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Craft Naming Megathread

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Are you just like me - too lazy to come up with a decent name for your craft? Are your VAB and SPH folders filled with files named monotonously like "KR-41a" and "XZ-411"? This is the right thread for you!


Post pictures and descriptions of your crafts here and have them named by other forum members!


I'll start with the KS-44/KS-98 piggyback spaceplane configuration

The KS-44 is a light one-man (in the default configuration) spaceplane, based off the X-20 Dyna-Soar but scaled up, desiged for small and medium LKO missions such as minor sattelite deployment or space station service. However, the propulsion stage (which is jettisoned after de-orbit, leaving the spaceplane without any means of propulsion as it is not needed during the reentry and the glide to the landing point) packs a big delta-V, allowing for a Mun flyby. A modified version of the spaceplane could theoretically be used for a Munar landing. Usually, the KS-44 is launched in a piggyback configuration, on the KS-98.

The KS-98 is an unmanned rocket-powered spaceplane carrier - basically a big fuel tank with wings and engines attached to it which is used to propel the spaceplane to hypersonic speeds before releasing it.



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Hey this is kind of a cool idea. And i like that plane. For a name, what about Terga Sucula? That's apparently Piggy Back in Latin. The bottom plane could be Terga, the top Sucula.


And here's my craft. It's a simple electric propeller plane that uses Cubic Octagonal struts as a bearing. A clunky design that occasionally stalls, but it still works. It's been tested and rated for 60m/s on kerbin and 20m/s near the surface of Eve.


Edited by quasarrgames
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the origami glider? the flying blender?  sorry, not great names but those stock propeller planes always remind me of folded paper or a blender's spinning blades.


My "horse with no name" is a double bay lifter that can go to minmus and back with landers (really anything that can fit the length of the bays), 6 kerbals (without using bay space for kerbal hauling) or into just about any kind of circular orbit around kerbin that you could want with lots of fuel to spare.  I've used it to build space stations, comsat networks, haul large ship modules for zero-g assembly;  it has really become my go-to lifter workhorse.  I also put it together long before I figured out the gizmo buttons so it does look clunky but flies rock solid.






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I feel like that should be named CS (Cargo Ship) Loki, or something with a greek god in it.

This is a partially-reusable mothership I use for my Explorer Program missions. I'm currently building another one because of bad conditions in my other one. I've been having trouble coming up with a name for it. This is the ship I am replacing. It will be made completely of the 2.5 m parts instead of having a heavy, bulky nuclear generator.


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