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[KSP 1.3.1] KEI - Kerbin Environmental Institute(1.2.3) 2017-10-11


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8 hours ago, Taki117 said:

@RealGecko I went digging through the SSRSS folders  and discovered that it changes the launch site name, for example, the default KSC is renamed to us_cape_canaveral.  I don't know if this helps with troubleshooting why it doesn't work with SSRSS, but it's a start.

I bet it's because home planet is not Kerbin and even more - there's no Kerbin at all :D

I hope that in next few days I'll have some time to check if I'm right or not and finally fix the issue.

Thanks for your clue it might be another reason too, or even both suggestions might be true :D

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7 hours ago, theJesuit said:

Is there any chance of a 1.2 build as well?

I won't update to 1.2 until it's stable and I won't play it until KER or MJ and KAC are adopted.

We have ScanSat and RemoteTech analogues in stock, but we still do not have Delta V calculator. That's a shame!

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2 hours ago, RealGecko said:

I won't update to 1.2 until it's stable and I won't play it until KER or MJ and KAC are adopted.

We have ScanSat and RemoteTech analogues in stock, but we still do not have Delta V calculator. That's a shame!

Agreed. I'm only trialling and stress testing options for my first career play through.  It helps for a github update of KER though.  I can't in all honesty create a serious program without KAC.  A new mod that sorts craft by the next manouver node from the tracking stations is helping with the KAC deficit. The debug cheating menu is filling in for KEI.  I'm justifying it by calling it Black Market science, and not starting my next full game.

However I'm so pleased the RSS issue has been solved.  Thank you again! 


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29 minutes ago, RealGecko said:

Can you, please, provide the link? Sounds intriguing :)


I can't seem to find the mod, nor its author on the Forums.  I reckon that something like this will be in a future update as the stock version of KAC though.


Edit - it also seems to work with 1.1.3 so give it a go!

Edited by theJesuit
Reasons, but seriously just more information.
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I don't know if this is a problem with CKAN or the mod, but when trying to download it comes back with an error, saying it can't be dowloaded. I've seen this with other mods too, so i suspect it's something to do with CKAN

WELL NEVER BLOODY MIND THEN. sorry, it's always the way that when you report something it suddenly decides to work

Edited by harleyquinneth
CKAN being slightly annoying
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On 9/18/2016 at 2:39 PM, RealGecko said:

Hey, people!

Here I am, on the road again (c) :D

Version 1.1.2 is here:


Oh my yes!  I will test this with SSRSS as soon as I can!

EDIT:  OMG IT TOTALLY WORKS!  Even with nearly 3 gigs of mods it works beautifully, thank you sir!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I seem to have a bug with this mod on 1.2. I created a new career, ran KEI to clear out the initial science, then a few more times until I had the Space Exploration tech. Then I closed the R&D screen and hit the button, only to get the following error in the log:

Exception: ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: key

Other than that, I must say I am very glad that this mod exists! Keep up the great work!



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Am I in a dream? Pinch me! :D This would make for a good science backup for mid-tier nodes like "Aww, I need an efficient engine in 2.5m. It's in the node just ahead of me, and I need 75 more science to get it. Wait a moment! I could use that mod I got to do EVA reports everywhere on the KSC! YES! I got it!"

Edited by TopHeavy11
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1 hour ago, RealGecko said:

Send me your save file with the CKAN list of installed mods, I'll dig the issue.

I've sent you the list, the save file is literally a new save, click KEI, unlock down to Space Exploration like this: tBukgWE.png

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4 minutes ago, RealGecko said:

It's caused by L-Tech Scientific Industries,  it breaks both KEI and [x] Science!. Uninstall it and everything is fine.

Maybe you shall send a request to @Olympic1 too?

Yes, and it's not specific to ksp 1.2 or L-Tech.  I ran across it a little while ago in 1.1.3

Nehemiah OMS and L-Tech both have this issue because they use null experiment IDs in their code, and the vanilla Squad list traversal's default behavior is to bail when it runs across a null.

kerbas_ad_astra figured out a patch for L-Tech some time ago, which, does error checking so the the "null found, abort!" behavior is changed to "null found, just ignore it and keep going". However, that patch would need to be applied separately for each "list-traversing" mod by its author.

