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Possibly the longest space trip so far?


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It took me tries to return to kerbin retrograde, and I had only a sliver of fuel left. Just keep trying.

I will, but it was past midnight at that point and rather dissapointing :(

My first attempt failed miserably; I tried to brute force it. Turned out I acually had about 14,000 m/s of delta V to durn in kerbol SOI which was fairly impressive, but not quite enough. Bielliptic is much better. Coming that close with one entire stage left that had ~ 3000m/s delta V.

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How far away is the sun? And does it have any heat impacts or something on your ship? I really want to discover everything in that universe :D

The heat doesn\'t affect it, but you can crash into it. I tried to crash into it one time, but ran out of fuel, and actually orbited pretty dang close to it with no damage or melted Kerbals. Second time, I managed the fuel better, and was able to get an impact.

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pfft \'Better than NASA\' isn\'t something to be proud of.

I just hope we get some new planets in the next release. and x100,000 , x1,000,000 time acceleration.


But you\'re right, another planet would be great, I\'ve been secretly hoping that it will be another of squad\'s \'Surprise Additions.\' :D

I ran a flight to see how much fuel I could lug into the orbit of a Mars-like planet, but experienced some strange bugs, where the ship began spinning wildly without any input - it became un-flyable. This, I believe, is known as the \'Space Kraken\', but I\'ve never had it whilst trying to Sun-dive or Escape the Solar system...?

As for the time warp, it really is needed. However I read somewhere that a \'Click to warp feature\' might be implemented, so you could instantly go to any point in your orbit. :D

Btw, love your videos. ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Not Even close to my 3+ year mission which returned to Kerbin on a retrograde orbit and set a re-entry speed record.

Your Not Scott Manley (szyzyg). You just took credit for someone else's work. Your birthdate says January 1 2011, You joined June 12th.... Your obviously not the legend.

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Your Not Scott Manley (szyzyg). You just took credit for someone else's work. Your birthdate says January 1 2011, You joined June 12th.... Your obviously not the legend.

Do you have proof for that? Don't accuse people of impersonation unless you have solid evidence.

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I'm just going to leave this here, in case anyone has forgotten to read the Forum rules :)

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