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reputation stuck at 90%

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This is weird I thought reputation went up to 1000, as in 100% but then you get close too 1000 you don't get the reputation if sum pass 1000, however for me it was stuck at 91% for days, then I killed an kerbal and failed an contract and it went down to 90% and has not moved for days even if I have done many contracts in the 20 reputation range. 
Is I wrong in how its calculated. 

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As I understand it: The closer you are to the maximum, the less reputation you actually get from rewards. That is, a contract completion notice may say you've gained 25 reputation, but your score has only gone up by 5 (disclaimer: I've just made up those numbers).

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Do you understand the concept of an asymptote? Reputation is asymptotically limited at +1000 and -1000. As ElWanderer said, the closer you get, the slower you go. You will never actually reach either one.

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11 minutes ago, bewing said:

Do you understand the concept of an asymptote? Reputation is asymptotically limited at +1000 and -1000. As ElWanderer said, the closer you get, the slower you go. You will never actually reach either one.

I know, I did not know ksp used it here, nice as its better than the old system with linear and nothing if overshooting.

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