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Center Of Vessel Request, and reasons why!

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We need a Center Of Vessel,no no, not center of mass, center of VESSEL. takes the height of the craft divides by 2 goes up that much, stores the variable, then repeats for each axis, then puts in the variables so that it shows up in the three dimensional space given. With this specific addition, we could make amazing Vertical Take Off Landers fly but have amazing designs on them, we could make things that were once unbalanced become PERFECTLY balanced by adding more weight on another side. This brings me to my second request, WEIGHTS, these would be used to help balance your vessels. It would also mean that with mods that add hinges and stuff, you could balance something like a mech EASILY, by focusing the center of weight on the center of Vessel. I hope you proceed in adding my request. 

Edited by TheJangleMan
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I mean...I don't see any reason to not have a center of craft display...but I've never really had a problem "guesstimating" where the center of a given craft is via eyeballing it.

As far as dedicated counter weights, how would these be any different than using a fuel tank for instance? Weight is weight. If a craft is unbalanced, shifting fuel around or adding more tanks to one side or another is a simple and effective solution.

Seems like this would be an easy thing to mod in maybe? Perhaps someone out there is more qualified to say.

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5 hours ago, TheJangleMan said:

We need a Center Of Vessel,no no, not center of mass, center of VESSEL. [...] With this specific addition, we could make amazing Vertical Take Off Landers fly but have amazing designs on them, we could make things that were once unbalanced become PERFECTLY balanced by adding more weight on another side.

It escapes me why you couldn't do this using the CoM and CoT displays. Whether a craft is balanced doesn't care about its physical dimensions, only that those two are aligned. What am I missing?

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2 hours ago, SchweinAero said:

It escapes me why you couldn't do this using the CoM and CoT displays. Whether a craft is balanced doesn't care about its physical dimensions, only that those two are aligned. What am I missing?

well, with VTOL's if you want to make it perfectly balanced without decaying over time and needing adjustment by centering the center of mass on the center of vessel and the center of thrust through those two. 

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19 minutes ago, TheJangleMan said:

well, with VTOL's if you want to make it perfectly balanced without decaying over time and needing adjustment by centering the center of mass on the center of vessel and the center of thrust through those two. 

Then use fuel pipes to feed from the outer tanks to the center most one. You can manipulate how the fuel drains.

I'm with the masses; this seems very redundant.

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1 hour ago, TheJangleMan said:

well, with VTOL's if you want to make it perfectly balanced without decaying over time and needing adjustment by centering the center of mass on the center of vessel and the center of thrust through those two. 

Now I get the gist of it. Maybe what you want is a center of fuel mass indicator? Put that inside the overall CoM, and you'll achieve what you describe. The geometric centre is still irrelevant - after all, you can have a vessel with a long antenna to one side and still have most mass and thrust on the main body.

Edited by SchweinAero
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In that case I'd like this in stock myself. But in the meantime, here's a workaround:

  • take note of your vessel's CoM
  • drain all fuel tanks using tweakables
  • observe CoM again and compare
  • move some of your tanks in the direction your CoM just moved
  • repeat until it no longer moves visibly.

I use this method to make stable jump jets.

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