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3 Years "Away" from KSP: Any Suggestions?

Diche Bach

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  On 7/12/2016 at 4:05 PM, N_Molson said:

Definitively not, though it could be refined a bit (there could be some kind of "availability" limitation for experimental parts) its part of the gameplay :wink:


Double cost for parts would work.  It'd kill a lot of the advantage of bigger engines.

Edited by Corona688
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  On 7/11/2016 at 5:48 PM, Diche Bach said:

Amazingly, it seems to have been at least 2, maybe 3 years since I've played this game! I realize it has changed dramatically (campaign mode? interstellar travel?) so I'm just curious: what do guys suggest?

I must've bought the Steam version of the game at some point cause I have it in my Steam library and I'm just now updating it.

Are there pay-for expansion-packs or DLC I should consider?

There must be a lot of great mods. Although I think I'll try vanilla for a while first, what are considered the "go to mods" for KSP these days?

  • Command seats - mod
  • Lots of new parts - mod
  • Flag planting - mod
  • Career & science modes (do science, complete contracts, earn money and science to unlock new parts, rockets cost money, upgrade buildings, etc.) - mod
  • Biomes (basically only useful in career mode) - mod
  • Subassemblies - mod
  • Tweakables (Adjust stuff in the VAB/SPH) - mod
  • A hybrid Jet and Rocket engine (the RAPIER) - mod
  • Asteroids - mod
  • size 3 parts - mod
  • Completely new and retextured spaceplane parts - mod
  • You can blow up buildings now
  • New explosion effects - mod
  • Transfer crew without EVA - mod
  • Kerbals can be Engineer/Scientist/Pilot and have experience points in Career mode - mod
  • Female Kerbals
  • Fairings - mod
  • Mining (YESSSSSS!) - mod
  • Re-entry heat and heat shields and radiators (this is a big one) - mod
  • Parts can sort of sink now - mod

You need to wait at least 2 years more.


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  On 7/12/2016 at 4:30 PM, KerikBalm said:

The wheels were an annoying change, but they also had some major positives. Its a lot more complicated, and I think some specific values need balancing, but the wheels aren't so bad.

To the OP, they added some stress tolerance that will make all wheels explode (not break like the old rover wheel animations, but *explode*... although rover wheels can still break in a repairable way as before from lower stresses)... *all* wheels including aircraft landing gear. The same is apparent with landing legs, but those always seem to explode, I've never seen the intermediate "broken but repairable" condition for them since 1.1. Some of the stress toelrances seem too low, but htats a minor balance thing. You can also now adjust their friction coefficient (ie traction), and suspension strengths. Also they have an "autostrut" function... which I'm not sure exactly why it was added or how it works, but it means I can now deploy and recover rovers in a cargobay (previously, upon connection to the cargoship, the newly connected rover would clip through the cargoship, and explosions would result upon undock - that no longer happens)


No, you are talking about a feature they added.  I'm talking about the bugs.  The wheels are massively bugged, they slip and slide around the runway as if they have no traction at all.  The wheel stress is not a bug, it's a challenge.

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  On 7/12/2016 at 4:02 PM, tjt said:

I agree. As a new player the parts testing game me challenges to learn how to control launch speed and altitude. They're also good for unlocking parts further up the tech tree - you can take a contract to test a nuclear engine and then just use that part for other missions without completing the contract. I wasn't sure if this was cheaty or not, but I decided that if some company wanted to loan me high tech parts to use and didn't say when they wanted it back I was free to use it  :)


I play almost exclusively career mode now, and I never test parts. I set my cancel penalty to zero, cancel those contracts and soon they don't even show up.

It is my least favorite contract, just personal taste.

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  On 7/12/2016 at 10:20 PM, Alshain said:

The wheels are massively bugged, they slip and slide around the runway as if they have no traction at all.  The wheel stress is not a bug, it's a challenge.


Have you ever adjusted their friction sliders?

That sliding is not a bug, its a feature. Its nice that rovers can "fish-tail" or "drift", but it is annoying with planes.

I always crank up the rear wheel friction setting to 5 to avoid that.

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  On 7/12/2016 at 10:41 PM, KerikBalm said:

Have you ever adjusted their friction sliders?

That sliding is not a bug, its a feature. Its nice that rovers can "fish-tail" or "drift", but it is annoying with planes.

I always crank up the rear wheel friction setting to 5 to avoid that.


Lol, you are a little late to the party on this one.  It's a bug, it's been confirmed, and they are trying to get it fixed for 1.2.  We aren't talking about drifting either btw (tire sliding on hard turns), that is yet a different feature.  We are talking about veering off in one direction with no input or reason and doing donuts on the runway with no input and no reason.  On a flat surface, with no input, they should generally drive straight (barring some kind of placement or construction issue) and they don't, not even close.

Edited by Alshain
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Well then I must be lucky, because I don't really have a problem with that.

I've had some planes that initially didn't take off straight, but a quick redesign or modification of control input, and they took off fine.

