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Kerbal Space Station is killing my PC ! (fps)

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Maybe it was asked thousand of times, but I'm building a space station, which is starting to be a bit complex, to be honest the pieces are all the same, but It starting to be very difficult to play 'cause FPS are closer to 10 !!! O.o

So, please,please,please if you have any TIPs or advice to save tens of hours spent to build this things... ;.;



To the Admins: Sorry I realize too late that I've post it on the wrong place, apologies :blush:

Edited by MaximilianPs
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The part tree for that is incredibly complex, I'll bet Unity/PhysX is having a hell of a time calculating joint movement...  Also, unlit "beauty shots" are pretty bad for diagnosing issues, you'd do better to rotate the camera so the sun is behind it.

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Okay. First of all, Kerbal Space Program has its limits, and that space station must be hundreds of parts. I am sorry to say this, but it has gotten a bit too big.

My biggest rocket ever was something around 750 parts. It had a time dilation of 8 to 1.

The point is, use less parts. The modules I see are ten times as complicated as they need to be. So, when building huge things, try to make each module minimalist. Use only what you need. You don't need twenty ladders and 8 rcs tanks on each module.

That being said, I applaud your determination at building something that huge! 

Tips for optimizing part count:

  • Use a stack battery instead of a lot of radial ones
  • Use a stack RCS tank instead of lots of radial ones
  • Put stuff like RCS ports and extra SAS units on decouplers, so you can jettison them and delete them from the tracking station.
  • You don't need external ladders. If you do need them, use deployable ones.
  • Those hub modules don't need to be that complex either. Unless you are set on that design.
  • Build your stations above 250Km. This reduces lag.

I hope I helped!

Edited by Ultimate Steve
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4 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

Okay. First of all, Kerbal Space Program has its limits, and that space station must be hundreds of parts. I am sorry to say this, but it has gotten a bit too big.

My biggest rocket ever was something around 750 parts. It had a time dilation of 8 to 1.

The point is, use less parts. The modules I see are ten times as complicated as they need to be. So, when building huge things, try to make each module minimalist. Use only what you need. You don't need twenty ladders and 8 rcs tanks on each module.

Ok so, to save the situation, maybe I could try to edit persistent.sfs and remove ladders, RCS (fuel and engines) and batteries too... maybe it could help ?

4 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

That being said, I applaud your determination at building something that huge! 

Thank you Sir :D 

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1 minute ago, MaximilianPs said:

Ok so, to save the situation, maybe I could try to edit persistent.sfs and remove ladders, RCS (fuel and engines) and batteries too... maybe it could help ?

You could also use KAS/KIS, unless you are dead set on being stock. Beware though: before editing the persistence file is dangerous. If you can, avoid it, but if you must, make lots of backups first.

Also, if you plan on completely rebuilding it, I added some more tips to my above post, if you refresh.

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Holy Part Count Batman!

Why do you need so many docking ports?... or Monoprop tanks?... or fuel tanks?  There are bigger parts in the game for a reason. 

There is not really a way to salvage what you have (without discarding some of it), you need to build simpler.  Plan ahead, if you need a lot of fuel, bring a few tanks capable of holding it.  Only keep a few extra docking ports around.  You are never going to need that many.  The trick is to cut part count to a minimum.  Unity 5 is faster and can handle more, but even that has it's limits.  The little ladders seem nice, but that adds a lot of parts and Kerbals can jet pack through space.

Edited by Alshain
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the "Knode" with 8 port was builded on this way to have a modular system that permit to build a circular space station.
the rest was just esthetic, I'm getting back to Kerbal after a couple of year and I was forget about engine limit :sticktongue:

BTW, I'm Kabooming all useless parts, and FPS are growing faster :D

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2 hours ago, Draco T stand-up guy said:

Once you get up the tech tree a bit further you get hold of some interesting gantries and stuff that would allow you to do that without using so many parts. I.e


That's not stock, is it??

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7 minutes ago, THX1138 said:

That's not stock, is it??

Actually, you could be right. I've added some non-stock parts but didn't really have a look at what was there before hand or even what was added. If it's not then it should be as it really is something that's needed for making space stations.



It's part of Near Future Construction.

Is that dirty yellow one a stock part?

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30 minutes ago, Draco T stand-up guy said:

Actually, you could be right. I've added some non-stock parts but didn't really have a look at what was there before hand or even what was added. If it's not then it should be as it really is something that's needed for making space stations.



It's part of Near Future Construction.

Is that dirty yellow one a stock part?

You mean the http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Rockomax_HubMax_Multi-Point_Connector ? That thing weighs a ridiculous 1.5 tonnes though! I hate it because of that!

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As you seem to be fine with editing craft-files, you can also try out the Welding Mod. It has some issues in 1.1.3 and you need a bit of experience with it to circumnavigate some problems (some weldments, like several dockingports for instance, obviously cause issues with the game), but it is the perfect mod to massively reduce the part count for people like me and you who like to overengineer build proper things.

Won't help you with this station, but anything in the future can be even bigger than it :wink:

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