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The Optimist

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The small, sleek metal probe silently cruised through a hole in the craft's hull. Slowly, delicately, it clamped onto the main computer database. Wordlessly, it downloaded its program into the database, and activated its program



Time: Kerbindate 2622.7

Sojourner Log Database--- Retrieving data

Data recovery program initiate

Defragmenting processes completed- 76% data recoverable




HO>IY*()!JDNM)JKSLJIu890rmL_,'F24lm<(8&nr,1'G['9G['UGB'U'kb'oui0I=01O4R;OUHFJHbJHkokg920unM;:g;JIHFOHAWOHF [Deleting corrupted files]

TxF89iN33b-223-og Entry 001:

Day 001 (Kerbindate 2577.3)

User: Captain Bob Kerman

The Sojourner II has finished orbital construction, and will be finished refueling in 3 to four days. Our mission is a short-term voyage to investigate some sort of gravitational anomaly near Minmus' northern pole, which my higher-ups have deemed worthy of investigating further. As a scientist, I leapt at the chance to make a new discovery, and here we are, on this new ship. My crew of 5 have shown themselves to be competent, if a bit passive-aggressive...

As part of the mission briefing, we were given a list of ship specifications, which I seem to have misplaced. It's definitely enough for our mission though. I mean, at 5 times light speed, getting there'll be a breeze! At least I think it was 5 times light speed... How do you delete log entries again? A little help, Verke?---



-(2) Prototype MP-X Molecular printer

-(4) Type 2 non atmospheric lander

-(1) Mark 24 automated medical station

-(16) T-4 Self contained antimatter reaction cells

-(1) Quantum comms station (Frequency [REDACTED])


-(220) Type 3 S.A.B.T Dehydrated ration. (We've somehow created FTL travel, but sailor's food is still terrible.)

-(3) Emergency medical kit (MK23 trauma kit)

-(4) Level 1 damage repair kit

-(8) OrbiTech Aelon EVA suit





Main Computer Entry 002:

Day 002 (Kerbindate 2577.9)

User: Captain Bob Kerman


After completion of all checks, we have been cleared for Minmus transfer. Warp drive is only partially powered, so we'll be travelling there at a measly 28 km/s instead of our top speed. Still will only take a couple minutes, but whatever. All systems nominal, except for a minor antimatter confinement leak. I mean, 23 antiprotons an hour isn't that bad, right? Definitely with safe limits. All the same, I sent a couple into the reactor to check it out.

Our engineer, Lury, is preparing a scan. We're within 50km of the anomaly, and closing in. Hopefully it's either something interesting (harmlessly of course) or just a sensor glitch. 


Engineering Computer Entry 005:

Day 002 (Kerbindate 2577.96)

User: Lieutenant engineer Genenie


Checks on the magnetic lock assembly have yet to yield results. The containment chambers seem to be functioning fine, but the particles keep... vanishing. I believe it has to be due to interference from the quantum distortion. Getting a scientist here, stand by.


Warp drive computer log:

Power: 0%

Power: 1%

Power: 2%

Power: 4%

Power: 16%

Power: 256%



Engine Antimatter Storage: SENSOR LOST


Core Temperature 54,000,000 K/ 12,000,000K MAX


Travel velocity: 4400 cc (1.2236 seconds)


Location: Correlating nearby signals

Quantum beacon damaged

Identifying location based on astronomical landmarks


Protective Shutdown Engaged

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Engineering Computer Entry 005:

Day 003 (Kerbindate 2578.2

User: Lieutenant engineer Genenie


The ship experienced a complete systems failure 46 minutes ago. It was apparently caused by a massive fluctuation in power from the antimatter reactor, but we don't know why the fluctuation happened in the first place... Most systems are off-line or running at limited capacity, and we're running on the backup fuel cells. Main priority for us is to get one of the undamaged reactors back online. Attempts to send a quantum signal to Kerbin have been unsuccessful, so far, but we have to keep trying. Meanwhile, sensor readings indicate we're in a orbit around some sort of large planet, which leads me to believe sensors have been compromised. We'll get that hypothesis confirmed after we reach the day side... And to think this was just a routine Minmus mission...

Damage Report:

Reactors: 11 disabled, 2 damaged, 2 shut down, 1 destroyed.

Life Support: Air scrubber system functional at 26% capacity, water recovery system at 88% functionality, environmental controls off-line.

Hull integrity: 98%, light damage to micrometeorite shielding.

Gyroscopic turning mechanisms: 44%, electrical shorts detected.

Warp drive: 75% capacity, not enough power to operate

Crew: Minor lacerations and slight electrical shocks on 2 personnel.

Backup rocket motor: 92% capacity

Computer Processing Unit (Main): Offline

Computer Processing Unit (Backup): 100% functionality

Computer database: Inaccessible



A bright blue spark lit up the darkened engineering hall, prompting a burst of cursing. 

"Exotic matter containment vessel compromised" The automated voice said.

"Verke! Multitool! Now!" Genenie said, holding out his hand. Verke, floating by the porthole, did not reply.

"Computer, stop containment vessel repair subroutine Delta-V-13." The computer silently shut down the field, leaving the singed husk of the containment chamber sitting on its pedestal.


Impatiently, Genenie floated across the engineering room to her.

"What's the matter?" he asked. Verke simply motioned towards the window. Genenie floated closer, and looked out. Rubbing more of the condensed moisture off the window, he peered out.


"My god, It's full of stars!"

Verke looked Genenie in the eyes. Quietly, she murmured.

"We're a long way from home, Gene."



"All hands to command room!" the PA blared. The crew silently made their way through the hallways, into the artificial gravity section of the ship. Bob and his science officer Kenski stood up.

"As you probably have already heard, all scans so far indicate we are in orbit around some unknown gas giant. We have also lost communications with the Kerbin system, and are between 60 and 125 light years from home, based on the lack of recognizable stellar signatures. It will take a minimum of 25 years to return to Kerbin, at our top speed of 2.4 times light speed, and that's assuming we're only 60 light years away.

The crew shifted, looking hopeless.

"HOWEVER, as Captain of this vessel, the safety of my crew is my greatest priority. If we are to return home one day, I will need the help of each and every one of you."

Bob continued in a gentler tone. "We have detected a faint quantum signature, consistent with those of a U.S.F.A ship, in orbit of this star's second planet. If they're still,well, alive, they might know how we can return.

"Dismissed." He said with a wave of his hand. "Helmsman, set a course for the second planet."


To be continued...

Edited by The Optimist
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Escape pod log:

Day 001 (Kerbindate 2556.2)




[This is a message from the captain of the P.R.S. Ship Sojourner I. To anybody reading this. Our ship was tangled in a strange spatial anomaly while we were conducting a typical survey of Laythe. Somehow, our warp systems were overloaded, sending us to a distant star system approximately 67 light-years away from our home system. We've lost 7 of our 10 crew, and most systems are down. When our warp drive is repaired, we will set course for the blue giant nearby. Rendezvous at coordinates 177 mark 2-5-8. This message is prerecorded and has been broadcasting for 102 days.]




















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