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Kylia Inc.- Weapons division

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So I went on a weapon making binge this weekend so I\'ll post my best creations here along with a link to some old spy plane research

The B3 Payloader:

The B3 Payloader is Kylia Inc\'s ultra-heavy strategic bomber. Unlike Many other so called 'bombers' the ordinance for the B3 holds no fuel. It\'s pure dead weight ensuring maximum destruction of the target area.

Here is a short range demonstration made carrying a 'Big One' bomb.




Here you can see the 'Big One' bomb carried underneath the B3.


Random flight pics.



The next continent appears over the horizon.



Bombs away.


As you can see the B3 Payloader carried an absolutely massive bomb across the ocean, and it only used about 1600KG of its 6425KG fuel supply to do so. As it loses fuel it flies higher and faster making that the least fuel efficient part of its flight. It almost certainly could travel 1/3rd of the way around Kerbin. It could possibly hit any point on the planet.

Here\'s a pic of the craft with its top removed so you can see the internal bomb bay.


There\'s two variants of the craft. There is the 'Big One' BO seen above and the modified heavy 'Carpet Bomber' CB variant. The B3 Payloader CB carries 20 independent bombs and uses only slightly more fuel than the BO does. See below




The KICBM-1:

The KICBM is Kylia Inc\'s mobile long range missile platform. The platform uses RCS to turn and aim the rocket while the cheap missile '3 tanks of fuel' can hit any location on Kerbin. It has a travel time of less than 1 hour which is perfect for those 'first strike' attacks, or as a deterrent.

Missile launch

On the rotating platform



Reaching peak velocity



The debris on the opposite side of Kerbin is the KSC


Here\'s a link to our research on high altitude spy aircraft.


All .craft files are attached, but you need to log in to download them.

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I\'m going for a long range run carrying a full CB payload. I just hit the halfway mark on my fuel supply and i\'m already nearing the polar ice. Considering i lost a ton of weight in spent fuel I think I can hit the exact opposite side of kerbin if I keep going.

I\'ll update when I run out out of fuel or make it to the equator, dropping the payload. Image is attached.

Edit: Just hit the 2/3 mark of my fuel supply and i\'m a little under 2/3 around the world. That said the craft is now traveling 400m/s. It\'s significantly faster than the 230-240m/s of when I started, but i\'m using the same amount of fuel.

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