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Drills not heated up

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So, with my current game I have been setting up mining rigs, with my current setup I forgot radiators and thought that was going to be a problem but for some reason the drills running constantly for a few days on Minmus have not raised past 143 and have a thermal efficiency of 3.8% and I have 4 drills. Is there something wrong with them or my game?

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Currently I have 12000 or 120000 power, its one of the near future batteries, and two solar panels from near future panels the ones that produce 90ec charge, open or closed they do not effect it.

Edited by Caithloki
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Then I'm going to have to guess that one of your mods is messing things up. If a drill has electricity, then it should be heating up fast.

I suppose the next question, though, is: when you look at the ore concentration is it showing 0, or does it actually have a value? I'm not sure if a drill heats up when mining 0 ore.

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They don't. Also, stock panels don't, either.

They merely have a good emissive coefficient, meaning that heat that naturally ends up within them (through part-to-part equalizing conduction for example) will bleed off into space at a faster rate. Like, at 1.5 kW instead of 1.2 KW or that kind of magnitude, unless the entire ship is glowing with heat :P

Drills are "core" heat producers, not "normal" heat producers like engines, and require special active radiators with a "core transfer" stat to handle. No solar panel will do anything for it, no matter the size.

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1 hour ago, Streetwind said:

They don't. Also, stock panels don't, either.


Probodobodyne branded Photovoltaic Panels are the world standard for power generation, from your own home to the stars. The SP model comes with a protective shroud, allowing recovery when it's no longer needed. Includes passive radiators on the reverse side for better heat dissipation.


The alternate configuration of the SP Model Photovoltaic Panels. Includes passive radiators on the reverse side for better heat dissipation.


The single largest solar array available for purchase, the Gigantor XL offers tremendous generation potential from a compact initial package. Includes passive radiators on the reverse side for better heat dissipation.

A bit odd they are specifically mentioned in the descriptions of the parts then isn't it?


Edited by Rocket In My Pocket
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Streetwind is right, though -- that key word "passive" means that they just do a really good job of radiating any heat that happens to get conducted into them. The do not actively cool any neighboring parts, and they certainly do not remove core heat from neighboring parts (which, as Streetwind said, is a special kind of heat that only drills and converters have).

3 hours ago, Caithloki said:

I am getting an amount, about 0.0018 or less then that.

.0018 sounds like a very normal ore rate to me. So yes, either your game is bugged, or a mod has broken something. What version of the game are you running?


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I am running 1.1.2 (not the latest version because its my lets play one)

This is the miner I setup, it doesn't heat up and has no radiators. It was flown here.


This is an old abandoned base, with the smaller miners, I need to do more testing to see if it is the reactor attached to the base causing the heat up but they dropped to about 200 when I jumped in because the reactor shut down but when reactivated they warmed up or it was because I emptied the tanks so they could mine. (again i will need to test more)


This was the new ship I brought out with hyper edit thinking maybe it was because they were only pumping into the logic donut (I have had issues with them before), it seemed to keep the temp from kerbin so started at about 16% efficiency but over the night dropped to 6.2%. It seems like it is either the big drill having issues or a mod.


I will test more tomorrow but its late so i am off to bed, any thoughts on other possible causes would be appreciated. 

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