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Stock rocketry in Centauri Dreams

Der Anfang

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Oookaayyy, not sure if this needs to be in modded discussions or not, but my post is more casual discussion than actual "asking for help". Still, I sort of am looking for advice and such. Not sure if everyone is familiar with the mod, Centauri Dreams. I figured I'd give it a try. It looked like a cool mod, and it is really quite something else. Given, the terrain on Elcano is a little glitchy, but wow, it's a sight to behold! It's also much harder than I first thought it would be. Sure, I did know what I was getting myself into: we're dealing with realistically sized objects, here. But I just hadn't realized I was looking at more than 1 km/s burns just within the Elcano system itself. Even more, I decided to give this a try in career, which is probably foolish in of itself. Still, it makes things interesting, and far more challenging. However, considering the numbers involved, you would have to spend over 1.8k dv just to reach Hawking (Elcano's nearby asteroid moon), then another 1k just to slow down to get into Hawking orbit.

I decided to give career a small break and muck around in sandbox, and given, I am not playing full on stock rocketry in sandbox, as I am using Near Future tech. But let's say for the sake of things, I would roll full stock rocketry in Centauri Dreams (for career especially). Whether in sandbox or career, how easy do you think it would it be just to land on Hawking and then return back to Elcano? How realistic would missions beyond the Elcano system be on just stock game rockety? Has anyone else given this mod a try, yet?

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I don't know anything about centauri dreams, but I have played with RSS/RO, and it looks like centauri dreams is more like that than the stock system.  I have never managed to get very far in RO, but there is no way stock parts could get you anywhere.  Stock mass fractions are very unrealistic, in RO you have to use reconfigured tanks or procedural tanks.  Centauri dreams may be easier than RO/RSS, though.  

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39 minutes ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

I don't know anything about centauri dreams, but I have played with RSS/RO, and it looks like centauri dreams is more like that than the stock system.  I have never managed to get very far in RO, but there is no way stock parts could get you anywhere.  Stock mass fractions are very unrealistic, in RO you have to use reconfigured tanks or procedural tanks.  Centauri dreams may be easier than RO/RSS, though.  

Is it not possible to reach orbit on Earth in RSS with stock rocketry? Or just incredibly difficult?

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Well it's definitely doable in RSS (assuming you only have the planets installed and not the entirety of Realism Overhaul), but it is incredibly difficult to get even a small payload to Earth orbit. You need around twice the delta-v that you need for Kerbin, but I've also found that much higher thrusts are important for your rocket, especially the upper stages. I don't play with RSS regularly though, this is just from a bit of testing out that I did a while ago.

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22 hours ago, Der Anfang said:

Is it not possible to reach orbit on Earth in RSS with stock rocketry? Or just incredibly difficult?

It is possible, but it is about 9400 delta-v, so you won't be going much further than that. 

There is a mod called SMURFF that changes some of the values that should allow you to use stock parts in your mod. 

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