Can you post a link for this "confirmation" that its a bug and not a feature?

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@Diche Bach I'm going to slightly take away my recommendation for ignoring mods while you get back up to speed. I recommend you get the stock bug fix as it solves some potential issues and, if desired, has some minor but useful enhancements (mainly giving access to things that are part of the game but not easily accessible):

Also parachutes look a lot better by not clipping (though they will still clip if deployed from inside a service bay).

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  On 7/11/2016 at 8:06 PM, Corona688 said:

For a revolutionary idea, maybe they're not mustache-twirling villains who've taken the money and ran.  Maybe it's a lot easier to complain about bugs than fix them.  And maybe it's not something that absolutely needs to infect every single topic.


For a revolutionary idea, maybe they've done a lot of good work, but it isn't up to the standards they created by applying the released monicker. It sure as hell is easier to talk about bugs than actually fix them, but with the recent team members leaving, perhaps they should invest in expanding the team even more. And it's one that definitely needs to be in this one, as a (for all intents and purposes) new player without knowledge of the issues. What really needs to stop happening is sarcasm laced with condescension to our fellow forum members warning (for all intents and purposes) newcomers of outstanding issues.

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  On 7/11/2016 at 5:55 PM, Alshain said:

Wait a little longer.


Ok seriously, that depends, but there are some really nasty bugs in the current version due to the recent switch to Unity 5.  Mainly they are centered around landing gear and legs.  We expect 1.2 to fix them (because they are switching to Unity 5.4 EDIT: We think, that also depends on if 5.4 is release by Unity END EDIT).  However, if you don't build rovers or planes you may not notice these problems and 1.1.3 will be ok for you but otherwise, waiting a little longer is a serious suggestion.


There are no paid expansions or DLC at this time.  There is a really good official mod Squad made called Asteroid Day though, it's free.


For "go to" mods, they haven't really changed much.  Kerbal Engineer and/or MechJeb are favorites along with Kerbal Alarm Clock and RCS Build Aid are mine.  These do not alter gameplay much, just quality of life (except auto-pilot in MechJeb).  Arguably the data in MJ and Engineer could be considered gameplay changing, but to me all it does is save me from the manual calculations which I could do if I really felt like it.

Of course there are tons of great mods I use, but those ones are the ones I would never play without regardless of what I wanted to do in any particular game.

If you are looking for just graphical improvements, you have Environmental Visual Enhancements (with various 3rd party configs available), CoolRockets, CollisionFX, PlanetShine, RealPlume, EngineLighting, Destruction Effects, TextureReplacer, and Distant Object Enhancement. These of course won't touch gameplay

Other good ones include BetterBurnTime, Diazo's Landing Height, PortraitStats, Waypoint Manager, and Trajectories, some of these will alter gameplay a little.


Don't forget about FAR, deadly re-entry, and all the juicy juicy parts pack!

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  On 7/13/2016 at 2:58 PM, mrclucks said:

Don't forget about FAR, deadly re-entry, and all the juicy juicy parts pack!


FAR can be fun, but isn't necessary so I wouldn't call it "go to", Deadly Re-entry is in stock now, and part packs again aren't "go-to".  If you enjoy them that is fine but they wouldn't be on my lists.

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  On 7/13/2016 at 3:00 PM, Alshain said:

FAR can be fun, but isn't necessary so I wouldn't call it "go to", Deadly Re-entry is in stock now, and part packs again aren't "go-to".  If you enjoy them that is fine but they wouldn't be on my lists.


I agree.  The only must haves I have are KER, MJ( only automations are, ploting and executing a very easy burn, executing a burn that I've ploted myself and is sensitive on the exact dv required, and setting up transfers, however I just set it up as a guide for where and when the burn is needed), and KAC. RcS build aid is also a must have for many people.  

I had simply put the other mods because many can change how the game is played in a major way(BD armory and other military mods for people who like to attack crafts, FAR for more realistic atmosphere for planes, texture mods for people who do missions from their cockpits and don't utilize the map mode ,parts mods for building very small and/or very big crafts, as well as many more niches)

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  On 7/13/2016 at 4:07 PM, Andem said:

Oh, and I would seriously reccomend you take a look at Tantares from @Beale, it's a stockalike soviet parts pack that really fleshes out gameplay (and is one of my must haves).


Yes. You might want to download the Tantares LV as well as that is sort of the launch vehicle companion to Tantares.

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  On 7/12/2016 at 4:30 PM, Corona688 said:

Double cost for parts would work.  It'd kill a lot of the advantage of bigger engines.


I thought about it, but then the contracts rewards would have to be adjusted accordingly to cover the part cost. And then I'd think that something like x4 would not be exagerated.

The idea would be that those items are prototypes, built on-demand by a laboratory rather than an assembly line. Also maybe they should be more "fragile" to reflect the "in-development" status. Like less heat, Q, or impact tolerances. 

