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Strangely Recognizable Eve Moons

Whirligig Girl

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Spacedockhttp://spacedock.info/mod/873/Strangely Familiar Eve Moons







These are totally procedural (like, the numbers were picked more-or-less procedurally, not just the PQS terrain) moons based on a work in progress Quick-Asteroid config that I'm working on. It features a sort of randomization based on a polynomial function written in the ModuleManager language.

This was thrown together in just a few minutes. It is presented as-is, and is unlikely to be built on or improved by myself. You can use it for your own projects, as long as you credit me.


License:  88x31.png


Edited by GregroxMun
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  On 8/3/2016 at 1:43 PM, Starslinger999 said:

One question: Could you mae the asteroids more you know, UNIQUE other then same old same old asteroid.

Otherwise, a good idea for a mod.

  On 8/3/2016 at 12:25 AM, GregroxMun said:

It is presented as-is, and is unlikely to be built on or improved by myself.



  On 8/3/2016 at 6:00 AM, drtedastro said:

I am sure it is something that I have setup, but these moons and a lot of my 'other' planets and moons are way toooooo bright.  what do i need to do to get them toned down so that they are not overly contrasted out???




I suspect you're not on the latest version of Kopernicus.

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  • 2 weeks later...
// Color definitions for planets and moons

// Albedo = the light reflected by a planet/moon

// The "name" value is the name of the planet/moon
// It can detect custom ones created by mods too
// ----
// The "color" value is just RGB values, from 0 to 255.
// ----
// The "intensity" value changes the intensity of the albedo effect: 1 is the default value.
// ----
// The "atmosphereAmbient" value changes the intensity of the ambient effect on the low atmosphere.
// ----
// The "groundAmbientOverride" value determines how much of the default ground ambient light
// is overridden by "atmosphereAmbient"
// ----

	name = Sram
	color = 168,111,54
	intensity = 1
	atmosphereAmbient = 1
	groundAmbientOverride = 1
	name = Sunev
	color = 226,225,219
	intensity = 1
	atmosphereAmbient = 0.2
	groundAmbientOverride = 1
	name = Thrae
	color = 180,203,239
	intensity = 1
	atmosphereAmbient = 0.2
	groundAmbientOverride = 1
	name = Yicrem
	color = 112,112,113
	intensity = 1
	atmosphereAmbient = 0.2
	groundAmbientOverride = 1

That would be a planetshine config (might not look right,sorry).

And here's a DOE config:

//Color definitions for planets

//Custom planet mods can add their own color definitions! Just add another .cfg file inside your mod folder (of any name,
//anywhere inside the GameData path), and mirror the format of this document.

//The color value is just RGB values, from 0 to 255. This is the color when 100% saturated (default is 65%, see Settings.cfg).

	name = Sram
	color = 168,111,54
	name = Sunev
	color = 226,225,219
	name = Thrae
	color = 180,203,239
	name = Yicrem
	color = 112,112,113


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