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I want to CFG edit the Turbojet engine for a max altitude of 24,000 meters.

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You\'d want to adjust the airflow parameters

Here is the CFG section i\'m referring to.

optimalAirflow = 60

lowerAirflowLimit = 10

upperAirFlowLimit = 300

Change the lowerAiflowLimit to something around 5, i think, and optimal airflow to something around 30. You\'d need a bit of testing (OK, a lot) to fine-tune the altitude limits, but this is the basic idea.

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  Thobewill10 said:

You\'d want to adjust the airflow parameters

Here is the CFG section i\'m referring to.

optimalAirflow = 60

lowerAirflowLimit = 10

upperAirFlowLimit = 300

Change the lowerAiflowLimit to something around 5, i think, and optimal airflow to something around 30. You\'d need a bit of testing (OK, a lot) to fine-tune the altitude limits, but this is the basic idea.

Okay, I\'ll begin testing momentarily. Results soon.

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  Thobewill10 said:

Awesome, I\'m mostly guessing on the suggested edits, so it\'d be interesting to see what exactly they do, for future reference. Happy testing!

I also modified maximum thrust and exhaust speed.

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  Thobewill10 said:

Just tell me what you\'re editing and give me a copy of your test craft. I\'ll test a different range of values

I\'m editing the TurboJet\'s maximumThrust, OptimalAirflow, LowerAirflowLimit, and maximumExhaustSpeed values.

Currently, they sit like this:

maximumThrust: 175

maximumExhaustSpeed: 1900

OptimalAirflow: 30

LowerAirflowLimit: 4

It just ran out of power at 23,500 meters for me.

I also renamed the engine to HybridTurboEngine.

Dual engines, it likes to stay around 700m/s, just what I want.

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Okay, since you\'ve basically achieved your primary goal, I\'ll test out other modifications of these parameters for future interest. I\'ll try out optimal airflow at 0 and LowerAirflowLimit at 0 first, to see if it enables these to work in space.

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  Thobewill10 said:

Okay, since you\'ve basically achieved your primary goal, I\'ll test out other modifications of these parameters for future interest. I\'ll try out optimal airflow at 0 and LowerAirflowLimit at 0 first, to see if it enables these to work in space.

Possibly, except this engine hovers at 20,000meters. See where 2 and 1 put you.

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  Thobewill10 said:

Tentatively, it seems that with optimal and lower both at 0, the engines don\'t function in atmo at all. Space testing is pending.

This might be useful for ion engines, no?

Quite possibly. I\'m going to retry with airflow of 2.

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  Thobewill10 said:

I did a straight-up test of optimal 30 and lower 1 and it stopped accelerating at 25000 KM

I\'m actually looking to use this engine in a MiG-25 recreation.

2 should put it at 23km, which is perfect.

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  Thobewill10 said:

0 for both parameters does not work in any case. It seems that the 'efficiency' parameter in the context menu kills this.

Try maximum intake power. That might help.

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You need to stretch out the curve so that the peak efficiency is at zero pressure.

Set the lowerAirflowLimit to something like -100, optimal to 0, and upper to something exorbitant like 1000. Leave everything else stock and see if that works.

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