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Anohter true story!!


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So, I built a rocket.... it was huge.... don't worry, its incidental to the story.

I launched..... this is what happened...

The windows started to rattle.... The Man Cave cat, Garfield took off and hid.... big brave cat he is...

... our boarder came in to see what was going on...

...my wife comes in thinking I was smashing the place up...

My son, who lives in the sleep out about 40 feet away from the man cave came in to see what was going on...

A few minutes later, we got a phone call from the neighbour who lives about 100 feet away wanting to know what the hell was going on... FYI, we live on the edge of town on a farm...

The sheep in the paddock behind our house bolted.....

Its the first time I had played KSP at full volume.... the computer pumps the sound into an amp and from there, it goes to the 5.1 surround sound system!

Playing KSP at full volume is.... unique... but probably not a good idea with any other game...

If I played Counter Strike at full volume, I can quite easily imagine armed Police arriving...

I just wanted to hear what a real life type rocket launch sounded like... however... I had a ringing noise in my ears for about 30 minutes afterwards.


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I've got to take KSP to a movie theater sometime. Hook it up to their beastly sound system :cool:

In all seriousness, WAIT...

Do the movie theater thing, and play in VR from the perspective of a Kerbal 3 feet from the launch pad.

In all seriousness, This may be possibly the best way to play KSP. And the most annoying.

I do find that I never use the full volume on computers, though. I only really need, like, six percent with headphones. That implies that computers were made for this :cool:


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