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Relative Dimension Aerospace Labs

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"Relative Dimension Aerospace Labs: from the present into the future."

Relative Dimension Aerospace Labs is a partner of the Kerbal Space Center that provides large rockets for heavy lifting of large payloads.   In recent years Relative Dimension Aerospace has turned to providing winged aerospace assets for the purpose of shuttling cargo and crew to and from Kerbin's surface (and in the future interplanetary ships).   The spaceplanes are usually air launched from a reusable winged booster of the AL-X line.  Business partners of Relative Dimension Aerospace Labs include SpaceY Lifters for their high thrust small engines and Porkjet Inc. 

Spaceplane Hanger


Javelin Test Bed and AL-1 Swordfish



     The Javelin was built by Relative Dimension Aerospace Labs to prove to a certain rocket scientist Kerb that it was not suicide to launch a spaceplane from a spaceplane.  This has been proven mostly correct as there is a success rate of over half, and there have been zero fatalities.  The Swordfish is powered by a single J-X4 Whiplash TRJ, and the Javelin is powered by a single 48-7S Spark engine.  After the sub-orbital arc the Mk-16R chute deploys to recover the Javelin.

Action Groups

  1. Toggle TRJ
  2. -10. Empty






 ______ and AL-2 Salmon



_____ and AL-3 Manta



White Lightning and AL-4 Porpoise



     The White Lightning is designed with swapping out of payload compartments between extra fuel, a crew can, or a cargo bay.  The White Lightning is built to shuttle between space stations and ground bases.  The engine of the White Lightning is a Thrustmax 300 from 'Murica Inc.

Action Groups

  1. Empty
  2. Empty
  3. Deploy Cocking Clamps
  4. -10. Empty






Beluga TSTO and AL-5 Megalodon



     The Beluga is an air launched spaceplane that is capable of taking 27 tonnes to orbit.  It was developed by Whovian Aerospace Labs.  It has an internal cockpit with 8 external cameras through RPM.  The Beluga is powered by four J-X4 Whiplash Turbo Ramjets.  The primary propulsion in space are two K1 Kiwi engines on indefinite loan from SpaceY Inc.  The AL-4 Megalodon Launch Vehicle is primarily powered by two K.V. Roe AE-4 Valkyrie Turbo Ramjets.  Rocket Propulsion is provided by 2 M1 Moa SpaceY engines.

Action Groups

  1. Activates all TRJs and shuts down rockets
  2. Activates all rockets and shuts down TRJs
  3. Opens cargo bay and extends docking port
  4. Decouples Megalodon 
  5. Start fuel cells
  6. Stop fuel cells
  7. Unused
  8. Unused
  9. Open hatch and extend ladder
  10. Deploy parachutes

Flight Plan (200km orbiting Space Station Rendezvous) 

  • Take off from KSC Runway
  • Pitch at +10°
  • Once speed starts dropping (18-20km) activate rocket engines and pitch up to +25°
  • Immediately after the Moa engines flame out jettison the booster
  • Continue climb until apoapsis is about 115km
  • Circularize at apoapsis
  • Plot Hohmann Transfer to the space station
  • Perform activities at space station
  • Plot a maneuver that puts the periapsis at 10km above Booster Bay (east of the KSC)
  • For re-entry enable RCS and keep a +25° orientation 
  • Once velocity is ~1000 m/s re-activate the TRJs and maintain velocity and drop at about 5-10 m/s
  • At first sight of the continent KSC is on throttle down and begin a glide to the runway.
  • Flare at the beginning of the runway (Maximum safe sink rate is 10 m/s)
  • Once main gear make contact deploy drogue chute








Vehicle Assembly Building


Duna V Ultra Heavy Lift Vehicle




(working on getting the DLs up

Edited by Whovian41110
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