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Engine Clusters in 1.1

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I was just wondering, are engine clusters worth the extra weight compared to single engines? Or is it just less efficient and heavier? Also, if any combination of engines is better than a single, larger engine, what ones? 

So many questions...

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10 minutes ago, Benji13 said:

I was just wondering, are engine clusters worth the extra weight compared to single engines? Or is it just less efficient and heavier? Also, if any combination of engines is better than a single, larger engine, what ones? 

I would go with fewer engines, because engines are heavy. Fewer engines=less weight. Assuming you're using the engines for orbital maneuvers, use fewer engines. TWR doesn't really matter when you're already in space. If you're using them for liftoff, then clustering them is an ok idea. 

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11 hours ago, Benji13 said:

I was just wondering, are engine clusters worth the extra weight compared to single engines? Or is it just less efficient and heavier? Also, if any combination of engines is better than a single, larger engine, what ones? 

So many questions...

Well, most folks use clusters all the time without thinking about it.  This happens every time they use multiple radially attached engines, although they usually do that for purely structural reasons, or to make the ship short and wide, not for any efficiency.  But it's still technically a cluster.

Now, as to real clusters (more or less "inline" under the same tank), there are times when engine clusters are beneficial, like when you don't have a single engine strong enough to lift your heavy payload.  Also, sometimes you can gain some dV by using multiple small engines instead of 1 big one.  In general, it all depends on the design of the rest of the ship whether it's a good idea or not.

Stock engine clusters have the disadvantages of adding parts and being ugly, mostly because you can't cover them with shrouds if the cluster isn't the lowest stage.  But OTOH, stock also has multi-couplers that can be made to look better.

Mods have lots of options when it comes to clusters.  Some have 1-part engine clusters, written up as a collection of small engines.  Because these attach normally and are 1 part, lower stage shrouds cover them normally.  Other mods have specially designed "thrust plates" that let you build your own clusters out of whatever engines you want to use, and then still cover them up with the lower stage's shroud.  I use both of these frequently.

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12 hours ago, Benji13 said:

I was just wondering, are engine clusters worth the extra weight compared to single engines? Or is it just less efficient and heavier? Also, if any combination of engines is better than a single, larger engine, what ones? 

So many questions...

For a first stage, the weight is less important than it is for upper stages. I often find myself using multiple Reliants or Swivels instead of a Skipper. In career mode, this can save you a little bit of money. It's just a pity most of the multi-node adaptors appear so late in the tech tree, by which time money probably doesn't matter.

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11 hours ago, ElWanderer said:

For a first stage, the weight is less important than it is for upper stages. I often find myself using multiple Reliants or Swivels instead of a Skipper. In career mode, this can save you a little bit of money. It's just a pity most of the multi-node adaptors appear so late in the tech tree, by which time money probably doesn't matter.

Nosecones (and, less efficiently, tailcones) are workable substitutes. Generally a good ideal to put one on upside done to close the open node of the part above, though.



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