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Tutorial how to make a cockpit.

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I am starting a new and complete tutorial to get you started with pod/cockpit makeing this is to give you what I have learned from the forums to help you make your very own mod.

This is my first tutorial so please comment if I make a mistake.:)

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Part 1. Blender/equivalent

If you don't have blender don't worry it is free and it comes with a texture programme built in to boot.

I will post pictures and text in a step by step guide to help you make the best possible mod.

Go to www.blender.com

so this is what you start with


Delete the cube (press the Delete key) and put a cylinder and set it to 28 vertices and rotate it 90 degrees like this



now time to save.


now to the standard shape deselect the back vertices.(press c)



the dots (press and hold the mouse wheel) now go to select face buton and shrink it


now extrude region and do the same


so you have the basic shape. So now we can make the windows why not try and make your model unique this is what I have made.

Edited by Gamax19
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1 hour ago, Van Disaster said:

Well, I would assume if someone wants to build an IVA they have basic modelling knowledge/software :) probably enough Unity knowledge to get a part in game too.

We'll some people are not good at unity and may not have any knowledge or skill so this is a way to get that knowledge and skill as far as I am concerned all people who have a idea of what they want to make can do it all they need is some help and advice on how and where to start to realise their dream.

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