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Crash When Reverting to VAB/SPH A Number of Times

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So, I've been having this issue with KSP ever since 1.1 and subsequent updates, even 1.1.3. I start the game, and it works fine. It loads and the main menu comes up. I go into my sandbox save (my career save might have the same issue, so I haven't played it in a long time). I can go to the Launchpad perfectly fine, I can fly spaceships perfectly fine. I did a whole Munar mission using a stock craft, and I've flown around quite a bit. So, flying vessels isn't an issue (I think). I can enter the VAB/SPH and it works fine, and I can launch vessels from them fine as well, but after a certain number of reverts to VAB/SPH the game crashes. It seems that the number is random, but I'm not exactly sure. However, the game is guaranteed to crash eventually, and normally within about 30 minutes of starting the game.

This never happened for versions before 1.1. I would like to know if there is a solution.

I've checked all of my error logs (I have quite a lot, all of them post 1.1 since this is a new install). All of them say it's an access violation.

Edited by Bill Phil
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I'm running into this same bug now.  It appears totally random, or at least I haven't spotted a pattern yet.  Just every now and then when I try to enter the VAB or SPH the game crashes to desktop.  I was going to check the bug report later today and see if it's been reported yet. 

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I HAVE spotted a pattern with this, or at least one of the triggers.  If any part of the craft is active or moving; engine running, wheel spinning, dislodged "Unneeded" part still falling to the ground, etc, then the game is quite a bit more likely to crash when reverting to the vab/sph.  It's not the only cause of the crash, but it does seem to be one of the more common causes of this issue.


solution: wait for the parts to stop moving before reverting.  not always a practical solution, but it does reduce revert to sph/vab crashing.

Edited by Jakalth
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Logs and moar data. Just like the previous "crash in editor" issue, details are extremely important in replicating these "random" type of issues. It sometimes takes a lot of different folks sharing their experience to really nail the issue.


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