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Airfield Mass Transit

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Some kerbals wanted to fly to Eeloo, but it was too far away. It was decided to go to see the old parts at the airfield instead.

Design a plane to take as many kerbals as possible to the airfield.


1. No hyperedit 

2. No alt-12ing

3. Jets only! ( This is a PLANE )

4. No command seats

Scoring is as follows

Tons/Kerbals= score



1. Cunjo Carol- .374

2. TheDestroyer111- .526

3.. GoSlash27- .622

4. Zolotiyeruki- .624

5. DualDesertEagle- .674


Dishonorable mentions ( SHAME UPON U)






Edited by W. Kerman
Fixed people's names.
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  On 8/23/2016 at 11:41 AM, Van Disaster said:

No mention of mods? FAR? also generally the compo starter does the first run.


Mods will get a "MOD" tag by their score


( Every mod allowed that isn't cheaty )

  On 8/23/2016 at 6:27 PM, zolotiyeruki said:

The score is tons/kerbals.  Does that mean (mass of plane / #of kerbals), or (mass of fuel used/# of kerbals), or (pick either mass or # of kerbals transported)?  Can you clarify the scoring please?


Mass of plane ( in tons ) / number of onboard kerbals.

Edited by W. Kerman
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Here's my entry:  130 Kerbals, a hair under 88 tons.  Score = 88/130 = 0.6769


Are we allowed non-part mods like MechJeb or Pilot Assistant or KER?

Here's attempt #2.  Same 130 Kerbals, but only 81.126 tons.  Score: 81.126 /130 = 0.624


There's a hard lower limit at 0.5--the highest kerbal-per-ton pod/capsule/etc is the 4-kerbal Mk2 crew pod or the Mk3 16-passenger or the Mk1 passenger compartment, which are all at 2 kerbals/ton.

Edited by zolotiyeruki
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  On 8/24/2016 at 1:19 AM, zolotiyeruki said:

Here's my entry:  130 Kerbals, a hair under 88 tons.  Score = 88/130 = 0.6769


Are we allowed non-part mods like MechJeb or Pilot Assistant or KER?

Here's attempt #2.  Same 130 Kerbals, but only 81.126 tons.  Score: 81.126 /130 = 0.624


There's a hard lower limit at 0.5--the highest kerbal-per-ton pod/capsule/etc is the 4-kerbal Mk2 crew pod or the Mk3 16-passenger or the Mk1 passenger compartment, which are all at 2 kerbals/ton.


The hard limit of the Mk3 passenger module is at 0,40625. The module weighs 6,5t and holds 16 kerbals.

This thing holds 84 kerbals and has an initial weight of 44,2t. This gives me a #1 score of 0,5262.

BTW don't mind that the crew cabins were empty, kerbals inside pressurized cabins weigh nothing (although eva as well as command seat kerbals do have weight). I was too lazy to fill the cabins with passengers.


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  On 8/24/2016 at 7:57 PM, TheDestroyer111 said:


The hard limit of the Mk3 passenger module is at 0,40625. The module weighs 6,5t and holds 16 kerbals.

This thing holds 84 kerbals and has an initial weight of 44,2t. This gives me a #1 score of 0,5262.

BTW don't mind that the crew cabins were empty, kerbals inside pressurized cabins weigh nothing (although eva as well as command seat kerbals do have weight). I was too lazy to fill the cabins with passengers.



Ah, my mistake--I was under the impression that the Mk3 was 8 tons.

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Unfortunately I already made my PC half-way ready for selling and OBS was among the programs that I removed in the process so this time I can only provide screenshots.


Meet my Kerbus K276 (The number is the actual number of seats on the plane altogether (including the 4 in the cockpit):


At 186 tons with 276 kerbals onboard I may not have the best ratio (0.674), but so far I've definitely flown the most kerbals to the island with a single plane.


The pic below shows where all the MK3 Passenger modules (16 seats a piece, 17 modules total) are.



Hard to believe that such a heavy piece of junk can actually leave the ground but it really does!



And it handles like it was controlled with reaction wheels, taking like half a decade to respond to the controls, but it's also pretty stable.



Also, the slot between the 2 lower portions of the fuselage helps with lining the plane up for the final approach.



Almost there...