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  On 7/12/2016 at 10:49 PM, Alshain said:

They have been talking about the repair work in the last several DevNotes.



Citation does not support your specific claims of what was wrong with the wheels.

My biggest issue has been that they get "stuck" and stop responding to extend/retract commands for a long time. Your citation just mentions non-specific issues... not that "sliding" along the runway is a bug

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  On 7/13/2016 at 5:10 PM, KerikBalm said:

Citation does not support your specific claims of what was wrong with the wheels.

My biggest issue has been that they get "stuck" and stop responding to extend/retract commands for a long time. Your citation just mentions non-specific issues... not that "sliding" along the runway is a bug


It's been said before though.  I don't have time to go search every DevNote and comment since the pre-release in March.  Feel free to go and do that yourself.  It's a known bug.

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  On 7/13/2016 at 5:28 PM, Alshain said:

It's been said before though.  I don't have time to go search every DevNote and comment since the pre-release in March.  Feel free to go and do that yourself.  It's a known bug.


^^This. Known and acknowledged.

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  On 7/13/2016 at 12:02 AM, Andem said:

For a revolutionary idea, maybe they've done a lot of good work, but it isn't up to the standards they created by applying the released monicker. ,SNIP>  What really needs to stop happening is sarcasm laced with condescension to our fellow forum members warning (for all intents and purposes) newcomers of outstanding issues.


Just to be fair, I can't think of a game that's been "released" in many years that didn't have notable bugs in the 1.0 edition. For that matter I'll go beyond games and include real software that people use to run their businesses and manage their lives.


Edited by tjt
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  On 7/13/2016 at 7:53 PM, tjt said:

Just to be fair, I can't think of a game that's been "released" in many years that didn't have notable bugs in the 1.0 edition. For that matter I'll go beyond games and include real software that people use to run their businesses and manage their lives.



I completely agree, but it needs to be noted that landing gear and landing struts are core parts of the game that have been rendered near useless. SQAUD most certainly could have postponed 1.1 until those (known) issues were addressed. I'm not asking for a 100% bug free experience (hey, bugs can be fun challenges sometimes), but something that has a broken core component should be held back until the issue is fixed, be that by SQAUD or the Unity team.

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  On 7/13/2016 at 8:17 PM, Andem said:

I completely agree, but it needs to be noted that landing gear and landing struts are core parts of the game that have been rendered near useless. SQAUD most certainly could have postponed 1.1 until those (known) issues were addressed. I'm not asking for a 100% bug free experience (hey, bugs can be fun challenges sometimes), but something that has a broken core component should be held back until the issue is fixed, be that by SQAUD or the Unity team.


I'm not saying these don't exist for some people, but I've been playing my current Career game for many (many) hours and I haven't run into these problems. I'm not flying planes, only launching rockets, but I have landed on both Mun and Minmus a dozen times and I haven't had a single problem with my struts.

On the other hand, the jittery orbits are completely frustrating...and from what I've read, it may not be fixable with current the current Unity build. My point is, that one person's "killer bug" may never effect a different player.

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  On 7/13/2016 at 8:28 PM, tjt said:

I'm not saying these don't exist for some people, but I've been playing my current Career game for many (many) hours and I haven't run into these problems. I'm not flying planes, only launching rockets, but I have landed on both Mun and Minmus a dozen times and I haven't had a single problem with my struts.

On the other hand, the jittery orbits are completely frustrating...and from what I've read, it may not be fixable with current the current Unity build. My point is, that one person's "killer bug" may never effect a different player.


That's why you haven't seen it.  The landing legs are far less affected than the gear, because the legs aren't supposed to move once landed.  The issue with the legs was that they DID in fact move, strangely enough.  They would slide down hill at a glaciers pace so you would land, go do a little EVA and come back to your craft not where you left it.  I haven't tested that, it may have been fixed in 1.1.3.

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  On 7/13/2016 at 9:04 PM, Alshain said:

That's why you haven't seen it.  The landing legs are far less affected than the gear, because the legs aren't supposed to move once landed.  The issue with the legs was that they DID in fact move, strangely enough.  They would slide down hill at a glaciers pace so you would land, go do a little EVA and come back to your craft not where you left it.  I haven't tested that, it may have been fixed in 1.1.3.


haha..."lander tobagganing"?? I call that a "feature"! I landed at the top of a small hill on Minmus and managed to slide through three biomes over the course of half a klick or so! Okay, so maybe not ENTIRELY realistic, but very Kerbal and Jeb was grinning the whole time.

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  On 7/13/2016 at 9:20 PM, tjt said:

haha..."lander tobagganing"?? I call that a "feature"! I landed at the top of a small hill on Minmus and managed to slide through three biomes over the course of half a klick or so! Okay, so maybe not ENTIRELY realistic, but very Kerbal and Jeb was grinning the whole time.


Somebody made a rather amusing time lapse gif of it.  Sadly I don't have a copy, but it was hilarious and sad at the same time.

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