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Modifier For All Keys

You get a modifier and you get a modifier and you get a modifier ... everything gets a modifier.

So why not have a modifier for all key actions. 

The modifier key for windows is the Alt key, for Linux it is Right Shift and for Mac it is Option

During flight there are already fifteen actions that combine with the modifier key.


Snark had a brilliant idea.


At one time parking brake was available by double tapping the B.key.

I suggested it should be Mod + B for parking brake.

Having the mod key combine with the rest of the keys available would be useful and allow actions that could be complicated to set up in VAB/SPH with action groups.

Anyone have any ideas for a combo mod and key?

Existing Mod Key Combinations



+ F12                 
+ Comma/Period  
+ F5/F9                
+ L                
+ W/S/A/D/Q/E            
+ X              
+ Right-click              
+  Mouse Wheel  
  Debug Menu
Physics Time Warp
Lock Stage
Trim Pitch/Yaw/Roll
Reset Trim
Multiple Action menus
Adjust Fild of View

Suggested Flight View

+ Zero to Nine              
+ B              
+ I/J/K/L/H//N
+ T
+ F1
  Extra Action Groups
Parking Brake
Toggle RCS Thruster
Cycle SAS Function and PID
Screen Shot without User Interface

Suggested  Map View



Mod + Backspace          
Mod + Tab             
Mod + O


Focus on SOI
Focus on Target
Place New Maneuver Node


I was thinking of Mod +  I/J/K/L/H//N to toggle on and off the RCS thrusters.

If the Shift key could also be combined with Mod then the   W/S/A/D/Q/E  or  I/J/K/L/H//N  combo could disable the SAS function with Mod + Shift + X/B to reset.

Also these extra keybinds should be spread out through the career progression upgrades.

Some actions for map view such as Mod + Backspace for focus on SOI centre and Mod + Tab for focus on Target.

Another suggestion related would be that certain actions are allowed when a skilled engineer is on board or sophisticated drone core installed.

Edited by MoeslyArmlis
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7 minutes ago, MoeslyArmlis said:

I was thinking of Mod +  I/J/K/L/H//N to toggle on and off the RCS thrusters.

And also the same for wasdeq to turn on and off RCS rotate, pitch and yaw.

I quite like this idea.

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I wish we could have control configurations similar to Elite Dangerous.  They are so incredibly flexible and you can define your own modifier keys, which is very useful when using a flight stick.  The way E:D does it, it accepts any combination of keys for any assignment.  So if you want a modifier you just hold a key/button and press another, then you can use it for as many assignments as you would like.

The modifier key shouldn't be forced to a specific key (though it can be defaulted).  Just to show what I mean, you can see in the screenshot below, Joy 8 is configured as a modifier key. I can have as many or few mod keys as I like.



Edited by Alshain
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2 hours ago, John FX said:

And also the same for wasdeq to turn on and off RCS rotate, pitch and yaw.

I quite like this idea.

That is exactly what I was intending

The idea is to have some default actions that fulfill a specific need.  Take the idea of disabling RCS thrusters using the Mod key and J/K now when yaw is selected the RCS thruster will not fire.  This can already be setup and bound to an action group for each pair of thrusters.  Many RCS thruster blocks can start to become tedious to program.

Instead it should be like setting trim which affects all control surfaces by default.  In this case all RCS thrusters are affected.

Having it default to the same keys that control the RCS thrusters to me makes perfect sense.


I agree with @Alshain that the Mod key should be re-mapable but that is for another topic.

Edited by MoeslyArmlis
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I think the mod key should be configurable I'd be happy if I could just remap with alt but ctrl key should be too.  It would be nice for example to map the eva movements up/down to ctrl-uparrow, ctrl-downarrow on my keyboard rather than the insert and delete keys like I have had to do.  In other words make all the commands fully remapable and allow all mod keys to be used as they were meant to be (including ctrl-alt).  Then it would be easy to let the user add a lot more action groups for example (not just alt 0..9 but also ctrl 0..9 and ctrl-alt 0..9).

