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Should Laythe be Closer to Jool?

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Should Laythe be closer to Jool?

Laythe, in my Opinion is my most favorite Celestial Body in the Kerbol System, Laythe is a moon with a thick Atmosphere, Oxygen, Liquid Water, and a great view of its main Planet, Jool.


Infact the only reason why I even landed on Laythe is for the amazing Science and great view of Jool Laythe has to offer, however I alway's thought it wasn't enough.


Me, as an Astronomy and Science geek, have always been wondering what it would look like if Celestial Bodies were closer to each other? That is what I would like to see at Laythe, I do understand that Laythe is already close enough to Jool where it's intense radiation belts wouldn't cover all of Laythe in Radiation apart from its protective Atmosphere, but I believe Laythe's atmosphere is thick enough to be moved closer to Jool. Laythe is 1/5 the size of Jool, however moving it closer to Jool will effect Jool's orbit as it will move Jool a bit as Laythe passes over Jool if Laythe was to be moved to Jool (Which I would love) a lot closer. 

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I think if it were any closer it would be pushing the boundaries of physics a little too much and it couldn't have formed there, and that's a little too unrealistic. I like Laythe where it is, and Jool is huge enough. I believe its angular diameter is even much larger than that of Jupiter from Io's surface.

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