Here's a link to the discussion about it: 

Hope this helps

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24 minutes ago, RealGecko said:

It's caused by L-Tech Scientific Industries,  it breaks both KEI and [x] Science!. Uninstall it and everything is fine.

Maybe you shall send a request to @Olympic1 too?


Cheers for letting me know, I'll see if I can remove it from my save, don't think I've been using it at all really.

6 minutes ago, Foozle said:

Yes, and it's not specific to ksp 1.2 or L-Tech.  I ran across it a little while ago in 1.1.3

Nehemiah OMS and L-Tech both have this issue because they use null experiment IDs in their code, and the vanilla Squad list traversal's default behavior is to bail when it runs across a null.

kerbas_ad_astra figured out a patch for L-Tech some time ago, which, does error checking so the the "null found, abort!" behavior is changed to "null found, just ignore it and keep going". However, that patch would need to be applied separately for each "list-traversing" mod by its author.

Here's a link to the discussion about it: 

Hope this helps


Alright, I'm not going to be patching L-Tech myself for now, but thanks for the link :) 

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11 minutes ago, Foozle said:

Hope this helps

Maaaan, thanks for pointing that out!

Actually Kerbas-ad-astra provided the patch, but when I was adopting the source for KSP 1.2 I refactored his

if (!ex.experimentID.Equals(""))

to my

if (ex.experimentID != "" && ex.experimentID != "SEP_SolarwindSpectrum" && ex.experimentID != "SEP_CCIDscan")

And that is the critical mistake!
Being so dumb is a crime from my side :D

I'll fix that right now, expect update in an hour!

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OK, I've changed my mind :D

Kerbin-ad-astra's solution turned to be completely ineffective. I've tried to do workaround, but it did not work too and I have more interesting things to do :D:D:D

Verdict: do not use L-Tech Scientific Industries as it breaks KEI and [x] Science! until it stops returning nulls.

Nulls are bad...you know :D:D:D

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Hey RealGecko, you da man! Thanks for updating this! I started a new career when 1.2 pre came out and I'd been eagerly awaiting your mod! 

You know that button that says 'Make me happy!'.....Well it did! :D

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Hokay. This mod. I lurves it. I saw the name in my CKAN, and decided to give it a shot, because trawling everything around the KSC is a tedious waste of time.

After I got ALL THE SCIENCE from the KSC from a few button presses, I noticed some messages in the queue. They were all notifications and messages from the crew, talking about what science was done, and were pretty funny to boot! Nice little details that bumped up my science early in the game! So nice!

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Hey Gecko!  Just throwing a a bug report/mod conflict your way. 

Mission Controller 2 causes a nullRef when clicking the KEI icon and keeps it from opening (and therefore working.) The nullRef is accompanied with an error regarding the weather core experiment.

[WRN 21:38:41.823] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id MCEWheatherCore
[EXC 21:38:41.827] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	KEI.KEI.<GainScience>b__20_0 (.ScienceExperiment x)
	System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateWhereIterator>c__Iterator1D`1[ScienceExperiment].MoveNext ()
	KEI.KEI.GainScience (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 experiments, Boolean analyze)
	KEI.KEI.ShowMainWindow ()
	KSP.UI.Screens.ApplicationLauncherButton.OnTrue (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData data, CallType callType)
	UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall`2[UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData,KSP.UI.UIRadioButton+CallType].Invoke (System.Object[] args)
	UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCallList.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters)
	UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters)
	UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent`2[UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData,KSP.UI.UIRadioButton+CallType].Invoke (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData arg0, CallType arg1)
	KSP.UI.UIRadioButton.SetState (State state, CallType callType, UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData data, Boolean popButtonsInGroup)
	KSP.UI.UIRadioButton.ToggleState (CallType callType, UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData data)
	KSP.UI.UIRadioButton.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerClickHandler.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData)
	UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData)
	UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[IPointerClickHandler] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor)
Edited by Cleric2145
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