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FYI, the Modifier key is remappable via the settings.cfg. I can already hear the "would be nice to do it in the settings menu with everything else," but thought I would throw it out there in case folks didn't know.

	primary = LeftAlt
	secondary = RightAlt
	group = 0
	modeMask = -1
	modeMaskSec = -1

As an example, you could edit it to use primary = LeftAlt and secondary = LeftShift.


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On 7/9/2016 at 9:32 PM, MoeslyArmlis said:


Map View    
Mod + Backspace focus on SOI  
Mod + Tab focus on Target.  
Mod + M Maneuver Node  

If the Shift key could also be combined with Mod then the   W/S/A/D/Q/E  or  I/J/K/L/H//N  combo could disable the SAS function with Mod + Shift + X/B to reset.

Also these extra keybinds should be spread out through the career progression upgrades.

Some actions for map view such as Mod + Backspace for focus on SOI centre and Mod + Tab for focus on Target.

Mod + Tab = Alt+ Tab on windows...that also minimizes the KSP window
"Shift" is also throttle up...pretty dangerous to use it as a modifier...and still it is used for Focus View cycling backward:huh:(press tab to switch focus view through all celestial bodies, starting with Kerbol...hold Shift and press tab to cycle backwards and get the surprise of your life seeing the main engines at full throttle)

On 7/9/2016 at 9:40 PM, John FX said:

And also the same for wasdeq to turn on and off RCS rotate, pitch and yaw.

"Mod + w/a/s/d/e/q" is already in use to adjusts trim of the craft.
For us keyboard users, it is a bit like a joystick leaning just slightly to one constant direction...to keep the airplane from naturally rolling after it lost a wing(some airplanes exaggerate the loss of a wing though, tumbling and throwing tantrums:rolleyes:)
This is less useful in space since craft just roll faster and faster.

Except for those and any other operating systems pre-claimed key combinations(press alt+ctrl+del to pause comes to mind:D), these are really great ideas.

Mod + T = Activates static SAS(I understand this is what the ancient version of SAS worked like). It super-hard-locks onto the direction you selected, not slowly drifting to where the ship wants to go.

* a second idea, bit far-fetched thought.
Lock-to-Navball SAS...this will keep following the horizon, even though your spaceplane is exceeding orbital velocity(instead of slowly pointing upwards like we have now...i know, it is pointing the same direction as before, but we passed some curvature and now it look like that:blush:)

Edited by Blaarkies
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On 7/11/2016 at 5:31 AM, Blaarkies said:

Mod + Tab = Alt+ Tab on windows...that also minimizes the KSP window
"Shift" is also throttle up...pretty dangerous to use it as a modifier...and still it is used for Focus View cycling backward:huh:(press tab to switch focus view through all celestial bodies, starting with Kerbol...hold Shift and press tab to cycle backwards and get the surprise of your life seeing the main engines at full throttle)

I had not thought of that.  Excellent observation.

On 7/11/2016 at 5:31 AM, Blaarkies said:

Mod + T = Activates static SAS(I understand this is what the ancient version of SAS worked like). It super-hard-locks onto the direction you selected, not slowly drifting to where the ship wants to go.

I find that using SAS and pointing to maneuver or prograde can cause instability and wobble.    Maybe MOD +T could alter some of the PID variables.  Cycling through different PID combos and indicate with a change in colour to the SAS button.

Follow the horizon could be part of the extended SAS functions.

I will add the MOD +T to the list.


The screen shot is something I tend to do regularly and clearing the UI with F2 before taking the capture is also done regularly.

Having Mod + F1 could take a screen capture without the UI.




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1 hour ago, MoeslyArmlis said:

I find that using SAS and pointing to maneuver or prograde can cause instability and wobble.

You need to put your control module, or at least a control module, closer to the center of mass and 'control from here' to reduce wobble.  Otherwise, it's just an unavoidable effect of building a large rocket.

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