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Splitting quotes


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Title suggests it all. The FAQ says:

"5. If you have a quote in your post, you can hit enter two times while your cursor is in the appropriate location, and the quote will be split there."

This is flatly untrue. Sometimes it works, oftentimes it doesn't. I'm trying to reply to a 5 point post, and 1 and 2 split as per the above statement, and the rest don't. With forum source as a thing, I could just throw formatting tags in, but instead I'm stuck with a series of annoying choices to try and make it look the way I want.

<EDIT> So I just went back to my window, and hit enter twice, and split them all. Could it possibly care about how quickly you hit enter? tap--tap works, but taptap, or tap-tap doesn't (where the - is some time interval)?

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Hey, thanks for making this thread! I've been wondering how to split quotes for a while, because that has never worked for me. Hopefully we'll get answers.

As a crappy workaround that I'm not suggesting is a solution but will allow you to limp along in the mean-time, I've found that you can hit the quote button, copy the whole quote, including formatting, then strip it out by parts.

Delete everything but the bit you want to respond to, then respond.

Then paste in the whole quote again, delete everything but the bit you now want to respond to, then respond.

Repeat ad finitum.

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Yeah, I usually do this. Sometimes the "hit enter twice" works flawlessly, other times I slam enter 10 times and I just get returns added to the quote, and I feel like throwing my keyboard. 

Seems like an online editor could not possibly care about when the 2 enters happen, but if it does, my guess is that it's looking for a "double click" within a certain time interval, and latency might be to blame. Minus a time constraint, it seems like I should be able to hit enter, go get a cup of coffee, hit enter again, and the quote would be split.

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The trick, as far as I can see, is that the enter that splits a quote must be made on an empty line between two paragraphs. If you are at the end of a paragraph two hits of enter does the trick (one to make the blank line, one to split). If you are splitting a paragraph, you must hit enter twice (once to make a new paragraph, then another to make a blank line), then move the cursor up to that blank line and hit enter again to split.

You can also select text in the posts anywhere on the page and hit the "Quote this" button that appears, only the selected text will be quoted.



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