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Docking Port Problem & Station Keeping Trouble

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Docking Port Problem…

I’m wondering if I’m doing something could cause a docking problem, what I made is group of docking port adapters because I have several mods their different style of docking ports. The Adapter is made of a Mod’s Docking Port mounted to Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port, that way I could use a standard spacecraft to maneuver a Station Module with the mod’s docking ports on it into place.

For example… I’m using a 1.25M Common Berthing Mechanism – Passive (which is much thinner than the Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port) mounted to the Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port, could the inner end (the part that normally be in the ship) of the Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port be blocking the “magnets” on the 1.25M Common Berthing Mechanism from attaching to its mate?

The 1.25M Common Berthing Mechanism – Passive is part of cxg2827’s CxAerospace: Stations Parts Pack v1.2.1 over on SpaceDock.com (Cool Space Station Mod)

So it would look like this…

Tug/Spacecraft/Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port > Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port/ 1.25M Common Berthing Mechanism> 1.25M Common Berthing Mechanism – Active/Station Module


Station Keeping Trouble

Another Problem I’m having is keeping a rocket with its payload (a station module) from drafting away from my space station while I’m undocking my tug & dock to the payload. Is there something I can do to keep the rocket/payload at a set distant from my space station?

When I start the Rocket/Payload is 100 meters away from the station by the time the tug gets the rocket it’s like 300 meters away from the station.



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I cant help with the docking ports question.

As far as station keeping you need to try and keep the relative orbital velocities of the undocked "child" craft and it's mothership as close together as possible.

One way to do this is with a higher orbit.

Another way would be to orient the ships so that the docking ports are pointed towards each other at an angle perpendicular to the oribital pro/retrograde.  This will also help you line up and grab it easier with your tug.

In each case they will still drift apart, just not as quickly.

I'm assuming you are already reducing the relative velocity of the parent/child to 0 m/s after undocking.

300m is really not that far apart.

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