Touching down after almost a quarter of the runway, the first in 5 attempts where I managed to touch down gently enough to NOT break the main landing gears



And if u really like maltreating ur brakes u can still bring this heap of junk to a halt in front of the old hangars (all brakes at max. torque, still wondering how the landing gears didn't break O_O)



And after I didn't wanna sit through the tedious process of manually disembarking all 276 kerbals I hope this is enough proof that I did actually fill the whole thing up with them



And last but not least, I justify my bad landing skills with big, heavy planes by telling u that I usually build and fly stuff that is just a LIIIIIIIITTLE more agile and responsive


And yes, I DID manage to save that thing, as u can tell by looking at the exhaust trail it's really f**kin' agile!

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With this new information about the Mk3 passenger cabins, here's my entry #3.  31.924 tons / 64 kerbals = .4988


Take out the 295 extra fuel, and you can save another almost 1.5 tons.

EDIT:  Did some tweaking.  Added another passenger compartment, a few other tweaks.  Now 37.28 tons/80 passengers = 0.466


Sure, it looks kinda like a bus, but this is mass transit, right?

Edited by zolotiyeruki
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No command chairs, eh? If you don't mind a bit of cheekiness, I've got a good one. 1.87 tons, 5 Kerbals -> Score = 0.374 .

Later Edit for clarity: There's no command seats, just Kerbals bumping around in service bays!


If, while boarding, the plane ejects you like toast from a toaster please do not be alarmed. This is perfectly normal! ... er... Not safe, per say, but normal.

You may be tempted to jump for joy midflight as you think of how much money you're saving. Please don't! Your body may rupture through the fabric of space-time.

Welcome to your destination! Once landed the autopilot runs out of batt.... uhm, I mean shuts down to be green and save energy! Could you help us push the plane back to the hanger? Please?


Edited by Cunjo Carl
I wasn't making the sense.
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  On 8/25/2016 at 3:39 AM, W. Kerman said:

This is why I made that rule in the first place!


   Oh, in retrospect it might not have been clear from the pictures. There's actually no command seats involved in this anywhere. Just Kerbals chilling in the 1.25m service bays. For what it's worth, it's actually a very difficult way to fly! Phantom forces drag you off course everywhichway but forwards. It was one of the more taxing trips I've done to the airfield, and I've done quite a few!

   I'll take no offense to restating the rules as "Kerbals must be inside a pod or passenger module" or similar, I'm not actually trying to rules lawyer. But, the plane does fit the rules and it was totally amusing, so how could I not? :)

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  On 8/25/2016 at 3:54 AM, Cunjo Carl said:

   Oh, in retrospect it might not have been clear from the pictures. There's actually no command seats involved in this anywhere. Just Kerbals chilling in the 1.25m service bays. For what it's worth, it's actually a very difficult way to fly! Phantom forces drag you off course everywhichway but forwards. It was one of the more taxing trips I've done to the airfield, and I've done quite a few!

   I'll take no offense to restating the rules as "Kerbals must be inside a pod or passenger module" or similar, I'm not actually trying to rules lawyer. But, the plane does fit the rules and it was totally amusing, so how could I not? :)


Oops, I'll move your score, thought you used command seats.

Letter of a the law, huh

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  On 8/25/2016 at 3:56 AM, W. Kerman said:

Letter of a the law, huh


Nah, play it the way you want to see the challenge develop. I'm totally serious about not minding! If colossal passenger planes sound more fun than flying physics loop holes, it's just a little rules tweak to make the guidance, which is a pretty normal occurrence in challenges. Well, regardless of anything, thanks for the challenge! I had fun heaving and hauling that thing off to the island.

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  On 8/23/2016 at 5:42 AM, W. Kerman said:


1. Canjo Carol- .374

2. TheDestroyer111- .526


What the...????? Canjo Carol? No such person even exists, and he's below the hard limit! Something's wrong here!

Oh... I didn't even notice that guy named Cunjo Carl (notice the difference Canjo-Cunjo and Carol-Carl) didn't break the rules because he didn't use command seats. He just got some kerbals into service bays.

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  On 8/25/2016 at 12:34 PM, zolotiyeruki said:

Point of order--Cunjo Carl's craft was *not* 1.87 tons.  The rules don't say that jettisoned parts can be ignored :D  So add back in the mass of those command pods and decouplers, dangit!


I'm gonna try that one again and ferry the Kerbals to their doo... er, transport, with a rover I already have on the pad. And recover the rover. :wink:

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