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Suggestion for save corruption

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You can constantly see people upset about this, it is on their tracker at multiple levels.  My suggestion is to back up your save everytime you exit the game, trying doing it at max every two hours (haven't had many crashes before that time frame).  USB or Upload storage.  Everyone knows it's there and is frustrating, but please, would you rather lose the entire career mission or whatever, or take a couple of mins ensuring your save...at least until it's fixed.  It looks like the save file is only around 10.49 mb so I think a 1 gb USB data stick thing cost only a dollar now a days.

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This isn't always an option. I'd been making USB saves for days, and it's gotten to the point now that I can't save without it becoming corrupted. Don't think this is an exaggeration. Over the weekend, it happened 15 times in a row. In a full day's play I managed to get one successful save which I immediately backed up to USB. It doesn't matter if I save manually, or get an autosave, exit my game manually or crash, the majority of the saves are corrupt.

Literally, I'll go into my game, make some changes in the VAB and save, and it's corrupt. Or launch a rocket, get into orbit, save, and it's corrupt. I'm afraid of trying to do anything time consuming or elaborate because I know that I'm just going to end up doing it again after the save corrupts.

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And yet again you have got me back to cringing, swear to god if I lose this save my next 40 dollars will be spent on a drug and std infested hooker so at least getting completely screwed ends in satisfaction.


Side note: wonder how liquided my wife would be to see this post...it's gonna happen, love that excrements


One more thing been seeing alot of yall just put the ps4 into rest mode, even in game...cool cool, ummm let it completely sleep to here and there (aka turn it off ).  I'm just saying I haven't had problems, other than normal crashes, and those happen mainly when I stream.  I really think any added stress makes this game even more unstable.


Or I'm just lucky, playing with a loaded gun, pointed directly at my nuts.

Really?  liquided is sensored, this is a sad world we live in....urinate 

Edited by henny83
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I have just been granted a refund on the game from Sony. They are aware of the issue, and are informing their CSRs to be prepared for people to contact them. Further I have asked them to investigate the issue on their side, asking how the game make it through certification in its current state and follow up on the status of a patch. I'm hoping that Flying Tiger will respond quickly and the matter is resolved, but I don't feel comfortable waiting for that to happen in good faith. I will be posting this message in other threads related to this issue, for maximum visibility.

Call 1-855-999-7669 (SONY), and select option 2 for PSN purchases.

Squad, I love your game. I own it on Steam already, and I fully intend to re-purchase it if/when the issue is resolved, but this port should have never made it through certification. The corruption issue was the straw that broke the camel's back, but there were other bugs too like frequent crashing, the lack of optimization, or occasional inability to edit maneuver nodes. I'm hoping that questions will be asked, and issues addressed. If I were in your position, I wouldn't want these issues reflecting on me as the original developer.

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