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How to set fairings?

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First let me say that I have searched the forum's, but something about the search string "airstream protective shell" keeps locking up my POS IE11.

I have had a heck of a time setting up the "airstream protective shells" when in the VAB...sometimes I luck out and others nothing I do makes it the way I want. Here's an example of what I need to do:


I've got the fairing that far up...but I could have sworn that I could add to it to get it all the way to the separator and completely cover the girders and docking ports I'm lifting to my orbital station? Am I mistaken? If so, how would you go about making this aerodynamic?

Edited by strider3
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Procedural fairings are a bit wonky in KSP. Basically, it won't allow you to extend or close a fairing if it *thinks* you have a collision with the cargo, and it doesn't matter whether the collision actually exists or not.


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29 minutes ago, Reactordrone said:

It might not like clipping through the lower separator so you may have to expand the diameter a little before going up and connecting to the upper one.

How do I do that? Or, better yet, what are all the "commands" when setting a fairing?

Thanks again!

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15 minutes ago, Victor3 said:

How do I do that? Or, better yet, what are all the "commands" when setting a fairing?

Thanks again!

Assuming you're on a PC, not a console,

When the fairing is placed, move your mouse away from the part to increase the diameter. The "LMB-place cross section" type will turn green when it's able to be placed. Click left mouse button and move your mouse up to extend the fairing vertically, there will be a height limit so you click on left mouse button again to place the cross section and repeat. Move the cursor back inwards to touch the fairing onto the part you want to close on and the "LMB-close fairing" type will turn pale blue to indicate that you can click to close the fairing. When closing a regular fairing just bring the mouse in to form a point and the "LMB- Close fairing" will turn green.

Edit-Right mouse button removes what you've just done.

Edited by Reactordrone
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1 hour ago, Victor3 said:

There we go, smaller separator worried me...I find they "wobble" when attaching 2 larger diameter pieces with them. I figured out what reactordrone was getting at.

Thanks guys!!

You can always use struts inside the faring to increase stability if you need an narrow part in the middle. Settings like this or around an LV-N  engine. 

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