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Der Spiegel reports the ESO may have discovered an Earth like planet around Alpha Centauri.


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This is the same observatory that announced the later 'discredited' Alpha Centauri Bb.  Hopefully there will be an official announcement at the end of August (2016).  Very exciting if true.  I imagine the Project Starshot people will be very happy.



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Yes, let's wait for an independent confirmation. Der Spiegel does everything for the sake of selling their colourful stuff and this thing hasn't been on any scientific page yet.

It's too early to buy a ticket.

And even if it's true: it'll be a rocky planet in the assumed habitable zone like mars and venus and we know there isn't the most of life on these two ...

This is the only other source of the rumour: http://phys.org/news/2016-08-scientists-unveil-earth-like-planet.html I don't know how reliable it is ...

Of course would it be fascinating !

Planets everywhere :-)

Edit: the link i posted just cites the Spiegel, it's the same source.

Editedit: Is this the Spiegel's source: https://palereddot.org ?

Edited by Green Baron
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3 minutes ago, cryogen said:

Spiegel's source is an astronomer who's part of that group (or at least has inside information).


So i've read. Something tells me to hold back the hype :-)

Well, a paper has been submitted by the group.


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We will be watching this space eagerly for future details.  (I've noticed the media really gloms onto the term "Earthlike," not really understanding how really broad a term that is.)

Still, the possibility simply of a planetary system of any kind at Proxima is exciting in and of itself.  That's something that's conceivable to send a fast probe to within a 'reasonable' amount of time, along the lines of stuff the British Interplanetary Society comes up with (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Daedalus ).

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