticky Landing Legs

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I am trying to land a rocket on Earth(I am using RSS) on a slightly sloped ground.However, even though it is not even that inclined, the vehicle starts sliding over terrain with 5 m/s.

Is there a mod that has sticky landing legs that can prevent this problem? I know of SQUID Landing Legs of Hooligan Labs Mod but I think it is not compatible with 1.1.2. Thanks in advance.

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This affects me too, was present in 1.1.2

I imagine it is related to the overarching wheel problems which have not yet been properly tackled, think its a 1.2 thing. IIRC, unity sees wheels and legs as the same thing.

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I've had some luck with using extra landing legs reducing the rate of slide, but ultimately the best solution seems to be using other parts, like wings, for landing (which still slide but usually at a very slow rate, below the recovery threshold so you can recover before bad things happen :wink:).  I especially notice this problem in low gravity places like the mun (which is odd you'd think higher gravity would make it worse, maybe it's just I land on slopes more often of the mun), maybe RSS makes it worse somehow?  If you happen to like landing your rockets on their side opening the doors of a service bay can stop the sliding :).  Hopefully once the upgrade to unity is done this will become a nostalgic problem of the past.

Edited by kBob
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If at all possible, retract a few of the landing legs on the uphill side. Since you are on sloped ground, you might be able to partially level the ship when you do this for an extra benefit. In any case, once anything other than landing legs is touching the ground, almost all of the sliding (which happens because of tiny vibrations) will stop.

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